Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Say "Wynn" Team Boneca ADO Traveling Doll Project

Recap:  Art Dolls Only Traveling Doll Project direct from the ADP/TDP page:

"This project is a collaboration of artists, all working individually on a group doll. This year we have 26 members participating that have been split into 7 teams.

Each doll will take a journey...starting and ending in the same place with a whole new look and story. A journal will travel with each doll that will tell the story from the start, middle, and the end of the dolls adventure."

Finally!  I finished my part on Bari's doll "Wynn" for Team Boneca (please read previous post on Team Puppe and "Rayne" as I am also a part of that team).  Wynn had so many possibilities!  The name "Wynn" as Bari stated was like "Pat" - you know, from Saturday Night Live?  The doll could be either/or -- male or female.  Wynn was more like a beautiful sculpture than a "doll".  Long neckline, strong hands and the face was aged but you could see the past "life" of what could have been for Wynn.  What to do with Wynn?  She moved from living room to dining room for over a week before a decision was made.  My husband said that Wynn looked like Mr. Hoggett from the movie "Babe".  That was such a wonderful movie - you must see if you haven't.  OK - so that is where Wynn began and well, it kinda got crazy!

Here is how Wynn arrived (pictured with "Rayne"):
The story begins here...

Folks who live in small towns out in the country can have lives as complex (sometimes more) than those who live in the big cities.  Same hustle and bustle – just a different kind.  Instead of hustling for money (like those Wall Street feller’s) they’re hustling the cattle, thrashing the wheat, feeding the pigs, chickens and hogs trying to scratch out a living for their families. Wynn is one of those complex folks who live in one of those small, country towns.  Nobody knows too much about Wynn.  Keeps to herself mostly but you can always get a glimpse of Wynn every Tuesday.  Don’t really know why it is every Tuesday but that seems to be the day Wynn has picked for her “ritual” as the towns folk call it.  Same time of day, too:  2PM.  Another one of those mysteries about Wynn I have yet to decipher.
Wynn is always dressed in the same ‘ol hat and never without the scarf she wears around her neck, (some call it a “rag”).   Heard through the local librarian she checks out the same book whenever she stops in, “Emma” by Jane Austen.   Keeps it for months at time and the pages are tattered something awful.  The librarian says it has “stains” on some of the pages – like someone had poured a "bucket of tears" on it.  Wynn always manages to pay the late fees; librarian says she’s gonna order a new copy with all the fees she gets from Wynn.   Another thing I noticed if I get a real close look (which isn’t often) is Wynn always has what looks like a letter in the front pocket of them worn-out overalls she’s always wearin’.  Post Master says he never knew Wynn to ever stop in to mail anything.
Wynn heads out to the same spot way up on the hill that overlooks the cemetery.  It’s ‘sho ‘nuff a pretty site, looking down over all the flowers that intermingle with the tall grass.  Looks ‘specially nice when there is a gentle breeze blowin’ – just enough to feel it run lightly through your hair (if you’re lucky enough to have hair – not like us ‘ol geezers) but Wynn always had beautiful, flowing, golden hair.  Some say she was a real beauty from what they could remember.  Now, she just looks tired, worn and sad…very sad.  In addition to her favorite book, Wynn always carries a blanket to her favorite spot.  I guess so she can stretch out and relax while she is up on that hill.  Ask me, looks like a baby blanket of some sort and bulky, like somethin’ is wrapped up in it . The colors look to have been quite stunning before they got all faded.  I guess it is kinda like Wynn.

Now hold on to your breeches -- across town lives a feller and his name also happens to be Wynn!  I know, hard to believe but in this place, “Wynn” happens to be one of those names that is real popular like.  I guess you could compare it to "either or" names like Pat, Hunter, Sammy--you get my drift.

Wynn is pretty much like “the other” Wynn, keeps to himself, no socializing at all.  If you did happen to lock eyes with Wynn all you would get is a cold, blank stare and a creepy feeling that would run from the top of your head through your entire body.  No thank you!    
He never causes nobody any trouble and is never seen out after sunset.  Wynn’s  a hog farmer and make’s a pretty good livin’ at it.  He takes real good care of them hogs, treats them like they’re his own children or somethin’.  Feeds them only the best feed, always keeps the pens real clean and some folks say they can even hear him some nights singing to the hogs in a real soft, gentle voice.  ‘Course, it was after sunset so who knows “who” he was singin’ to.  Could be he had a lady friend that no one knew about.  I doubt it though, icy as he is.  Heard he used to be a real good-looking, kind, thoughtful fella.  Something happened to 'cause him to harden so.
Not too much goes on in this small town, but this is a real mystery.  Yep, we got a  Wynn-Wynn situation here.  Put you’re thinkin’ caps on and let us know what you think is happening here.  Wynn is traveling on to Jacqui at Odddollz, maybe she can figure all this out and let us in on it.  

DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS??  Leave 'em right here in the comments section and then stay tuned to see how this turns out.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rayne Wants To Rock - Come See What Happened in Michigan..

Rayne came all the way from California from Kaci of Daydream Retreat as one of the participants in the Art Dolls Only Traveling Doll Project  There are five art doll artists on "Team Puppe" and my doll, Serendipity was sent off to Helen Fern.  (Read the previous post about the mini team (Team Boneca) I am also on.)

Rayne arrived with a clay head and a body with a wire armarature covered with a soft cloth batting.  Her eyes were painted white and she had a dark cherry lip color. 
After reading Rayne's journal entries, it was clear she was a girl who liked colors and excitement!  I started with her cream-colored hair (which is actually a tassel but shhhh.....!)  She had a choice of several pieces to compliment her updo and she chose a headband with a couple of simple, fabric flowers.  Noting the picture of the model that was in the journal, I duplicated the eyes - a bright, sparkling blue. Although she didn't have the over-the-top big eyelashes, Rayne was insistent.   Next I added some light cheek color and a pink lip gloss.  She was ready to roll!

How often do you get a backstage peek at a metal band in the making??
Rayne was right in the middle of all of the music making and it was LOUD!
 Rayne didn't mind one bit and took advantage of  every photo opportunity that came along...
Guess who wants to start their own band when they get back to California?  Rayne is looking for some uber cool, looks like a superstar, next American Idol winner type of outfits.  She has been shipped off to her next destination, Helen Fern in Oregon.  She really had fun in Michigan at Fabby Dolls (Deena) but she is ready to quiet her mind so she can concentrate on her music career.  Rayne was really excited to receive a new pair of shoes with a matching purse, a boa and some other sparkly things to pack in her suitcase.    

Yes, a little piece and quiet will do her some good!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Team Boneca Is Off and Running with TDP Come and See!

The Traveling Doll Project on ADO is off to a great start!  WOW!  If you love art dolls and want to see some AMAZING (understated) work, you need to take a look at this link. I am on two teams but I will introduce you first to the team that is currently featured:  Team Boneca with Jacqui of Odddollz and Bari of Baris Fairies.  Each artist starts their doll anyway they wish - headless, head only, dressed, naked - well, you get the picture.  Oh - here are some pictures....

 I started out with this leather skirt that I finally came to grips with the fact that it was not going to fit me again...ever!

Hmmmm....this cage has been sitting on my workbench just waiting for a special project

I love all kinds of trim. I had this really, cool clasp that I had been wanting to use and since I wanted to make everything removable so my partners could work more easily with my doll, this worked perfectly! The trim has beads attached and then I added some feathers - could be used for wings, too....

Add the trim to the torso, the torso to the cage and now the doll awaits her face and hands; and with Jacqui and Bari's excellent sculpting skills, I am sure this doll is going to be EXCEPTIONAL!

I left wire exposed from the head and the arms so they could add their clay to the doll.  Not sure how any of that works - I have only worked with cloth.  I guess I figured they would sculpt the head/hands and poke a hole through the clay before they baked them so they could then slip on the wire I left exposed.  STOP LAUGHING CLAY ARTISTS!!  I don't know how it is done - I was guessing. 

Here is the package that was shipped first to Jacqui in Canada.  Our journals were to represent "a direction" for the doll to take but I really had no set path.  I had been "obsessed" with the song "Mad World" (Tears for Fears) after I had hear Adam Lambert's version.  It was such a sad song but his voice and the music is so beautiful at the same time.  It just struck a cord with me that people (teens especially) are so obessessed with looking a certain way, trying to "fit in" to what their peers consider "cool" and how many are ignored, outcast without anyone seeing what is on the inside - which is what really counts, don't you think?  In my high school years it was Janis Ian's song "At Seventeen". 

I learned the truth at seventeen
That love was meant for beauty queens
and high school girls with clear skinned smiles
who married young and then retired
The valentines I never knew
The Friday night charades of youth
were spent on one more beautiful
At seventeen I learned the truth...

Still relevant today....sad but true.  ANYWAY....I guess it was appropriate that I sent my doll off into the world without a face - I will love the face I see when she is returned to me.

Now take a look at Jacqui's started doll. She said Ginny was a bit nervous but was reassured by Jacqui  that all would be well on her travels.She is such a sweet pea AND she  DOES look nervous!  How do you do what you do Jacqui???

She is so sweet!  I so look forward to her arrival in Michigan.  She will be treated quite nicely and handled with loving care!

Bari's doll is, well I do believe that is left up to Jacqui and I to determine (which is one of the exciting aspects of this Traveling Doll Project!).
In Wynn's words:
"Well, this is certainly awkward...I’m naked and apparently quite bald. For that matter I’m not entirely certain of my gender. When I expressed my concerns to the woman I’ve been staying with, she said ‘all things come with time’, and left me in her guest room to entertain myself..."

It does bare repeating:  fantastic work!  I am in awe of my Team Boneca partners!  This doll certainly leaves the door open for so many possiblities..."If you did all the things in life you were truly capable of, you would astound yourself" (Thomas Edison)

Monday, January 25, 2010

HUGE Give-A-Way!!

What's it all about Alfie?  In a nutshell, it is a way for bloggers to get to know other bloggers, find out what they do/write about and showcase the great talent that is out there. There are SO many artists offering some fantastic art - it may take you a few days to sign up for all of it!

I am giving away a cute ornament on the Art Dolls Only site.  Go on over to see it - it's only one more click!  Really, she's quite cute.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Everybody LOVES Buddy! Come See Why...

Meet Buddy - aptly named as he is friend to all (even the strangers who come and knock on the front door - being out in the country, we don't have a lot of people coming up to the door so it does give me a heads up.)

Buddy has been a part of our family since 2003.  We met Buddy at the Detroit Adopt-A-Friend event held every year (I think twice a year) at the Detroit Zoo in Royal Oak, Michigan.  While the boys were looking over all the oh-so-cute puppies, Buddy was patiently waiting in his cage enjoying the occasional visitor.  You see, he was what was considered "an older dog" at almost a year.  He had been adopted by someone once and they returned him - he was digging  holes in their backyard.  He might have uncovered a treasure - your loss!    

Buddy caught my eye because he was so calm and friendly.  The staff person from the Humane Society was doing a real number on me: Buddy was a mixed breed with mostly lab, already house-trained, gentle, great with kids, etc.  I told her we would be back after we had looked at all of the dogs and then she stated his time at the shelter was "running out" - you know what that means.  After circling around for about an hour - back to Buddy it was.  All three boys and my sister agreed - Buddy would make a great new addition!

The first order of business on the way home was Buddy's first meal - WHITE CASTLE!  Who doesn't love White Castle (once or twice a year).  He has been a FANTASTIC pet from the very first day we got him home.  He loves to join in on all the boys' antics...I even took him to school that first year in a cape and underwear - dressed as Captain Underpants!  The classroom even fell in love with him.  As for digging, the only time he does that is to find the moles!  We live on 10 acres and mow the 3-4 acres that are around the immediate house and my husband is always amazed (dare I say proud?) that Buddy always does his biz in the woods!  What a dog!  By the way, he name was originally "Adam" but we knew he was gonna be a "Buddy".

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Does This Angel Make My Butt Look Big??

The word "angel" and "butt" should NEVER be used together (it's just so wrong) but the sun is shining here in Michigan and I am SO HAPPY about it I just had to get out there and play in the snow!

Since I was out and about - I had to snap this little angel.  Winter, summer, spring or fall - his expression never changes.  He is sassy don't ya think?  He should be smiling next week - the temps here are suppose to be in the 30's for a few days.  HOORAY!  Go on, go out and play and make your own angel.  Spread your wings and spread a little sunshine to all you encounter today. 

Friday, January 8, 2010

You'll Want To Stay Tuned In For This One!

I am SO EXCITED to be a part of  the Art Dolls Only Traveling Doll Project! 
This project is in it's second year and this is my first time participating.  This is a collaborative effort among teams of doll artists worldwide!  This year there are 28 participants and I feel honored to be one of them. It's like musical chairs but with a twist...after your doll has made the rounds of the group she is in - she will end up back at home with a whole new look!  The doll will travel with a journal so all of her travels can be recorded.  You can read about my doll's travels right here beginning Feb 1st which is the first ship date.  You can also click here to read more about the first TDP, participating artists and the dolls' travels for this year.  Start the music!

Monday, December 21, 2009


"Moriah"!  I must apologize for being a day late (should have been drawn yesterday).  My son Zachary did the honors and pulled a name out of the hat and it was Moriah.  Thank you to all who stopped by and I hope you keep checking back as I think I will be doing this more often in 2010 just because it is fun to give a piece of yourself away to a complete stranger and hopefully, bring a smile to their face.  Thank you and I wish everyone a very, Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Doll Project for A Good Cause!

Warning!  Unfinished Doll!  If unfinished dolls frighten or not enter!!

This is an art doll that has not been finished yet.  Please read on as this is for a good cause and I would like your suggestions. 

As a mini-mini-mini collaboration with a fantastic doll artist, Cindy Sowers, she promptly (unlike myself) make the doll body for this project with a wonderful painted face and shipped to Michigan from Vermont and now dubbed "Naked Alien Doll".

Here is when she first arrived.  A beautifully constructed doll, not a stitch out of place - wonderful artistry. And this is how she remains - a naked doll in my living room (kinda creeping us all out lately - especially the boys!)

This mini-mini-mini collaboration was actually Ms Sowers idea as a way to help raise funds for Foundation for Fighting Blindness or CRF.  If you go to previous blogs - or Sept. 11th blog if this link doesn't work, you will see that my three, teen sons have have a very, rare eye disease that leads to eventual blindness.  There is no cure YET, but the researchers are working on it!!  You know what comes next, they need moola and lots of it!! SO...a couple of thoughts on this fund raising idea:

#1 Dubbed "The Doll Project"  Create a funny, catchy video involving Alien Doll, three teen sons, and send to Ellen Degeneres Show to see if they are interested in helping to raise awareness of this disease.  Offer the audience three different choices each week for hair, hat, shoes, etc. you get the picture?  The audience can complete the doll and then we will auction it off when she is finally done.  (The voting would include giving her a name - FINALLY!)

#2 Clothe and complete the doll and offer at auction here.  To enter, make a donation (suggest minimum of $5.00 - does that sounds OK?)  and when we reach a certain amount (what amount do you think?) the winner would be selected from a random draw by one of the boys. 

#3 Keep Alien Doll and travel around the country until we reach a pre-specified goal amount ($$$$????).  Her travels will be posted here for as long as it takes to reach the set goal.  This would be a bit fun for me as I have a real, wacky sense of humor!

Well, there you have it.  I love my boys and would want to help raise the funds to find a cure for this disease.  It's all in good fun and it is for a good cause. Really, any suggestions at all are welcome so please let your friends know, forward this post to all your creative friends and let me know what you  think (c'mon, not EVERYTHING you're thinking! - just for this fundraiser silly). 

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Step Out Of Your Box!!

It is getting a little "weird" to constantly pass by a naked doll in my living room. Sometimes I feel like the Naked Alien Doll is following me with her eyes and pleading "Please cover me up!". Then I caught a glimpse of the Oprah Show where four women were being challenged to step "out of the box" and take on something they normally wouldn't do, you know, "step out of the box". These were women who had had setbacks in their lives of some kind or were just feeling stuck in a rut, were fearful of trying new things in their own lives, etc. Sound familiar? Well, one of the challenges was...skinny dipping! When the women arrived at Black Beach, they had no idea what the challenge was until Ali Wentworth (their host for this venture) starting taking her clothes off. They were mortified! BUT...all but one woman stripped down and ran into the water - freedom! It got me to thinking about Naked Alien Doll. She really is a work of art. She has a beautifully constructed body, curvy, ample bosoms and a bit of "junk in her trunk". Again, sound familiar? I wondered if I would have thrown my clothes off and jumped into the water. I hope that I would have. I  hope that I would have considered my body with all of it's flaws - a work of art!  Celebrate yourself!  Whatever you are doing in your life, at this moment -celebrate yourself and treat yourself kindly. 

Oh yeah, one of the other challenges was being a part of a women's Roller Derby team. I think Naked Alien Doll would have jumped right in on that one, don't you?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kreativ Blog Award

Well thank you Abi Monroe-Angel At My Table for this lovely honor!

Here are the award rules:
1. Thank the person who gave this to you
2. Copy the logo and place it in your blog
3. Link the person who nominated you.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know
5. Nominate seven 'Kreativ Bloggers'
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them

Did you know I:
  • Dress up as a Fairy Godmother for princess parties
  • Auditioned for Barry Manilow
  • Have never seen the movie "Titanic"
  • Sang in a Rock Top 40 Band
  • Lived in NYC with Miss New York, Sonia Anderson, 1976
  • Used to deliver singing telegrams-and may have to again if this economy doesn't kick into gear!
  • Have four sisters who I love a whole lot!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bra Doll Challenge for Breast Cancer Awareness DID 2009 Winner!!

has posted a slideshow of the winners for this year's Dimensions in Dollmaking Show in San Diego and  Viewers's choice went to "Carlotta, Ms Cougar 2009"   in the "Bra Challenge" category. Here is a link  for the dolls made for the challenge hosted by Barb and Doug Keeling.

For the Bra Challenge category, you had to incorporate a bra in the making of the doll.  Can you see where the bra is in this photo of Ms Cougar??

The purpose of the challenge was to bring awareness to Breast Cancer.

Carlotta, Ms Cougar 2009 loves her shag rug and is quite proud of her trophy.  Do you know any cougars?  C'mon, you must know a few.  In fact, TV even has a show called "Cougartown" starring Courtney Cox. 

I must have hit on a "theme" because it would never have won a technical award.  This was not the best  doll ever made!  Seriously.  I took many short cuts (glued, velcro-ed and everything imaginable) to hurry and get her out the door.  I was thrilled to win nonetheless and it was for a good cause which made it all  worth it!  My friend,  Cindy Sowers told me it is the idea, the imagination of what makes the doll resonate with people.  She made a beautiful doll Lorelei and I know she has put  MANY MANY hours into making  her, take a look.

See?? Isn't she gorgeous?

I guess there are more cougars out there than we are aware of..better watch out guys,  grrrrrrrrrrr             's where the bra is:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall In Michigan

The weather is quickly turning here in Michigan and the leaves are quickly dropping.  Can you remember raking up a pile of leaves and then jumping in them?  I wonder if my boys will do it this year or if they feel like they are "too old" for that kind of stuff.  I may have to make a leaf pile and jump in myself...I am not too old for that kind of stuff...

Friday, October 9, 2009

ADO Halloween Challenge

I finally finished my first ever Halloween Challenge for Art Dolls Only (a team of Etsy doll artists).  Her name is Frankie.  She is a cloth doll and she has bolts "holding" her together and because she was in such a hurry to get ready for the ADO Midnight Ball, she popped a few springs - don't we all have those bad hair days?  Click on the photos for a larger image.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

With Halloween just around the corner, I went lookin' on Etsy for some unique Halloween-themed items and it brought me to the Etsy shop of Spirit Mama's Sock Monkey and Cake Topper.

Not only did I find a bunch of monkey's,  I found these two characters lurking about!  


Don't they make a great couple?
They are made out of polymer clay and re-purposed clothing so they are even eco-friendly.

I had to include one of Spirit Mama's Sock Monkey Toppers because I have twins and they do act like monkey's sometimes!  She also has wedding cake toppers, art dolls and lots of really, fun to look at polymer clay sculptures.  This is one of those toppers that is sure to a keepsake for the family - but which twin gets to keep it? Better order two!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sweet Treats!

Good Day to all!  The sun is finally shining here in least for the morning hours.  Does anyone else have the dreaded sinus problems that usually come around this time of year?  I don't like to take drugs for it but I broke down and took sinus medication - the kind that drys everything up but also makes you real tired.  I'd really like to know if anyone has tried the netti pot and how did it work for you?  I saw a demonstration on TV and although it looked kind of gross, it seemed like it would really work.  Let me know if you have. 

I have on my Etsy "favorite sellers" list all different kinds of handmade artists - doll makers,  dress makers, etc. and I wanted to share with you  my hallowed ground because I find her charms so cute (and I don't even wear jewelry, sorry).  I am just fascinated by  how tiny these charms are and how ADORABLE!!  I just can't imagine working on something so tiny and having it come out so lovely.  I believe they are made out of polymer clay and Fimo, you'll have to check her site.   I hope they bring a smile to your face and if you have a teen, maybe this would be inspiration to start a charm bracelet.

They look so delicious! 

Friday, October 2, 2009

The only limits are, as always, those of vision. - James Broughton

If you have read about my sons', you will know about the eye disease they have and what they are to confront in the future.  What you don't know about them is the great spirit and belief they have.  If we could all just have a small piece of it.  My husband has taught the boys that they can heal themselves if they can overcome the negative thoughts that have been imposed upon them through society, including us as parents in moments when they were younger.  Please forgive us for that.  He was reinforcing this belief  with one of our son's - that you can heal yourself, you can alter your DNA if your thoughts are adjusted to say, for instance, "my eyes are perfect", "the blood vessels are regenerating and are becoming healthy" and so on.  My son then said he had been telling himself nightly "my eyes are sharper than an eagle's eyes'" and went on to say he couldn't wait until the start of school next year so he could shout it out "I can see perfectly!".  Ian,  you see more clearly than most of us.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hand Painted Faces Are A Favorite

Take a look at Lorelei, isn't she amazing?  It is hard to believe that this face is hand painted.  The artist is Cindy Sowers.  And the costuming! Black crepe silk, hand-beaded/sequined and slate glass seed beads and machine brocaded silk charmeuse.

She is button-jointed at the shoulders, Swarovski crystal bead and copper wrapped wire joints at knees and elbows. Wired fingers and topped off with a beautiful hat.

That is a lot of work!  But that is what you get when you buy handmade:  quality.
Cindy has a lot more to offer at her Etsy Shop.  She has mermaids, an Egyptian Queen, fairies and - Lorelei's twin!
Shop Etsy , the place for all things handmade and you will be pleasantly surprised by all the fine artists you will find - including Cindy.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Another Day Another Doll...

I hope everyone reading this is in wonderful health and high spirits today.  The weather in Michigan is changing swiftly to fall (my personal favorite season) and I want to enjoy it as long as I can before winter sets in.  I was going to log off but I first looked at Paula Nerhus's Etsy Shop and I just had to post photos of her wonderful art dolls.  How happy someone is going to be when they own one of her works.  Paula sculpts the heads from paperclay and then paints with various mediums.  The clothing is from reclaimed vintage materials.  If you go to her site, she can explain better than I and you can then take a look at her "thinking inside the box" dolls.

Click Click Click to see all of the photos of this wonderful doll!  I would be thrilled to own just the photograph!  I must mention that Paula is one of the ADO (Art Dolls Only) artist's from Etsy.  Paula is so nice, she even takes layaway.  Someone is going to grab this doll as a Christmas gift so hurry and take a look before it is gone!

I love this guy!  He has such a sweet, innocent look on his face.  Paula's dolls take so many hours to create and they are  truly one of a kind.  You will be amused and amazed when you go to Paula's shop and you will surely have a smile on your face after looking at her creations.

Once again, you will find only the best of the best on Etsy where all things are handmade.  Support handmade artisans - all they do they do with love.