Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Here's some pictures from this past month

Owen "hiding"

It was crazy hair day at preschool. I only had enough energy to fix his hair and luckily, we had blue hairspray.

'Aulani's daffodils are starting to poke through the ground

I made sourdough bread

Our neighbors were getting cement work done and Owen had a blast watching them and making new friends.

The clouds looked pretty cool

Superhero day at school

He's the cutest sleeper

Rolling his thumbs

"Hiding" again

St Patrick's Day

Just dressing up

He'll tell me to wait every once in a while. It's so funny!

Watching TV

They learned about butterflies at school. His teacher said he held it for a second.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Celebrating with 'Aulani

Today we went and celebrated 'Aulani's part of the triplet's birthday. Just like most years, it was windh outside so we had to do the candles inside.

We let each of the kids open one of her presents.

We didn't stay too long because of the wind.

The sky tonight was amazing!!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

C&E 10th Birthday

Today was Conner and Emma's 10th Birthday!! As always they are bittersweet. This one a little more because  it's 10. A decade. It was pretty low-key/simple since I wasn't feeling top notch. Their cakes were pretty simple. I had made the cakes a few days prior and froze them, to make it easier. 
Last night, while the kids were sleeping, Eric and I blew up a bunch of balloons and put them in their rooms.
They had school so we didn't do much during the day. I didn't even start decorating the cakes until they came home.
Here are their cakes:
For Conner, we just did a stack of brownies. It was super easy!

Emma and 'Aulani's were semi-naked cakes with flowers on top. They turned out pretty good. Emma's was white cake.

And 'Aulani's was chocolate
All 3 together!
All of the presents!

They couldn't wait to open them so we let them open them as soon as Eric got home

For dinner we got to eat at Pizza Pie Cafe

Emma got this pillow from my mom and she finished it pretty quick.

We didn't do the candles until after we got back from dinner.