Here are some things that happened in October:
(There are actually about 8 or so other blog posts before this that I back dated for October)
Conner really likes to point now
This is how I bring them out of their room sometimes after nap time
Conner's crazy hair
Emma in her sweet shades making a face
Emma climbing up the whole flight of stairs for the first time!
Katie reading a story to Emma
This is one of Conner and Emma's favorite toys (which doesn't make sense to me). They also like to play peek-a-boo with it too (also doesn't make any sense). Funny kids.
Making another face
Hanging out with her dad
Playing with the toys at Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's
This is how I found Emma one day during her nap. Looks comfortable huh.
Emma showing where her tummy is
Reading a book together
Getting food all over his face and in his hair
Chewing on her oxygen tubes
Getting into the diaper wipes
This was the morning after we finally put pictures up on the wall and Emma checking them out
We almost don't have to dust off our t.v. stand because the kids are always touching it.
Emma and her Halloween pumpkin
Emma and Conner in the ball pit at therapy
Going in to check on him and noticed something was missing on him. . . .
Her hair is getting longer!
Emma getting into the diaper wipes and looking innocent
Emma wearing a dress that I wore when I was a baby. I was going to try and find a picture and do a side by side but I didn't want to look through all of my pictures that are somewhere in the house.