13 October 2016

Gu Chi or not Gucci?

that is the question.

Is this a real Gucci scarf or not? Tag reads ' made in Italy'. Quite a light  weight silk, but that is OK. Nice, generous size, approx 65 cm  x  174 cm.
But, there is no imprint and the hem is badly and  cheaply machined, not good at all.

 Now, we all know that these days a classy label has nothing to do with quality,
Take the Michael Kors hand bag I bought at full price at Canada's fanciest department store last May.
My granddaughter asked " is that a real Michael Kors, Nana?"

Falling apart already, what a piece of c...p!

Just not sure about the scarf.

06 October 2016

Gooseberry Jam

Gooseberries from our garden are frozen till I have time to make jam, as in last week.

Besides, the are much easier to top and tail-when frozen. 

 Skimming off the nasty scum.

  Finished product!

 So satisfying.

26 September 2016

one of the reasons

One of the reasons autumn is my favorite season.

back to textiles soon.

22 September 2016


Two more vintage Liberty scarves have been added  to my  ever growing  ( out of control ) collection.

I suspect the above is from the late 1970s.  The colors are richer than the photos, rather like the Haider Ackermann fall collection, that I am currently obsessed with.
 Although, in truth, I am more of an M&S kind of girl

The tomato paisley is pre WW11, and even I cannot get the stains out!

16 September 2016

I wish I hadn't done that.

A delightful lightweight 1930s quilt, nearly all printed feed-sacks,  with a wee print backing,  in my favorite block.  Log Cabin.

The edges were a bit frayed, so I decided to unpick the knife edge and turn the back print to the front to bind.

Nearly all hand pieced, the batting is partly a very threadbare pink damask cloth or spread that had itself been patched. I also spy some bits of  curtain lining,  Nicely, but sparsely hand quilted in baptist fans, perhaps our maker could not afford more thread, its obvious she did not mind the work.

I have not done a very good job, I wish I had
a...tacked a protective binding around the edge or
b...redone a knife edge, though the original was finely stitched   or
c...left it alone.
I wonder what story this  typical depression era beauty has to tell.

08 September 2016

Everybody is doing it

Everybody is doing it.........publishing  photographs of their tomatoes , that is.

picked yesterday

picked this morning.

Back to textiles next week.

05 September 2016

Hens Teeth

As delightful as they are

its like pulling hens teeth to persuade my visiting grandchildren

to model scarves for my etsy shop

All except the youngest, who lives near by.

 He got into the sari basket, calls it his 'dragon' box.

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