Sunday, April 29, 2018


After Conner's game we got lunch and headed up to Idaho. It was Emily's Senior Prom. I had never gone up for one of her formals (I don't think) and she asked if I was going to come up (a while ago) so we decided to. I didn't really do much because I'm obviously not a hair or make-up person. Stacey did her hair and tia helped a little bit and I just watched. It was fun just hanging out and talking. After she was ready we all went outside and took some pictures really quick (because it was windy).

Emily and her date and her group

After her date came and got her we hung out and the kids played and then Stacey and her kids left. Later in the night Emma, Sadie, and Brooke took a bath together. They had a lot of fun playing together in the tub and throughout the day too. It was pretty cute. Eventually we all went to bed.

On Sunday we went to my parents' ward. Conner and Emma did pretty good but we didn't even try to make Owen go to Nursery so Owen and Eric and I just hung out in the hall and skipped the last 2 hours of church. After church we ate "lunch" and then headed home.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

C & E Soccer Game

I went straight to Emma's game from camp and I made it just in time. She did really good. I am so proud of how far she has come! She still doesn't kick the ball a ton but she runs along with the other girls.

Conner's game was at noon. He did pretty good too. They tried to set him up to score a goal but he doesn't have very good ball control. Oh well. We/they tried.

Laurel Camp

This weekend was Laurel/Priest Camp. I was the only leader from our ward that could stay the night. It ended up being a lot of fun. I only ended up taking two pictures the whole time. We played ga-ga ball. Weird, but fun game. After that we had dinner, BBQ pork, salads, chips, It was pretty good. While we were eating in the lodge, the speaker (Ogden mission president), thought I was one of the girls. It made my day! After dinner the speaker spoke, It was pretty good. Next the groups that we were previously divided in were divided in half. Half went and did escape rooms at different camps and the other groups stayed in the lodge and played games. It was actually pretty fun. After the first group came back, we switched activities. The escape room was pretty challenging but pretty fun. After we were done with that we came back to the lodge and kicked the boys out to their lodge and got ready for bead. I ended up going to bed around 1am.

I had to leave early on Saturday because Conner and Emma each had a soccer game. I left about 8am. But before that I had scarfed down breakfast (bagel and cream cheese and chocolate milk) and headed to Emma's game.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

C & E Monthiversary

They're another month older today.

- Came home from school one day and said the a boy from school said that she was his girlfriend

- Him and Emma said they'll eat whatever Grandma Peterson makes


Visiting 'Aulani

Today we went and visited 'Aulani. We usually go because Emma wants to go and see her. The sprinklers were on for a few minutes so the ground was a little wet. I kept Owen in the van for most of it, watching a movie, while I took the ribbon off her tree. I for got how LONG it was! So it took a while taking it off. Conner and Emma just wandered around gathering and throwing things. I got a pretty branch with dark pink flowers and put it on her spot. It was a nice little visit.

Trying to get a picture of all of us

Giving her a kiss goodbye

The branch of flowers

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Idaho, Grandma Stander Funeral

We went up to Idaho this weekend. We came up Thursday night and stayed at my parents'.

On Friday was Eric's Grandma Stander's funeral. She was 91 and had 100 great grandchildren! The viewing was first at 10 and then the funeral was at 11. It was really good. All of her kids (6) spoke and said some stories about her. She was a pretty neat lady. After the funeral, we came back to the church and had the luncheon. It was roast beef (Conner even ate some!) and a bunch of different types of salad. Someone even made homemade mac and cheese, which was nice so Emma actually ate something. They also had a bunch of different kinds of funeral potatoes that Conner ate too. Emma picked where we sat which was by the dessert table. It had a bunch of different kinds of cakes and cookies she was pretty excited about that. It was fun talking to Eric's siblings while we ate. After the funeral we went to Eric's parents' for a little bit and then went back to my parents' and hung out the rest of the night.

Conner loves this shark costume.

We were able to do a fire in the fire pit. The kids had fun throwing sticks/wood on the fire.

Owen exploring outside

Trying to get the shark costume on Owen

Emma trying it on

On Saturday, Eric took Conner and Emma to his parents' place to help his dad with something. While he was there, i took Owen and went with my parents to Matt's football scrimmage. We thought it started at noon but actually started at 11. Oh well. So we just saw the second half. Matt had some pretty good catches. After the scrimmage, we came back to my parents' and I took a nap. Later I went with my mom to Nicolle's bridal shower at her parents' place. It was a lot of fun. After the shower, Eric picked me up from there and we went home.