January through April- Evan traveled about 3 weeks of every month while I figured out being a single person again.
April- We owed the IRS money
May- Celebrated my birthday, had a surprise at the Grand America for the night
June- Ragnar, broke my foot
July- Attended numerous RSL games with our season tickets
August- Had weddings to attend and Lake Powell. Hike Mt. Timp
September- Headed to Mexico
October- Celebrated the big 27 for Evan's birthday
November- Evan started traveling for literally the whole month
I ran Vegas Ragnar
Went to Oregon for Thanksgiving with my family
December- RAMP exploded in sales and production
Christmas and New Years
On paper, it doesn't look that busy. But I swear every weekend we were out doing something. 2012 treated us very well. We learned to save and pay off debt. I can finally say we are down to one car loan and that is all the debt we owe (well besides our house). But being 26 and only having one car loan, and no credit cards I'm pretty proud of ourselves. We are looking forward to this year of being able to move into a single family home, not being attached to neighbors, and having a yard and garage. It even sounds dreamy. I haven't had a garage ever since I started driving. I'm not familiar with the feeling of getting up into a WARM car. I think the day that happens I might cry tears of happiness. RAMP everyday is getting bigger and bigger. Since I handle all the customer service I talk to people constantly about ordering our skis and having them stocked in various businesses. It's a very exciting time to be in a start up watching your hard work pay off. Also having such an incredible boss. Working here is like a little family, we all support each other and it's so nice to have such an amazing boss like Mike. He said he was paying for our anniversary dinner as a gift. Now who can say their boss does that for them?!?!?! Like I said our boss is hands down AMAZING.
With the New Year, I do like to set resolutions. Unfortunately I'm TERRIBLE at keeping them. As Evan put it I go in phases of things I'm passionate about. It's never new things, they just go in phases. Like running, I haven't been in a month and a half (Kerry I'm slacking), and that's nuts! Just seeing that written down has floored me. So I do need to keep up on that. I was going to try to eat less meat. We unfortunately watched a documentary on being vegan, and the way they treat animals in slaughter houses just breaks my heart. Evan and I are those people trying to pick up the stray animals (we literally did do this, after a movie we were running around after this little kitty that was so little and cold, but after half an hour we did give up. It clearly didn't want to be caught). I hate seeing bad treatment of animals. So knowing the food I'm eating this is how the animals are being treated just digusts me. Maybe I'll be vegetarian or maybe I will opt for organic/kosher meat the environments and treatment are better on those. It is a huge issue for me, and eating too much meat honestly isn't good for you. There is a reason the US is the most unhealthy. Also exercising our dogs more. They are kept inside all day, which I think they prefer, but Torre is an Australian Shepherd and they are the most active dogs out there. That is high on my list of resolutions as well. Overall I think resolutions are hard to keep, because it is a lifestyle change. But hopefully these stick!