Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Higher-Level versus Higher-Order Abstraction

Engineering in general, and software engineering in particular, is all about abstraction. The creation and utilization of abstractions is a core part of the daily activities of every good engineer, and many engineers are on a never ending quest to increase their level of abstraction. Abstraction both increases productivity and increases the complexity of problems that can be tackled. Few would argue that increased abstraction is a bad thing.

But people do argue about abstraction, and often condemn abstractions that they view as unfit or too complex. It is common to hear a software developer praise the merits of one means of abstraction and then demean another in the same breath. Some abstractions are too general. Some aren't general enough. Some are simply too complex or, ironically, too abstract. So while engineers almost universally agree that abstraction is good, and more abstraction is better; they often disagree fiercely about what genuinely constitutes "better."

What is an abstraction?

Simply put, an abstraction is something that hides the details involved in realizing a concept, and thus frees the engineer to focus on the problem at hand rather than the details of some other concern. This can take many, many forms. The simplest and most common, so common that the term is often used to describe almost all "good" abstractions, is higher-level abstractions.

Higher-level Abstractions

Higher-level abstractions are fairly simple: they encapsulate details so that they can be used without knowledge or concern about the details. Let's consider a simple example in Scala 2.8 (you can copy and paste these examples directly into the Scala 2.8 REPL):

scala> def sum(data: Array[Double]): Double = {
     |   var i = 0
     |   var total = 0.0 
     |   while(i  def mean(data: Array[Double]): Double = sum(data) / data.length

So we have two functions: one that computes the sum of an array of doubles, and one that computes the mean. Pretty much any programmer (professional or otherwise) would feel confident both writing and using such functions. They are written in a modern multi-paradigm programming language yet I bet if you went back in time and showed them to programmers in some of the very first high-level languages they would recognize exactly what they do. They clearly encapsulate the details of performing certain computations. But what's more interesting about them is what's missing from them:

  1. Polymorphism
  2. Closures or first-class functions
  3. Usage or creation of higher-order functions
  4. Other Scala magic such as type classes and implicit parameters

In other words, they provide a simple, layered, hierarchical abstraction in a very bounded way. If we step away from software for a minute, you can imagine a digital designer placing a symbol for an adder or a register on a schematic without worrying about the arrangement of transistors that will be required to realize them in an actual circuit, or a mechanical engineer selecting a standard screw or clamp. These are parts that can be simply built, tested, and composed into larger devices.

Higher-Order Abstraction Take 1: The Mathematics of Fruit

Imagine I have some apples. But unfortunately I'm here, off in the internet, show I can't show them to you. I need an abstraction to tell you about them. For example, I could say I have two apples. Two is a number, and numbers are abstractions. I can use the same number two to describe the number of McIntoshes in my refrigerator or the number of Apple Macintoshes I own. Now let's say I also want to talk about my strawberries and blueberries. I have 16 strawberries and 100 blueberries. How many pieces of fruit do I have? 118! How did I figure that out? I used arithmetic, which is an abstraction of higher order than numbers. How let's say I want to know how many days it will be before I will have eaten all my strawberries. I can write an equation such as: current_fruit - pieces_per_day * number_of_days = fruit_after_number_of_days. I can do even more with this by solving for different variables. This is algebra, and it is a higher-order abstraction than arithmetic. Now let's say I want to build upon that so that I can study the dynamics of the amount of fruit in my refrigerator. I purchase fruit and put it in my refrigerator. I take fruit out and eat it. I forget about fruit and it gets moldy, the I remove it and throw it away. I can capture all of these as a system of differential equations, and using calculus describe all sorts of things about my fruit at any given point in time. Calculus is a higher-order abstraction that algebra. In fact, abstractions similar to the ones built with calculus are what I mean when I say "higher-order abstraction."

At each step up the chain of mathematics both the generality and number of concepts that can be conveyed by a single abstraction increased. In the case of calculus it becomes essentially infinite, and that's the essence of higher-order abstractions: they deal with the infinite or near-infinite. Also, observe that almost everyone from relatively small children on up understand numbers and arithmetic, most adolescents and adults can stumble through applying algebra, and only a very small portion of the population knows anything about calculus, much less can effectively apply it. Also observe that the functions I defined earlier are just below algebra in terms of their order of abstraction.

Higher-Order Abstraction Take 2: Programming in Scala

Let's see if we can sprinkle some higher-order abstraction into our previously defined functions:

scala> def sum(data: Traversable[Double]) = data.foldLeft(0.0)(_ + _)

This definition of sum exposes one higher-order abstraction (polymorphism - it now can use any Traversable[Double] instead of just an Array[Double]), and it uses higher-order functions in its implementation to perform the summation. This new definition is both much shorter and much more general, but it's still relatively approachable, especially for use. Calling it with an Array[Double] works as before, and now it can be used with any number of collections, so long as the collections contain doubles. But forcing the collections to contain doubles is very limiting, so let's see if we can do better:

scala> def sum[T](data: Traversable[T])(implicit n: Numeric[T]): T = {                                  
     |   import n._
     |   data.foldLeft(zero)(_ + _)
     | }

Ahhh, that's better! Much more general. Not only will this work for any numeric type defined in the Scala standard library, but for any numeric type for which the Numeric type class has been defined! It doesn't even need to be in the same class hierarchy! In order to introduce this new level of generality, we've also introduced the following higher-order abstractions:

  1. Classic polymorphism (Traversable instead of Array)
  2. Parametric polymorphism (the type parameter T for various classes)
  3. Higher-order functions and closures (foldLeft and it's argument that does addition)
  4. Type classes (well, Scala's flavor of type classes, e.g. Numeric)

Now, this is the point where people start screaming that abstraction has gone too far. Many professional programmers would look at it and think "WTF?" They could still guess what it does, but the mechanics are quite elusive for anyone that doesn't know Scala reasonably well. That being said, the code is still far more compact than the original imperative version and is extremely general (to which someone replies "Yes, but it's slow a heck compared to the original!"). At this point I would say the order of abstraction has went from being just below algebra to being on par with integral calculus. Just like with mathematics, we see a significant drop off in the number of people who readily understand it.

Higher-Order Abstraction Take 3: Conclusions

Let's consider a short, incomplete list of higher-order abstractions, means of abstraction, and fields that rely upon higher-order abstractions:

  1. Higher-order functions
  2. Polymorphism and parametric polymorphism
  3. Metaclasses such as in Python and Smalltalk
  4. Rich macros such as in Lisp or C++ Templates
  5. Calculus and all the mathematics built upon it (and various other forms of advanced math)
  6. First-order Logic and its kin, and all the higher-order logics
  7. Any physics or other sciences that are built upon calculus
  8. Any engineering or other applications that are built upon physics

Higher-order abstractions tend to exhibit one or more of the following traits:

  1. They deal in infinities (e.g. integration and differentiation in calculus, universal and existential quantification in first-order logic, polymorphism and type classes in programming)
  2. They deal in transformations (e.g. integration and differentiation in calculus, metaclasses and macros in programming)
  3. They rely upon composition rules (e.g. chain rule and integration by parts in calculus, higher-order functions in programming)
  4. Learning to use any given form of higher-order abstraction requires significant effort and discipline, therefore they tend to be the tools of specialists
  5. They form the foundation of our modern, technological society.

The last two can be converted into conclusions:

  1. Higher-order abstractions are critical for most interesting forms of science and technology
  2. You can't expect a colleague or customer from another field to understand the higher-order abstractions in your field, even if his own field is totally immersed in higher-order abstraction

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Windows 7 Upgrade (so far)

A few weeks ago my wife's Lenovo laptop caught a really nasty virus. Symantec antivirus couldn't clean it up. But I had recovery media (although it was Vista instead of XP), so I used Knoppix to low-level the HD and flashed an updated BIOS (I've had previous experience with viruses that could be stopped via nothing less). Unfortunately the restore media didn't work...it would boot up, think a while, and the reboot. I also tried a XP install using an old XP disk I had laying around, but the XP installer doesn't get along with the new SATA controller in the laptop, so it BSODs. Working around this problem seems to require creating a special driver disk, which seems to require Windows, which creates a problem because all I have are Leopard (about 2 crashes in almost 3 years, a no viruses, versus what seems like a plague on my wife's laptop every 6 months), and Knoppix. So, being a person who value's his time more than his money, I went out and bought a Windows 7 Professional upgrade. All the Microsoft related blogs assured me this would work, and indeed I have a working install the went almost a smooth as butter. The "almost" is the activation process. I have yet to successfully activate. Going into this my assumption was I would have to call Microsoft in order to activate. What I didn't realize is that their human systems don't seem any smarter than their automated systems. So first I called the phone number that Microsoft's support website told me to call. Several layers deep this told me to call a special activation line. I want to commend Microsoft at this point for avoiding such advanced technology as call transfers. You really can't trust technology that's decades old. It's better to let people transfer themselves. So I call the line, and speak to a very friendly automated system. It's asking me for my "installation id," but there isn't one. There isn't one because the computer is connected to the internet, and some genius decided that if one has the internet one would never use the phone system, which would normally be true if some brilliant licensing policy maker hadn't decided that the only way to activate a "clean install" is via the phone system. Anyway, the nice automated system transfers me to a human being. Guess what the human asks me for? An installation id. I tell him I don't have one. I read the various things on my screen to him. He then asks if I am connected to the internet. I say yes. He tells me to disconnect. I disconnect and start over, ultimately ending up in the same place with no installation ID. The support person gives up and tells me I have a deep technical problem, which will require technical support, not activation support (I'm now imaging myself setting up a conference call with tech support, activation support, and the nice automated system lady). Tech support is of course only a US working hours affair, not a Saturday evening affair. It turns out the automated support guy just wasn't persistent enough. After hanging up, I reboot the computer and try again without internet. It appears to get me to the same place, except when I hit the magic "next" button, instead of receiving a message telling me that my product key is not valid, I receive an installation ID and am told to call the activation line (which is a 3rd phone number, but gets me to the same place as the first). I want to take a moment to point out some huge flaws here:

  1. The automated system just assumed I would have an installation ID, and had no explanation of how I was supposed to obtain one or why I might not see one, while the activation software is explicitly designed to not provide one to someone connected to the internet
  2. The human being had a vague idea that being connected to the internet was a problem, although he didn't realize it until repeating his requests half a dozen times, and even though he had a vague idea how to induce Windows 7 into providing one, he didn't actually know and gave up quickly
  3. About 2 minutes would of poking after 30 minutes of bouncing around on the phone rewarded me with an installation id
Ok, so let's try again. This time I provide the installation id to the automated system, and the automated system informs me that it is invalid, and sends me to another human being. After 5 or 10 minutes the human being informs me that I need to have a Microsoft OS already installed in order to use an upgrade, and that I cannot use a clean install. He says it is impossible that Windows XP would refuse to install, and thinks it's completely reasonable that I would install one OS just to install another. I rant at him for a few minutes about how my product packaging says nothing about not being able to do a clean install (in fact, it's the only way to upgrade from XP according to the included instructions, although maybe it does some magic if the installer reformats the HD instead of the user already doing it). Anyway, I explain this all to him while trying to remain calm. He puts me on hold. Then when he comes back he tells me that he gave me wrong information because a server is down, and that I need to call back in 30 minutes when the server is up. So I did that. This time after I read my installation ID to the support person, which he told me was invalid. He told me to exit activation and enter my product key again. I dutifully did this, then he put me on hold while he waited for my product key to come up. This of course would never happen, because I wasn't connected to the internet, and it fact cannot obtain an installation id when connected to the internet. After a few minutes on hold, I was transfered to Microsoft technical support, which of course was closed. So let's recap so far:
  1. None of the Microsoft activation people or systems know what you need to do in order to obtain an installation id, all of them expect you to just have one
  2. In order to obtain an installation id, as far as I can tell you can't be connected to the internet (certain options only appear if you are not connected)
  3. Some support people seem to assume that you are connected to the internet, even though the information they request will never come up if you are not connected to the internet
  4. Support people will transfer you to a line that will not answer without even telling you that you are being transfered
  5. That line seems to only be open during US business hours, which would mean they seem to assume that either you professionally support Microsoft products or are unemployed.
If I can't make this work tomorrow, I think I'm going to obtain an updated version of MS Office for my Mac and give it to my wife, then just install Ubuntu on her laptop.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Changing Tastes

When I was a kid, I hated onions, green peppers, and mushrooms. I used to tell people I was allergic to mushrooms so they wouldn't try to make me eat them. I hated any sort of chunky sauce or really textured meat. I think I wanted everything to have either the consistency of a chicken nugget or ketchup. My parents used to tell me that when I was older my tastes would change. That I liked crappy food, disliked good food, and eventually I would realize it. They were right.

So kids like chicken nuggets and ketchup. Wow, huge revelation. What does this have to do with technology? I'm on the steering committee for an internal conference on software engineering that my employer is holding. I'm the most junior person on the committee, and most of the members are managers who have more managers reporting to them. Our technical program committee (separate, more technical people on it, but all very senior) just finished abstract selection and we've been discussing topics and candidates for a panel discussion. During this process I have been absolutely shocked by how my tastes differ from those of my colleagues.

I've noticed that within the presentations selected topics on process, architecture, and management are over-represented. On the other side, many of the abstracts that I thought were very good and deeply technical fell below the line. I can't quite say there was a bias towards "high level" topics, because I think they were over-represented in the submissions. Given the diversity of technology that's almost inevitable. A guy doing embedded signal processing and a guy doing enterprise systems would most likely submit very different technical abstracts, but ones on management or process could be identical. It's almost inevitable that topics that are common across specialties will have more submissions.

There's a similar story with the panel discussion. I wanted a narrower technical topic, preferably one that is a little controversial so panelists and maybe even the audience can engage in debate. My colleagues were more concerned with who is going to be on the panel than what they would talk about, and keeping the topic broad enough to give the panelists freedom.

What's clear is that my colleagues clearly have different tastes in presentation content than me. I think they are genuinely trying to compose the best conference they can, and using their own experiences and preferences as a guide. I think their choices have been reasonable and well intentioned. I just disagree with many of them. If I had been the TPC chair, I would have explicitly biased the selection criteria towards deeper, technical topics. Those are the topics I would attend, even if they are outside my area of expertise. I would use my preferences as a guide. But that leaves me wondering, in another five years or ten years are my tastes going change? My tastes have certainly changed over the past decade, so I have no reason to believe they won't change over the next. Will I prefer process over technology and architecture over implementation? Will I stop thinking "show me the code!" and "show me the scalability benchmarks!" when see a bunch of boxes with lines between them? I don't think so, but only time will tell. When I was a kid, I would have never believed that I would ever willingly eat raw fish, much less enjoy it, but today I do.

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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Your Company's App

Tim Bray just posted a blog about how Enterprise IT is doing it wrong.  I can't really argue with that. He goes on to explain that Enterprise IT needs to learn from those companies building Web 2.0, because they deliver more functionality in less time and for a whole lot less money. This is where his argument breaks down. The problem is the type of Enterprise Systems he's talking about aren't Twitter, they're your company's app.

I work at a pretty big, stodgy, conservative company. I'm pretty sure, as far as things like ERP and PLM are concerned, my employer is exactly the type of company Tim is talking about, and like I said - he's probably right about the problem. But based on my own experiences and observations at my one lonely company, I think he's wrong in his suggestions. Comparing ERP and Facebook is like comparing apples and Apple Jacks.

The reason I think this is that in terms of deploying Enterprise 2.0 applications I think my employer has done fairly well. We have...

...and probably more stuff that I'm not aware of yet. Some of the above were bought, some were built, some were cobbled together with stuff from a variety of sources. I think most of them were built and deployed, at least initially, for costs about as competitive as possible with Web 2.0 startups and in reasonable timeframes. Of course, this means intranet scale at a Fortune 100 company (or in some cases a subset of it), not successful internet scale.

The problems the above face is much like the problem your typical startup faces: attracting users, keeping investors (sponsors) happy, dealing with the occasional onslaught of visitors after some publicity. But these problems are very different from the problems a traditional Enterprise Application faces. There is SOX compliance. There are no entrenched stakeholders. There are no legacy systems, or if there are they aren't that important. If only 10% of the potential user community actually uses the application, it's a glowing success. Negligible adoption can be accepted for extended periods while the culture adjusts, because the carrying cost of such applications is low.

But enterprise systems needs to deal with SOX. They have more entrenched stakeholders than you can count. These days there's always at least one legacy system, and often several due to disparate business units and acquisitions. If these systems fail, business stops, people don't get paid, or the financials are wrong. If only 90% of your buyers use your ERP systems to process purchase orders, it's an abject failure and possibly endangering the company.

A year or two ago someone "discovered" that a very common, important record in one of our internal systems had 44 (or something like that) required fields, and decided that this was ridiculous. A team was formed to streamline the processes associated with this record by reducing the number of fields. A detailed process audit was conducted. It turned out that every single one of them played a critical role in a downstream process. All the fields remained, and some old timers smiled knowingly.

As many humorless commenters pointed out on Eric Burke's blog, your company's app is your company's app for a reason, and often it's a good reason. These applications aren't complicated because of the technology. Internet applications are complex due to extrinsic forces - the sheer number of users and quantity of data that can deluge the application at any given moment. Enterprise systems tend to be the opposite. Their complexity is intrinsic due to the complexity of the diverse processes the support. The technology complexity (most of which is accidental) is secondary. Tim's suggestions provide a means of addressing technological complexity, and of building green field non-business critical applications in the face of uncertain requirements. They don't provide a means for dealing with critical systems laden with stakeholders, politics, and legacy.

I think the solution, or at least part of the solution, to the problem with enterprise systems lies in removing much of the functionality from them. There are things that must be right all of them time, but most of business (and engineering, etc) exists on a much fuzzier plane. The problem comes from coupling the precise (e.g. general ledger) with the imprecise (e.g. CM on an early stage design), and thus subjecting the imprecise to overly burdensome controls and restrictions. Only after this separation has been carefully implemented can functionality evolve in an agile fashion.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pondering Actor Design Trades

There's been a lot of discussion of the Scala actors library lately, much of it critical, and a recent flurry of alternate implementations.  The alternate implementations (except my languishing state-based one ;-) all have one thing in common:  They are several orders of magnitude simpler.  Writing a basic actor implementation is actually pretty trivial, especially given java.util.concurrent classes that provide a decent chunk of the functionality in Scala actors, all for free on JDK5+.  So this begs the question few questions:

  1. Why is the standard Scala actor implementation so complex when others have done it in a such simpler fashion?
  2. Is it better to have one, big actor library that supports a wide variety of use cases, or a bunch of smaller ones targeted at specific niches and programming styles?
  3. If there are to be a bunch, should they just be conceptually similar (e.g. all based on the actor model), or should there be interoperability among them?

I'm not going to answer these questions now.  Instead, I'm going to try to start laying out some of what I believe to be the key characteristics of an actor implementation, and how they detract or enforce one another.  So here it goes:

  1. Guarantees
  2. Expressivity
  3. Extensibility
  4. Performance
  5. Scalability


The purpose of a concurrency framework is to make concurrency easier.  Concurrency is hard largely because it is extremely difficult to reason about, and thus concurrent code tends to be hard to write, laden with bugs, and subject to various odd pitfalls.  By providing various guarantees, a concurrency framework makes it easier to reason about concurrent code.  Actors are intended to free the programmer from worrying about things like locks, semaphores, thread management, etc. by encapsulating all that complexity behind a simple interface, assuming the programmer follows some basic rules like "no shared mutable state among actors."

The problem with guarantees is that in they tend to break down in the presence of limited CPU and memory resources.


Expressivity is difficult to define.  For purposes here, I'm going to define it as the degree to which a concise, natural expression of the programmer's intent is supported, and illustrate it by comparing Scala Actor to Lift Actor.  Scala Actors allow you to execute logic independent of message processing (note: this a violation of the theoretical model for actors) by simply placing it in the act method.  Lift Actors, on the other hand, are only triggered when they receive of message (this is consistent with the theoretical model).  For example, this makes it so that Scala Actors can do things such as perform possibly costly setup operations in their own thread before they start listening for messages.  In order to accomplish this in the Lift model, the programmer must create the actor and then send it some sort of "init" message.  The same effect can be achieved with both implementations, but it is more naturally supported by Scala Actors.  Of course there is a tradeoff here, as deviating from the theoretical model potentially weakens any guarantees that the model may provide.  The Scala Actor way also implies that an Actor has an explicit lifecycle, which as we'll see later has other significant implications.

Another example is what I'll call the "nested react pattern."  It is relatively common to want an actor to take on a different behavior after processing a message, thus altering which messages are ignored and how the received messages are processed.

loop {
 react {
    case 'foo => { 
      // do some stuff...
      react {
        case 'bar => // do some other stuff... 

The code above alternates between processing 'foo messages and 'bar messages.  This can be done with Lift Actor as well, but the expression is a little less natural:

class MyActor extends LiftActor {
  private val fooMode: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
    case 'foo => {
      // do some stuff
      mode = barMode
  private val barMode: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
    case 'bar => {
      // do some other stuff...
      mode = fooMode
  private var mode = fooMode
  protected def messageHandler = mode

Finally, Lift Actors exclusively use an event-based model and have no support for blocking on a thread while waiting for a message, and thus looses the ability to express patterns such as the following:

loop {
  react {
    case 'converToNumber => {
      val i: Int = receive {
        case 'one => 1
        case 'two => 2
        case 'three => 3


For purposes here, I'm going to use "extensible" to mean that a piece of software is extensible if capabilities can be added without modifying the core or breaking its semantics in a amount of effort proportional to the size of the extension.  This is narrower than the traditional definition of extensibility, which also covers the ability of a system to evolve internally.  A good example of extensibility is the ability of both Scala Actors and Lift Actors to allow the user to specify a custom scheduler.  Other examples could include adding control structures, using a different data structure for a mailbox.

The challenge with extensibility is that in order to enable it, what could otherwise be treated as the internal bits of the library must instead have well defined interfaces for components along with appropriate hooks for inserting them.  For example, a while ago I did some work to make the MessageQueue used for the mailbox overrideable (it has temporarily been overcome-by-events due to other changes).  This is a small example, but it shows how extensibility requires a greater degree of forethought.

Extensibility also benefits substantially from simplicity.  Scala Actors are almost impossible to extend from outside the scala.actors package because of their heavy reliance on package-private methods and state (mostly fixed here, but I broke remote actors in the process so no patch yet).  Lift Actors, on the other hand, are very extensible, at least within the bounds of their design (purely event-based actors with no explicit lifecyle).  Many of the flow control mechanisms could be implemented on top of the baseline approach.

At this point we see that extensibility has an interesting relationship with expressivity.  I previously claimed that Scala Actors were more expressive because the wide variety of control structures they provide (and I didn't even touch on some of the DSL-like functionality that enables all sorts of interesting things).  However, given Lift Actors far simpler and more extensible foundation, there is much more opportunity to create custom control structures as extensions to Lift Actors without modifying the core.  Thus, if you are willing to do some lower-level programming, it could be argued that Lift Actors are in reality more expressive due to their extensibility.

Performance and Scalability

For purposes here, I'm going to treat performance as the rate a which an actor can receive and process messages at a relatively small, fixed number of simultaneous actors.   This means that improving performance in largely a matter of reducing the time it takes from when a message is initially sent to when user-code within the actor begins processing the message, including minimizing any pause between when an actor finishes processing one message and is available to start processing the next.  For moderate numbers of actors, performance is often maximized by having one thread per actor, and having the actor block while waiting for a message.  Given enough actors, the memory requirements of using a thread for each actor will eventually cause more slowdown than cost of scheduling a new reaction for each message.  This is illustrated in Philipp Haller's paper, "Actors that Unify Threads and Events" in the following graph:

Note that the above graph covers a microbenchmark running a simple, non-memory intensive task, and that the thread line is not a measurement of thread-bound actors, but rather of a simple threaded implementation.  However, my own benchmarking has shown that receive-based (ones that block on a thread) compare to event-based actors in almost the same way as threads to event-based actors in the above graph.  Also, remember that given a real application where heap space is needed for things besides the stacks of thousands of threads the point where the JVM throws an OutOfMemoryError will be much farther to the left.  There are also more subtle issues.  One of my first experiences with the Scala Actors library was creating a deadlock.  I created more thread-bound actors than the scheduler wanted to create threads, and thus actors were stuck blocking on threads waiting for messages from an actor that hadn't started yet because there were no available threads.  In other words, blocking can lead to situations such as deadlock, starvation, and simply extreme forms of unfairness with respect to how much CPU time is allocated each actor.  These all go against highly desirable guarantees that a actor library should provide outside of extreme circumstances.

Ultimately event-based actors make the better model.  For one, part of the reason why event-based Scala Actors are so expensive is that they suspend by throwing an exception to return control from user code to the library.  While exceptions have been heavily optimized in the JVM, especially in recent versions, they are still substantially slower than normal return paths.  Scala Actors need to use exceptions to suspend is a consequence of their expressivity.  Basically, because the library as little or no knowledge of what an actor is doing within a reaction, it cannot rely on traditional returns without introducing special control structures (see reactWhile numbers in one of my previous blogs).  Lift Actors, on the other hand, have do not need to use exceptions for control flow because the message processing cycle is essentially fixed - user code cannot intersperse weird (or even not-so-weird) patterns within it, or mix in blocking receives with event-based ones.  Another potential optimization of event-based actors is to have them block if there are plenty of threads available, and then release it if the thread they are on is needed by the scheduler.  To my knowledge this optimization is not implemented anywhere, but I think it would be relatively straight forward.  The only problem is that the actor becomes more tightly bound to its scheduler.

Parting Thoughts

Ultimately, time and community willing, I'd like to evolve what is here, plus solid treatment of a lot of lower-level details, into a Scala Improvement Document (SID).  There are a lot of subtle trades involved, and I think producing a general-purpose actors library is at least an order-of-magnitude more difficult than producing a special-purpose one.  I also believe that if an actor implementation is part of the standard library, then it should provide the necessary extension points for when users need something special-purpose they can create it and still leverage components of the standard library and interoperate with other actors.  In order words, I think it should define both the interface portion of an API along with providing a solid implementation.  I don't think we'll even get their without a clear and common understanding of the various considerations involved.

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