December 11, 2013

Brooks is here!

Brooks Dennis Blodgett was born 11/21/13.
 7 lbs 4 oz 21 inches long 
He is a healthy, happy baby and we love him and all his fun hair!! :) 
Parker loves him so much. It's been an adjustment, but overall, he seems to be fine with baby brother! 

Birth story and more pictures to come! 

November 16, 2013

Our days

Only 2 days till my due date! And I'm still very much pregnant so I thought it was good timing for a blog post to catch up on things before life gets crazy. 
These are our days lately, in no particular order :) 
       Parker loves to dress up! Which I love. You don't have to have daughters to play dress up ;)
      He is turning into such a big boy. Always climbing and jumping off things. Yes, that is a crib tent over his crib- they stopped making them, but I found one on Craigslist and it has saved our lives! Parker loves going to bed in his "tent" at night. Haha. 
Parker loves going to "school" once a week. It's a co-op some moms do and it's great! It gives me a chance to get some things done and gives Parker a little independence! They make a craft every time and this time was an Indian hat. He thinks it's awesome. 

Parker continues to be our sunshine. I think that's normal since he's our only child. But he'll have to share the lime light once baby boy comes! We're hoping he'll adapt well :)

November 4, 2013

Halloween 2013 with my little ducky

Halloween was a lot of fun this year~ 
Parker was old enough to understand that people were actually passing out free candy to him, so that made him more excited, which of course made us more excited. 
(especially since we got to reap the rewards of his hard earned trick-or-treating!)
Parker was a duck this year- mainly because when I saw it in the store and saw how cheap it was, I wanted to get it- and also this is still an age where I can suggest to Parker a costume idea and he'll be excited about it. So a cute little duck he was!
I tried to get creative and made myself a pregnant skeleton t-shirt. 
for the cost to make it + the low maintenance of it, it was the perfect costume for me!

We had to do our traditional Pumpkin Patch costume picture of the 4 boy cousins. 
They were pretty darn cute!!

Here's to Halloween 2013! 
Now I just need to detox from the insane amount of Halloween candy I've been eating! :)

October 1, 2013

From mom or dad??

Here is Parker throwing some brand new tennis balls for my parent's dog, Duncan. He found the balls in their garage and then proceeded to dump them out and was throwing them somewhat haphazardly. (not unusual for him) My mom's a tennis player, so she likes to save the good tennis balls and not let the dog chew on them, or have her grandson lose them in the abyss of ivy. Makes sense. 
When Parker realized that nanna said she wanted to put some of the balls away, look what he did... ALL ON HIS OWN! no ideas from mom...

He threw his body over the balls as a shield from nanna taking them away! Where do they learn these things?? I had never seen him do this! nanna was nice and let him keep some that he was desperately trying to save. When I got home and told Brett about it, he thought Parker totalllllly get's it from me. And I think he get's it from Brett. I guess we'll never know! :)

so much fun

So much fun. Those are the 3 words I would use to describe this age right now. 2 years and 3 months old is so so fun. He's his own little person, but he's still learning and growing and learning so much from us. He's quite the character. 

He's a big "help" at Home Depot

Parker and 2 of his cousins are in a play group once a week, and they always seem to end up together. Whether it's snack time, or play time, they always seem to find each other, it's so cute!

He looks so grown up to me here- I can't believe how big he is. 
 He liked his new shirt I got for him. I guess he likes new clothes too, like mother like son ;)
 we are loving our trampoline! It was a steal on Craigslist! I love that it has a net to keep him safe, and it gives him some independence in the backyard, which he loves. Brett & him are constantly playing on it. I usually have to tell them 100 times to come in for dinner :)
 Some of Parker's favorite days are when we babysit these cute 6 year old twins. They play with him so well, and he feels like such a big boy.

September 5, 2013

This guy...

I need to do a post on Parker and all the things I love about his 26 month old self. He's developing into such a big boy, and I want to document some of the my favorite things so I don't forget!

  • He loooooves his dad. If dad's not home he'll be talking about him, asking about him, playing with his things until he gets home. And when dad does get home, forget about mom- it's dad dad dad until bedtime. 
  • He's smart- Parker catches onto things so quickly. He picks up things so fast, and he loves to learn new things. 
  • He can be extremely stubborn. If he doesn't want to do it- good luck. 
  • He talks NONSTOP. for real. you think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not. From the moment he wakes up to the moment his head lies down for bed, he's talking. It's exhausting. But cute. His recent phrases are, "My try?" if he wants to try something. If we're playing a game, he will say "pretend" and then go on and tell me what he wants to pretend to be. "Going mom?" to ask where we're going. And if I don't answer right away he will get louder and louder. He occasionally says things like "dang it!" if something doesn't go right. we think it's hilarious. 
  • My mom recently made him a super- man cape, which he wears all the time and runs thru the house yelling, "Super man!" and says he's flying. '
  • If you ask him a question and he doesn't know the answer or he can't remember he'll say, "ummm" while he's trying to think about it.
  • He loves his blanky. When he wakes up in the morning and comes in our bed, he brings his blanky and just strokes it while he lays next to us. He says, "it's soft"
  • He will basically try any foods- there is nothing he won't eat except salad. He gags on the lettuce leaves. (hopefully he'll outgrow that!)
  • He always tells us he needs money to buy a "ball hoop" - we're guessing he's thinking of a big basketball hoop- and apparently he thinks he should have one. 
  • we recently got 2 kittens, and had to get rid of them because Parker is horribly allergic! so sad. I need to post a picture of him with the kittens. 
  • He loves water, being naky and he loves cooking with mom. If I'm in the kitchen cooking, he'll come in, push a chair up to the counter while saying, "What 'er you making mom?" it's adorable. He loves to help me cook anything. 
well, that's enough gushing over my baby for one day! :) 

July 22, 2013

23 weeks....

If you haven't heard- we will be adding baby boy #2 to our family November 19th! we are so excited and cannot wait to see Parker as a big brother. He was a little dissapointed, he kept telling us that he wanted a baby sister, but I'm sure once he realizes how much wrestling, kicking and other boy things he can do with this little guy, he'll forgive us ;)  

I'm 23 weeks along and feeling pretty good. I was only sick once or twice in the beginning, but other then that I can't complain. It's fun to feel the baby kick and move now, I forgot what that was like!
It's also been kinda nice how quick this pregnancy is going as compared to when I was pregnant with Parker. Now that I'm chasing him around all day, I don't have as much time to read up on the baby's update every day! :) 
We have had some news that this baby will have some complications- nothing life threatening, but maybe a correctable physical problem- I don't feel like writing all about it now, but I will once we know more. 
Either way, we can't wait to meet this little angel!