Thursday, March 15, 2012

What Men Say About Your Lisptick Color

Most women like to wear lipstick because it adds color, protection and beauty to the lips. There are many varieties of lipstick available in the market. But don’t you know that men have something to say about the colors of your lipstick and what does it mean to them?

Classic Red - It means “that’s a look-at-me color”. It also an “I-want-attention kind of color.  That is why when you’re at the bar looking for some people to meet it can work as a beacon to catch attention to men.

Hot Pink – It’s more punk, rock star, adventurous. It says you’re not afraid of a little bit of rock ‘n’ roll.

Dark Purple/burgundy – It implies that she is not afraid to take risks, that she is edgy and could be challenging in a good way but not that she has a dark side but it implies that she is different.

Neutral – When you wear lipstick with the same color of your skin, you look like a corpse, it’s upsetting.

Bright Orange – It makes men think that she’s got a spicy personality and is probably a lot of fun. It gives a very confident outlook, not afraid to try something that’s different.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Your Handshake Determines Your Health Condition

A new research finds that simple handshake gesture could determine the health condition of a person like if you want to know if you have the risk for dementia and stroke. Surprisingly, the firmness in your handshake not only shows the sign of confidence, according to doctors it may be a barometer of your health too. The researchers conducted to 2,500 men and women in which they presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 64th Annual Meeting and linked the risk of dementia and stroke to how strong their handshakes were at the beginning of the study. If you have a stronger grip it was associated with a 42% lower risk of stroke in people over age 65 compared with other study participants with flimsier grasps. What does it mean? And what’s the connection? According to Dr. Erica Camargo of the Boston Medical Center that vascular problems in the brain manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways. The suspicion is that if your grip is particularly weak, it could be a sign that your overall cardiovascular health isn’t in the best shape.

Friday, March 2, 2012

How to Ptotect Yourself From Flu Virus

It’s been a week already that I experienced dry coughing, cold sweats, sore throat, muscle pain and light fever which I suspected to be an influenza or flu. So I decided to have checked by a doctor and she diagnosed it as flu. Flu is a respiratory illness that is caused by a virus. It is highly contagious and is usually spread by the coughs and sneezes of a person who is infected. You can catch up flu by touching an infected person through shaking of hands. For adults it can be contagious one day before getting symptoms and up to seven days after becoming ill which means that you can spread the flu virus before you even know you are infected. Below are the symptoms of influenza.
1.      high temperature
2.      cold sweats (shivers)
3.      headache
4.      aching joints, aching limbs
5.      fatigue
6.      gastro intestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
These symptoms may linger for about a week. The feeling of tiredness and gloom can continue for several weeks. If you don’t take the right precautions, most probably you will catch the flu virus. Getting vaccinated could be the best defense in order to be protected. Other way to fight flu virus is to strengthen your immune system by eating healthy foods, exercising at least four days in a week and sleeping for at least 8 hours a night. And also, wash your hands with warm water and soap every time you shake hands or touch a surface that may be contaminated with flu virus. That is why you always carry an alcohol based sanitizer, and don’t touch your mouth, eyes or nose without washing your hands first.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Lack of Sleep May Get You Fatter

Sleep is one of the most important activities that our body needs. Sleepless nights don’t just mess up your mood during the next day but it also has effect of your body. Sleep deficiency can cause many people to pack extra pounds. There are several reasons why lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, says Michael Breus a sleep disorder specialist. He said that when we get too little shut-eye, our metabolism slows down to conserve energy. That slowdown will trigger the release of the hormone called cortisol which is responsible for the increase in appetite. Our mind thinks that we need more energy that is why it asks for more food. When we are lack of sleep it also causes our body to release more ghrelin, another kind of hormone that signals hunger and less leptin, the hormone that tells the stomach that it’s full. When that’s happen, the body wants more food and lacks the sensitivity to know when to stop eating. Another contributing factor for weight gain is that the body burns the most calories during REM sleep, the restful phase of sleep, therefore when we have less time in sleep it means less time in REM.
Therefore, we should try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. If you have trouble sleeping, you follow the following steps: Stick to a nightly routine, exercise during the day, banish worries, and keep pre-bedtime activities relaxing.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Minimizing the Signs of Skin Aging

As we grow older, our body also changes which is commonly called as aging. For humans aging refers to the multidimensional process of physical, psychological and social change. That is why science keeps on discovering products to delay the process of aging. But we know that there’s nothing we can do to stop aging, as we get older, simultaneously the signs of wear and tear will also appear on your skin which usually start at the age of 30. Though we know that we’ll eventually grow old doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t take care of ourselves. We can still look younger than our age by knowing the causes and signs of aging and how to prevent these to happen.
Below are some of the signs of aging and some suggestions on how to minimize their occurrence.
1.      Sagging skin on your chin, jawline and neck. You probably notice that as you age you’ll notice that everything in your body seems to be sagging. Your chins become jowls, jawlines become loose and the corners of your mouth become tired out or it can be cause by a drastic weight loss over a short period of time. But these problems can be minimized by eating a balanced diet. One of the things that break down elastin and collagen in the skin are the free radicals. Therefore reach for food high in antioxidants like mangoes, green and leafy vegetables.
2.      Crows feet. These are the lines that come from the muscle when we close our eyes. Those lines causes lateral folds in the corner of the eyes to appear which eventually become permanent as we age because our skin loses its elasticity. So to prevent this to happen always apply sunscreen with an SPF of no lower than 15 or wear a good pair of sunglasses that keeps off UV rays.
3.      Fine lines and wrinkles. These can be caused by internal factors such as the breaking down of elastin and collagen in our body by free radicals, and can also be caused by external factors such as constant sun exposure, pollution etc. what we can do to prevent this to happen is to apply sunblock everyday or use moisturizer with SPF even on rainy or cloudy outside. Most important avoid going out in the sun between 11:00 am to 1:00 in the afternoon.
4.      Dry, dull skin. As we aged our estrogen level also drop, which causes the skin to become more delicate. Another thing also is that we lose sweat and oil glands which is responsible in producing natural moisturizers for the skin. That is why we notice that we have dry skin in our lower legs, elbows and forearms which dry out first. Says Dr. Yu. In order to keep our skin to a minimum level we should use soap bar with moisturizer. Keep a bottle of hand lotion on your bag, so you can moisturize right after washing your hands. Also avoid taking hot baths because hot water can seriously dry out the skin. The best time to hydrate your skin is after bathing.
5.      Spider Veins. These are veins that seem to be creeping along the surface of the skin usually at the back of our knees. It has valves that act as a one way flap t prevent the backward motion of the blood as the blood goes toward the heart. And when the valves become weak, it causes the back-flow and pooling of blood in the veins. So to prevent this to happen, avoid standing or sitting for a long period of time, since this causes your veins to work harder in pumping blood towards your heart. Another way is to elevate your legs for a few minutes everyday to help the blood flow back to your heart.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stress Soothing Foods

Stress is the emotional and physical way of responding pressure. It can affect both mental and physical conditions. Stress is already part of our life as it gives spice and excitement of our day to day living but if it gets out of control it may harm to our health, relationships and the opportunity to enjoy life. That is why we need to control it. Some foods can be of great help to soothe our stress. Below are some of the foods that we can easily grab and eaten when we are feeling stress.

1. Avocado – The flesh of this fruit is loaded with two powerful stress fighters which are the potassium and monounsaturated fatty acids. These nutrients can lower blood pressure and helps ward off depression.

2. Black Tea – Drinking black tea may help the person recover from nerve-racking events more quickly and gives a relaxing effect after a stressful task. It can also help increase alertness throughout the day.

3. Fish – It contains Omega-3 fatty acids an essential fat that help moderate stress hormones and protect against depression.

4. Dark Chocolate – Eating dark chocolate can help reduce the stress hormone in people who ate dark chocolate often. Since it has a “not so good for you fat, sugar and calories” it is suggested to eat a few small squares a day just to relieve the stress feeling.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Walgreens Prescription Savings Club

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

“Health is wealth as the saying goes”. That is why it is very important to take care of our health. Spending so much on medicines can be a big burden especially when you don’t have enough money. So, investing for our health is a good idea wherein you don’t have to worry if you need to buy medicines for the sick family members. There are pharmaceutical companies who are offering some special discount on annual membership for prescription medicines. One of which is Walgreens. They called it Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens. They offer a family membership for only $10 a year that covers everyone in the immediate family which includes the spouse, dependents age 22 and younger and even pets. Individual can also join for an annual membership fee of $5. every member will enjoy the following benefits which includes the discounted prices on prescription medicines, savings on more than 8,000 brand name and all generic medications, discounts on flu shots, pet prescriptions, nebulizers and diabetic supplies and they also give special bonuses when you purchase Walgreens brand products and photofinishing services. You can follow them on Walgreens on Twitter and like their facebook page  Walgreens on Facebook. Save for your health now.

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