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Celebrating tradition: The enchanting Mute Festival of Qixuan village

2023-09-07 15:53

This age-old tradition has persisted for centuries, rooted in local customs and a poignant legend of a mute woman who saved the village from drought and starvation through her sacrifice. Over time, the festival evolved from a simple ancestral ritual into a well-organized celebration.

The cultural seed bank of a civilization

2023-09-01 07:48

At Wenhan Ge (pavilion), the headquarters of the China National Archives of Publications and Culture, visitors can see a number of exhibitions featuring various precious "editions" that carry the gene of the Chinese civilization.

Song lyrics in paintings showcased in Shanghai

2023-08-31 16:31

Familiarity with its cultural soul is the key to understanding a nation, and in China's case that includes exploring and appreciating the poetry and lyrics gifted to the world by its 5,000-year civilization.

'Baduanjin' by yourself

2023-08-31 08:22

Baduanjin helps stretch the body, loosen the joints and tone the muscles, while promoting good circulation.

A harmonious relationship

2023-08-31 08:18

After years out of the limelight, violinist Tang Yun returns to the stage as he embarks on a notable musical journey with his partner, Lin Ziqing.

Building the cultural flow

2023-08-26 10:37

When looking out across the lush forest along the banks of the Grand Canal, three major landmarks will jump into view.

A long walk on the wild side

2023-08-26 10:28

Since my high school years, I've always been encouraged by a line from the prose A Trip to Baochan Mountain by Wang Anshi, a renowned Northern Song period (960-1127) politician and poet.

An international business 'Made in China'

2023-08-23 08:22

"Without the Belt and Road Initiative, I wouldn't have come to China, and I wouldn't have had the opportunity to fulfill my dreams," said Mielnik Maciej Dominik, a 34-year-old Polish man who founded his own international logistics company in Wuhan, the capital city of Central China's Hubei province.

Bodies of work

2023-08-10 07:55

In the theater, crafted by Zhao Xin with light and shadows, time seems to flow backward and dreams become reality, as animal specimens are not only bound by the laws of nature, but have a life of their own.

Guardians of the Great Wall

2023-08-03 10:51

Deep in the Gobi Desert in Northwest China's Gansu province, remnants of the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220) Great Wall stand firm.

Rubbing exhibition shows how delicate skill evolved

2023-07-28 08:51

The rubbing of inscriptions on bronze and stone artifacts has been a simple but effective way to duplicate information for more than two millenniums in China, and a new exhibition at the Shanghai Museum is now showing visitors just how important this craft has been.

Classic love story gets modern twist

2023-07-27 08:39

Audience favorite, Romance of the Western Chamber, set to charm a new generation.

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