Creating, collecting & recycling textiles & papercrafts. I love preserving the past for the future.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Musical hens

I love my chooks.
I have four and each week they produce roughly 2 dozen eggs.
I line their nesting boxes with shredded vintage sheet music....
just for a bit of fun really.
I love they way they eat our veggie scraps.
I love the way they eat pests in the garden like snails, and cabbage moths.
Thanks for visiting me and my four brown feathered girls today.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Love the Eiffel Tower even though I haven't been there.

Good morning.
I hope there is someone out there reading this...I have not blogged for so long because I cannot load any photos and what a bland blog it would be without photos....right?
This one seems to have snuck through... I took it last week.
I love the Eiffel Tower and have always for as long as I can remember.
I know it's a 'fad' at the moment but not to me.
Anyhow last year my good friend travelled to Europe and UK and whilst in Paris bought this little facsimile for me.
Cute isn't it?
This photo is of a heavy frost 2 years ago.
The weather has been coolish for a couple of months now,
unseasonally so I might add.
This morning it's only 5 celcius which is just above freezing.
Hopefully we'll have a good cold winter here on The Darling Downs, Queensland and plenty of frosts which I know my orange
and mandarin trees will love.
So will we when we are lucky enough to eat their fruit.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Problems with loading pics to my blog

My great-grandmother's sewing machine.
It's a Beirne. Have never seen another one like it.
Some of my vintage handkerchiefs.
Hello all my blog friends.
This is my first post for yonks because I have been un-able to load any pictures to my blog.
Today miraculously I could.
Therefore I didn't have anything cohesive planned to blog about...this was sort of a test and somehow I was allowed to load these 2 pics.
I was informed I had to buy extra space so that I could upload photos etc and when I tried to pay the facility was not operating etc etc so therefore I couldn't pay and hence couldn't upload pics.
What is with Blogger?
It's so random...quite annoying as I haven't blogged for ages and ages and missed it so much.
Anyone else had problems like this?
Any tips?
Have a great day.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Butterfly cake

Isn't she pretty?
This little cake is quite special.
Recently my family had a re-union picnic that I could not attend as I was recovering from spinal surgery.
My aunty is a great cook!
She knows I love her butterfly cakes...
she gave two of the precious little bundles to my mother to freeze for me.
This week my parents came to visit me and Mum brought the little cakes with her.
I LOVE them so much. The cake is light and moist. The mock cream is light and delightfully not too sweet......Bliss!
These little cakes made a huge journey to get to me, starting on the wide bay coast they travelled 165km to the picnic spot, then 175km to my parents house and then 114 to my house.
A journey totalling about 450 km.
They are gone now, I ate them.
Blow the diet!
I stick to it faithfully MOST days but eating these little cakes was pure pleasure and not just because of their deliciousness.
I miss out on so many activities due to being housebound with spinal troubles.
This lovely gesture was so touching.
Thank you Aunty Sue.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Vintage linen and a spring garden

A recently purchased vintage linen with exquisite crocheted edge
is sprucing up the top of my microwave.
I love my eclectic display
and my african violet is so pretty when it flowers
Outside, spring has sprung and our lavender walk is blooming!
This corner of the garden has lavender, shrubs and bearded iris' that all flower in shades of purple
Our pretty climbing pink rose is full of buds and is growing over the arch quite quickly. Hubby now says he wishes he had bought 2 so the arch would be covered quicker. I think it will be complete by the end of summer.
Gordon likes to be photographed I'm sure.
This is his sister Edie, the best mouser in the street.
You would never know they are siblings as they look nothing alike.
Gordon is better friends with our scottish terrier than his sister, as she is a bit of a loner. She does however love my husband and I, just not other animals it would seem.
Thanks for visiting.
Leave me a comment I'd love to hear from you.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Home again after spinal surgery.

So happy to see my little Scotty girl
 after being away from home for so long.
It's so wonderful to be home again, five weeks to the day.
How I have missed being in my own home and seeing my dear hubby and pets.
I had two vertabrae fused with titanium screws
and two new discs and bone grafts.
Last year I had one vertabrae receive the same treatment.
The healing is very different this time.
Less pain but less mobile.
Anyhow I'm hoping for the best and maintain my confidence.
Hopefully I will have less pain, more mobility and more freedom, as I have been mostly housebound for the last 19 years in varying degrees.
I may even be able to do some travel with my DH and hopefully even be able to drive myself around a little or a lot, I'll take either.
Thankyou to all who prayed for me.
I so appreciate it.
You are such gems!!!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Some wedding photos and other nostalgia

My paternal grandmother, aged 18 weeks.
She was born in Rossland, Canada 1919

Here she is aged 4
Bit of snow here...
This is an un-known event to me as I live in Australia.
My grandmother came to Australia on the ship Aorangi with her parents and 3 siblings in 1934.
They thought the depression would not be so hard in Australia.
My great grandfather had been born in Australia and left at about age 18 to see the world, ended up in Canada. Joined the Canadian army during WW1, met his future wife in England, married as soon as the war was over and they went to Canada to live.

My grandmother in Canada
Wonder what happened to the lovely doll and pram?

My grandmother with her father and brother
Just a little bit of snow!

My grandmother and her brother at London Zoo in a Llama Cart

A lovely family portrait of my grandmother (the eldest) and her siblings.
Taken in Mt Isa, Queensland, Australia.
I was talking to my great aunty (youngest one in this photo) and she said my grandmother's dress was full length. Port wine colour over a satin lining. Sounds so pretty, wish it was in colour.

My handsome grandfather
married my grandmother above in 1937

                         My grandparents at Cloudland Ballroom
Brisbane, Queensland

         My grandmother pushing my father in a pram
         with her  mother and little sister, about 1938

My grandmother holding a koala with
her mother pushing my father in pram

My grandparents with my father

Grandma with my Dad
at The Murgon Show

                                    My grandparents during WW2
My Pop was in the Royal Australian Airforce.

My grandmother with my father and his younger brother

Just about the end of WW2
By now my father had a baby sister

                                   My grandparents at a wedding.
Probably in the 1950's

My paternal grandparents standing with my Dad and my maternal grandparents beside my Mum at their wedding.
7th May 1960

                              My grandparents on my wedding day
19th March 1983
Here I am with hubby and both sets of grandparents on our wedding day
This is a comparison photo of my parent's wedding and mine.
I wore my mother's wedding dress.
I am quite a bit taller than my Mum so my hoop was not as big as hers.
I think hers looked much lovlier.
I used her veil as well but not the garland as it was too little for my head
so I had a sort of pill box hat with veil made
and Mum's veil attached at the back.
1960 and 1983
                           My grandparents with me and my daughter
Don't you love my perm? LOL What a blast!!

Grandma at her surprise 70th Birthday Party
pictured with the cake I made her

My grandfather with my daughter at my brother's wedding
I hope you've enjoyed walking down memory lane with me today.
Just love family history and old photos.
Please leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for visiting my blog.