Thursday, 27 January 2011

Stampotique Designers Challenge

I love Stampotique stamps !!!! and thought that it was about time I joined in with the Stampotique Designers Challenge and this week they want you to use the colours orange and turquoise in your creation. As we all know im a bit obsessed with art journalling at the moment so thought id make a journal page for the challenge. These werent colours I would usually think of using together but I loved the result and will definately be using this combo again. I used my yummy mica dylusion sprays for this page, love the shimmer to these sprays soooo much.

Also to celebrate there new design team they have a challenge to be there guest designer for March, closing date is the 31 Jan and hey if you dont try you dont know !!!! They want you to make a 'welcome' card for this challenge and heres what I came up with ...

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

New Techniques are FUN !!!!!

Hey peeps, thank you for your lovely wishes about my Nan, im sure she will be ok, shes a though old bird !!!! ive dropped her and mum of at the hospital today for her first injection, into her eyeball !!!! ekkkkk sounds horrendous and im just waiting for a call from them to go pick them up, so whats a girl to do in her spare time, get messy thats what hehehehehe and here is what ive made ....

Loved making this page, I used a technique that Dyan is showing a video off on her blog, LOVE IT, its so cool. The image is by one of my favourite artist, Victoria Francis and is cut from my old Calander, creative recycling or what hehehehe heres a couple of close ups so you can actually see the image and the details. Also Dyan gave me a lovely shout on her blog :) thanks hun xxxx

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Valentines Card and the Last Holiday Journal Entries

Hope your all well, ive been pretty busy today I took my nan to the hospital ealier as her eye sight is getting so bad, she has this degeneration thing and they said she is most likely going to go blind in one eye :( she will have to have injections into the eye every 3 weeks, it sounds horrible :( poor nanny. Shes a fighter though and at 87 shes still going strong goes on holiday every year and is extremely independant so im sure she'll fight through it :)

Anyway on to nicer things ... I actually made a card yesterday !!!!!! it seems like such a long time since ive made one and i really enjoyed making this one. I made the hubster a valentines card, I hope he likes it. Im still completely in love with my bombshell images. I add 3D gloss to make the glass look more realistic, I also dusted off the nesties, it seems like such a long time since ive used these.

Also is this last from the holiday journal, thanks to everyone who has commented on it I really appreciate it and I hope it wasnt too much of a chore to read, that is if you did read it. I wish I was still in India it is such an amazing place and im sure me and Jay will go back there at some stage, we would love to visited the south next time. Nepal was also such a lovely place the people were so nice and the scenery was just stunning, the himalayas really are so beautiful in real life.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Holiday Journal

Hello my little chickadees I hope your all well and had a lovely weekend, heres the next part of my holiday journal. Tomorrow will be the last chapter, hope I havent bored you all too much with my journal pages xxx

Friday, 21 January 2011

Cleaning sucks !!!!!

Heres a little question for you ... guess whos still waiting for the British Gas man .... and the answer is me !!!! so I waited in all day yesterday and it finally got to 5.20pm and I thought hmmmm I dont think the plumbers coming !!! after ringing british gas and going around the houses and on the phone for about 20 odd mins they finally tell me sorry we booked the job under the wrong accound no. the plumber must have gone to a different address, what !!!!! grrrrr anyway long story short im now waiting for the plumber to turn up today, hopefully between 12 and 2 fingers crossed hahahahaha you never know stranger things have happened !!!!!

Heres a page from the A5, I really enjoyed making this one, I think its because I changed her clothing so much I added the spots, stars and strips. I think she looks a little too fancy to be doing the cleaning hahahahaha

and heres more from the holiday journal,theres not much more to go now. If your screamish I recommend not reading the first page, YUCK !!!!!

Thursday, 20 January 2011

An apple a day ....

Hi everyone hope your all well im sitting here still waiting for British Gas !!!! I love the timing they give you, the plumber will be there between 12 and 6 !!! oh great thats helpful hahahahaha honestly though why is it whenever you get one problem fixed another problem appears ??? Our boiler packed up a week before christmas (while it was thick with snow, I can tell ya it was a blooming cold christmas hahahaha) then we got a new boiler fitted on the 2nd Jan Woohoo heat and hot water and then the downstairs radiator leaked where they drained the system :( ruining a section of our lovely oak flooring grrrrrr a plumber came out to fix the leak and now the other end of the same raditor is leaking and ruined more of the floor Ahhhhhh why !!!!! hehehehe enough of my ranting im off to do more crafting :) ill leave you with a page from my A5 journal (really love this size will have to buy another one) and also some more of the holiday journal xxxx

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

who says im not an artist !!!!

Sorry I didnt blog yesterday I went out for lunch with my mum and then ended up staying at my mum and dads for the rest of the day, we had a bit of a disney fest and watched toy story 3, the lion king and the princess and the frog !!!! Who says you have to grow up hehehehe I love disney films and im very proud to say I own everyone of them, ok now I just sound sad hahahahahaha anyway heres another page from my A5 journal.

And here is the next chapter of our India and Nepal adventure ...