Radiolab discovers that repeated speech becomes music. Listen to it in this mp3, it's amazing.
Technorati Tags: music
Edifying exquisite equine entrapments
Technorati Tags: music
The Lifeboat foundation is thinking about future threats. I was struck by this one:
A system that evolves freely is potentially very adaptable and creative. It could also become nearly anything, with consequences ranging from the annoying to the disastrous. It is likely unlimited self-evolution will need to be contained carefully even as we mine it for truly new inventions. The arrows nicely hint at a chaos-star as well as replication.
Somehow this reminded me of danah's exasperation with politics, business, academia and media. The disappointing elites she describes would see self-evolving systems as a threat. I prefer to see them as a promise of something better to come.
This American Life is the best radio documentary series I know of (Suw Charman and Kevin Anderson agree). I heard on the radio today that it is officially becoming a podcast, and their website confirms it. Free for a week, old episodes for 99¢ each.
Subscribe on iTunes or in your feed reader, you won't regret it.
Technorati Tags: interactive radio, iTunes, podcasting
The word "terrorist" itself can be a barrier rather than an aid to understanding. We should try to avoid the term, without attribution. [...] We should use words which specifically describe the perpetrator such as "bomber", "attacker", "gunmen", "kidnapper", "insurgent" or "militant."
Nearly all human beings feel that a thing becomes different if you call it by a different name. Thus when the Spanish civil war broke out the B.B.C. produced the name "Insurgents" for Franco's followers. This covered the fact that they were rebels while making the rebellion sound respectable.
Technorati Tags: creative commons, digital rights, Open Rights Group, ORG
Now YouTube has Google backing, they can stop making us watch Flash video. Everyone who cares about video quality, from Hollywood, to the BitTorrent-using TV bootleggers use mpeg4. Everyone who doesn't uses Flash.
I've pointed out before how Apple screwed things up, but it is still fixable. Heres my 5 point plan.
After all we deserve better than having to put up with Flash video.
Technorati Tags: Apple, DRM, formats, Google, iPod, Live TV is Dead, movie, pirate, podcasting, QuickTime, video, YouTube
An interview with Terry Gilliam about Good Omens (really, if someone would just give Terry $65,000,000 he could get going. Do you have $65,000,000 you don't need? Check your pockets. Maybe it's in a drawer somewhere. No? Look harder.).
Technorati Tags: hReview, microformats, web 2.0
Technorati Tags: digital rights, ethics, geo
The glaring omission in that report is of course podcasts, which have shown huge growth, and have been part of the iPod and iTunes experience for over a year now.On average, the study reports, only 5% of the music on an iPod will be bought from online music stores. The rest will be from CDs the owner of an MP3 player already has or tracks they have downloaded from file-sharing sites.
The report warned against simple characterisations of the music-buying public that divide people into those that pay and those that pirate.
Even though I got $250 of credit on the iTunes Music store from ValleyWag, we have been reluctant to spend it, compared to buying CDs from Amazon. The need to burn your own CDs after purchase (to be sure that the tracks don't vaporize next time you have disk trouble) is a significant extra burden, driven by the DRM. Apple's sync-back from iPods to computers in the new iTunes is a step in the right direction, but a more sensible policy towards failed or deleted downloads is long overdue - failed TV show downloads, and purchases lost through disk failure meet with shrugs from Apple.
From Apple's point of view, the iTunes store is a small part of their business - the bulk of the money passing through it goes straight to the rights-holders or in payment processing or bandwidth costs, while they make far more revenue and profit on the iPods themselves. Overall this is a good thing - if Apple were really beholden to the labels and studios for significant revenue, then online culture would be in worse trouble. As it is, Apple's neutrality means that they are happy to encourage podcasters to show up in their listings, as more media means more iPod sales.
Technorati Tags: audio, iPod, iTunes, podcasting, video
lilo is the executive director of Peer-Directed Projects Center in Houston, Texas & he's another boring cooperativist propertarian Peircean pragmatist anarchist & he runs freenode ( & certainly hasn't been getting more sleep lately & is working on freenode-registry in Ruby & blogs on & & also uses the nick 'somegeek' & passed away Sep 16th, 2006 (RIP)
Technorati Tags: BBC, culture, Douglas Adams, Hyperland, hyperlinks, Live TV is Dead, movie, video
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