Wednesday, February 27, 2008

FLANNERY O'CONNOR THING TOMORROW NIGHT IN D.C.: I can't go, but thought some of you all might be interested:
Subject: Flannery O'Connor Presentation

Crossroads and the John Paul II Cultural Center are glad to invite you to a discussion on the work of Flannery O'Connor with PAUL ELIE on Thursday, February 28th at 6:30 pm at the John Paul II Cultural Center, 3900 Harewood Road NE, Washington, DC. Opening remarks by Dana Gioia, NEA Chair.

The Event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will

This is the third appointment in our "Pursuit of Happiness in Literature" series, which began on November 13th with "We are Such Stuff as Dreams are Made Of," a discussion of Shakespeare's sonnets with NEA Chair Dana Gioia and a presentation on Jack Kerouac led by Kevin Starr.

Coming up: "Gatsby and the Green Light," a discussion of the work of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

To know more about this initiative and for directions, visit
But no matter how similar the clothes of men and women may appear, or how different, the arrangements of each are always being made with respect to the other. Male and female clothing, taken together, illustrates what people wish the relation between men and women to be, besides indicating the separate peace each sex is making with fashion or custom at any given time. Without looking at what men are wearing, it's impossible to understand women's clothes, and vice versa. The history of dress, including its current history, so far has to be perceived as a duet for men and women performing on the same stage. There may come a time when sexuality is not visualized in clothing as rightly divided into two main categories, but so far it still is.
--Sex and Suits, mostly for the second sentence

Monday, February 25, 2008

THE RUINED LIBRARY. Stunning. Via Ross Douthat, I think.

(And reminded me of my two-a.m. idea for a bumper sticker--"I'll be post-Christian in the post-apocalypse".... But then, a lot of things remind me of that bumper sticker.)
AFF MARRIAGE ROUNDTABLE PODCAST: Me, Jamie Alan Aycock, James Poulos, and Jonathan Rauch, on "Is Marriage Outdated?" The Cigarette Smoking Blogger picks out probably the most interesting thing I said (I was very scatterbrained) here....
Nature, of course, ordains that human beings be completed by clothing, not left bare in their own insufficient skins.
--Anne Hollander, Sex and Suits: The Evolution of Modern Dress (recommended by Manolo for the Men)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

MOUTH WRITING CHECKS: I have unproductive insomnia and a lot of work-reading to do, so I'm not sure I can slap anything substantive up here until the weekend. But! at some point in the very near future, I should have posts on: Sexual Personae (and squid), "The Reagan Horror Picture Show," alienation fetish, and maybe authorial intent if I can think of a fourth point that's cooler than the three I've got now. And, of course, whatever else staggers (and swears) over the mental threshold.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

HOLYWOOD: Barbara Nicolosi writes:
Act One Summer Programs--Applications Now Being Accepted!
Summer Screenwriting Program: The Act One Screenwriting Program trains talented Christians for careers as mainstream film and television writers. The program takes place in the heart of the Hollywood entertainment industry with intensive classroom instruction and mentoring from a world-class faculty of over 50 top-notch TV and movie writers, agents and producers. Among those you will learn from include Hollywood pros like Dean Batali (That 70s Show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Scott Derrickson (The Exorcism of Emily Rose), Monica Macer (Lost, Prison Break), Bill Marsilii (Deja Vu) and David McFadzean (Home Improvement, What Women Want).

"Act One helps the Christian writer overcome the temptation to ignore or
oversimplify the arduous task of integrating faith and creativity. It provides not only a serious investigation into the art and craft of screenwriting, but also a challenge to think deeply about content."
- Scott Derrickson, writer/director, The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Act One Summer Screenwriting Program
July 11 - August 4, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Program Dates and Applications
Applications available at:
Deadline: March 13, 2008 by 5:00 pm
The Summer Entertainment Executive Program: In partnership with Pepperdine University's Graziadio School of Business & Management, Act One operates a rigorous 12-week training and internship program to prepare Christian entrepreneurs, attorneys, corporate executives and MBA's for executive careers in mainstream entertainment. Our elite faculty includes Hollywood professionals from the top networks, studios, agencies and production companies, including: Producers Ralph Winter (Fantastic Four, X-Men), Steve McEveety (The Passion of the Christ, Braveheart) & Howard Kazanjian (Raiders of the Lost Ark); TV Executive Producers Dean Batali (That 70's Show) & John Tinker (Boston Public, NCIS); Studio, Network and Agency Executives Jocelyn Diaz (Development Exec, ABC) & Terry Botwick (President, Vanguard Animation and Film; former Senior VP at CBS); Chuck Slocum (Assistant Executive Director, WGA West); Exhibitor Michael Pade (Executive VP, Regal Cinemas); Christian scholars Dallas Willard (The Divine Conspiracy) & Larry Poland (Master Media International); and many more.

Act One Executive Program 2008
June 5 - August 22, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Applications available at:
Deadline: March 14, 2008 by 12:00 pm
For more information visit
SAME GOOGLE, DIFFERENT WORLDS: Search requests which led viewers to this blog.

without a kazoo
Freaky state quarters
find something that is bizarre
biological control of week by fugees, bacteri
Jk rowling’s cleavage
what significant contributions did the jews make
sermon illustrations Daffy duck
carnival of souls lesbian [OM NOM NOM NOM!!!]
Donna Tartt Rene Girard
art vs children [Whoa, I actually kind of wrote about this.]
painting of pope cooking sauce
cruel chinese woman squid
the character og iago [“From this time forth, Og never will speak word.”] metro slime sea clone human DNA
I will never go to graduate school
persuasive writing spare me for turkey dinner william shakespeare
how far can you go without being gay [Schenectady.]
historical shark
chicken cacciaguida recipe
cayenne effect on dreams
spiritual meaning of artichoke
how do I become someone else
jesus painted on a saw blade
hack tushnet
theology of the body david bowie [An album title to beat "Confessions on a Dance Floor"!]
Exposit pizza
satisfying fattiness yummy
Society holds trials for the same reason that Shakespeare had comic relief in Macbeth. So try to make everyone laugh. Pleading innocent is usually the best way to do this.
--PJ O'Rourke, Modern Manners

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

MORE TORTURE LINKS. Religious Coalition Against Torture.

Stop Torture.

ACLU site.

My old series of posts on the subject. (Start there and scroll down.)

And if you have a senator, call today. I'm sorry I didn't see that earlier. Via Mark Shea and Stop Torture.
"THEOLOGY OF THE BODY IN PAIN." I review The Body in Pain, and talk about torture more generally, for Inside Catholic.
Beauty is an encroachment upon autonomy.
--Sexual Personae

Thursday, February 07, 2008

"REPEAT THE SOUNDING JOY": I have a piece on repetitive prayer, in the newly-relaunched Godspy!
Romantic imagination faced evil without the organized certitudes of church and state. The power to punish was taken over by the self. Hence the nineteenth-century abundance of daemonic epiphanies of the double. The self ambushes, harasses, flails itself.
--Sexual Personae

Monday, January 28, 2008

I LIVE IN A CONDO: And other children's educational classics, from a world where white people are portrayed like American Indians....
YOU CAN HAVE TWO WIVES IN THE ARMY, BUT ONE'S TOO MANY FOR ME: I'll be on a panel on "Is Marriage Outdated?", this February 12. Details:

AFF DC February Roundtable: Is Marriage Outdated?
The America's Future Foundation will hold its monthly roundtable on Tuesday, February 12th. In the spirit of Valentines Day, we will consider the question of marriage. Is it outdated? Or, should we care about preserving the institution now more than ever?

Joining us will be James Polous, Eve Tushnet, and Jonathan Rauch, author of Gay Marriage: Why It Is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America. Also joining us will be Jamie Alan Aycock, a lawyer in Washington, D.C. and recent author of "Contracting out of the Culture Wars: How the Law Should Enforce and Communities of Faith Should Encourage More Enduring Marital Commitments" (PDF) in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.

The event will take place at the Fund for American Studies, 1706 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, near Dupont Circle. Drinks at 6:30; Roundtable begins at 7:00. Roundtables are free for members, $5 for non-members. So join today! Please RSVP to Cindy Cerquitella at
Eve adds: I'm not sure yet what I want to talk about (and whether I can be sufficiently non-pomo), so if you have ideas or want to yell at me or whatever, feel free to email. More details as I know them....
BOOK MEME: I think I've done this before? But I was tagged, so here goes:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people. [I'm skipping this part. Y'all consider yourselves tagged, or not, as you prefer....]

Elaine Scarry, The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World:
That the war deaths occurred on behalf of a terrain in which pianos could be played and bicycles could be pedalled, where schools would each day be entered by restrained and extravagantly gesturing children alike, must be indicated by appending the direction of motive, "for my country," since the deaths themselves are the unmaking of the embodied terrain of pianos and bicycles, classmates, comrades, and schools.

For My Country. Thus "to kill and to die"--or in the idiom that embraces both simultaneously, "to hurt" (to hurt within one's own body; to hurt an opponent's body) or "to alter body tissue"--are alike in having no interior referent and, if they are to have one, requiring a separate specification. But precisely because there is nothing "interior" that itself stipulates and in doing so limits its referent, the act of "dying" or "killing" can be lifted away and coupled with a different referent.

Cheery! Aren't you glad you asked??
[Decadence] operaticizes by overliteralizing.
--Sexual Personae

Saturday, January 26, 2008

MY SISTER on a FindLaw piece about fanfiction, in which she was quoted. Her reaction to the piece is pretty similar to my own, though much more knowledgeable!
...[T]he fact that Hilden can’t tell we’re already in the nightmare world suggests something about how scary we ought to find it.

(not legally relevant, but possibly interesting: me on fanfiction)