April 14, 2006

New York City Event to Benefit John Bonifaz

John Bonifaz, the Massachusetts Civil Righs Lawyer who has been a leader in the fight to right the wrongs commmitted in Ohio in 2004, is running for Secretary of State of Massachusetts.

Imagine a Secretary of State who is actually for voting rights? The prospect is unimaginable in the era of Katherine Harris and Kenneth Blackwell.

A New York City event is being hosted (the author of this blog is on the host committee) to benefit John's candidacy. The announcement follows:
Please join us for an evening with JOHN BONIFAZ

Democratic Candidate for Secretary of State of Massachusetts.

Come hear about John's plans to create a model for

free and fair elections for the country.

Monday, May 1st -6 - 8 PM

Hosted By:
Anne Hess and Craig Kaplan
Jonathan Abady
Harriet Barlow
Ray Beckerman
James Bernard
Andrew Celli
Jerry Goldfeder
Katrina vanden Heuvel
Harold and Jeannette Kozupsky
Dal LaMagna
Miles Rapoport
Andrew Rasiej
Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros
Michaela Walsh
Megan and Russell Wiese
Ralph Wolf

At the home of Anne Hess and Craig Kaplan
214 East 18th Street
New York, New York

Suggested contribution levels:

$100, $250, $500 (Maximum donation is $500 under Massachusetts law)

For more information about John Bonifaz and to make a contribution today,

please visit www.johnbonifaz.com

Please RSVP to stephanie@johnbonifaz.com

"John has been at the forefront in the ongoing struggle for our democracy here at home. I can think of no better candidate for Secretary of State than John Bonifaz. He will make Massachusetts and the country proud."- Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr.

"John Bonifaz has been a remarkable asset to me and to the nationwide movement to hold the Bush Administrationaccountable for its abuses of power. Massachusetts deserves a strong, proven leader like John Bonifaz. Our country needs to elect more principled progressive candidates like John Bonifaz." - Congressman John Conyers, Jr.

"John's extraordinary leadership resulted in his being awarded the prestigious MacArthur Foundation Fellowship and we are excited to have chosen John as one of only 15 candidates in the country we will be endorsing and working to elect this year. As Massachusetts Secretary of State, John will inspire elected leaders across the country to make it easier for voters to participate in our democracy, count every vote cast in all elections, and reduce the influence of special interest money in government." Kelly Young, Exec. Dir., 21st Century Democrats

- Paid for by the Bonifaz Committee, P.O. Box 300007, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130

April 12, 2006

"Hand Counted Paper Ballots in 2008" By Sheila Parks

Published in Tikkun magazine:

Hand Counted Paper Ballots in 2008
By Sheila Parks

The right to vote, as well as the principle of “one person, one vote,” are cornerstones of our democracy. The anti-slavery, women’s suffrage, and civil rights movements as well as the expansion of voting to young people are all part of the history of electoral reform in this country. Equally fundamental is the assurance that each voter knows that her or his vote counts and is counted as intended. At this time in our history, many have lost confidence in our voting system.

The presidential elections of 2000 and 2004, and at least six contests in the mid-term elections of 2002, raised many questions about fraud and electronic voting machines. The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) established by HAVA, and the Carter-Baker National Commission on Federal Election Reform were all created after the 2000 election to improve the electoral process. All of these efforts, however, have been detrimental to the prevention and detection of election fraud and error due to their advocacy of the use of electronic voting machines. One election reform advocate, Bev Harris of Black Box Voting, provides a particularly vivid glimpse into the scope of the problems associated with electronic voting machines. She notes that, at a special Texas meeting of the Carter-Baker Commission, “I asked a member of the Panel why they [the Commission] had not asked a single question about how hacks can be done. He said it is not necessary to understand how the system can be compromised in order to protect it.”

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) in its nonpartisan September 2005 report on elections states in its conclusions: “Numerous recent studies and reports have highlighted problems with the security and reliability of electronic voting systems…the concerns they raise have the potential to affect election outcomes.”

Currently there is no government agency that regulates the voting machine industry in the United States. Roughly 80% of votes in the 2004 presidential election were cast and counted on machines manufactured by two private companies, Diebold and ES&S (Election Systems & Software, Inc.), both controlled by registered Republicans. There are two principal types of machines now in use: (1) touch-screens (DRE – Direct Response Electronic), on which no audit or recount is possible because they have no paper trail and (2) optical scans, which use paper ballots for the vote but are counted by central tabulators (particularly susceptible to fraud).

Although several bills currently pending in the U.S. House and Senate, introduced by both Republicans and Democrats, propose changes to electronic voting machines, as do HAVA, the EAC and the Carter-Baker Commission, none consider hand marked, hand counted paper ballots (HCPB) as a possible solution. Most of the proposed legislation advocates for what is variously called a voter verified paper audit trail (VVPAT), a voter verified paper trail (VVPT) or a voter verified paper ballot (VVPB). A discussion of the nuances between and among these systems is beyond the scope of this article, but all share a potential weakness – namely, there is no way to prevent hacking of electronic voting machines later in the process, whether a voter receives a record of how she or he voted and/or whether there is a paper trail in the machine. Mandated random audits of the vote raise the question of whether the audit will really be random and bring back flashes of Florida in 2000 and a long drawn out struggle. Will the Supreme Court again put a non-elected person in office as president of the United States?

Complete article.

April 08, 2006

Cuyahoga County Election Officials Indicted For Interfering With Recount

This was reported yesterday by the Cleveland Plain Dealer:
Workers accused of fudging ’04 recount
Prosecutor says Cuyahoga skirted rules
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Joan Mazzolini
Plain Dealer Reporter

After the 2004 presidential election, Cuyahoga County election workers secretly skirted rules designed to make sure all votes were counted correctly, a special prosecutor charges.

While there is no evidence of vote fraud, the prosecutor said their efforts were aimed at avoiding an expensive - and very public - hand recount of all votes cast. Three top county elections officials have been indicted, and Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter says more indictments are possible.

Michael Vu, executive director of the Cuyahoga County elections board, said workers followed procedures that had been in place for 23 years. He said board employees had no objection to doing an exhaustive hand count if needed, meaning they had no motive to break the law.

Internet bloggers have cried foul since 2004 about election results in Ohio, one of the key states in deciding the election. They have been tracking Baxter's investigation with online posts about the indictments.

Baxter's prosecution centers on Ohio's safeguards for ensuring that every vote is counted.

Baxter charges that Cuyahoga election workers - mindful of the monthlong Florida recount in 2000 - not only ignored the safeguards but worked to defeat them during Ohio's 2004 recount.

Complete Article

April 04, 2006

CASE OHIO Calls for Volunteers

Citizens Alliance for Secure Elections (CASE Ohio) is currently seeking volunteers to participate in our "Adopt a County Board of Elections" program. The program is designed to provide oversight and input into BOE decisions in the individual counties. Participants will be given specific tasks.
CASE believes that the 2006 election will be fraught with problems due to the new equipment.

Election Integrity News - March 20, 2006

This Week's Quote: "Some of you are going to hate my guts on Election Day," Diebold Sales Representative Dana LaTour to Utah election officials. When asked what she meant, another Diebold Representative explained "We're going to have problems on Election Day, and we're just going to have to work through them".


CASE will provide direction, including template letters and templates for verbal communication, at regular intervals preceding the election. CASE experts will serve as a resource to answer your questions. We will communicate with BOE’s on a regular basis, with limited requests. We will address the following issues over time along with other issues that may arise.

Contact BOE personnel in order to establish positive communication and a productive personal relationship.
Request specific procedural documents in writing or verbally.
Compare your adopted county security procedures with other counties.
Participate as a poll monitor in a precinct in your county if possible and work with other poll monitors in your county.
Lobby BOE's to use strict physical security standards based on best practices in the State, and we will monitor to see that these procedures are followed on Election Day.
Lobby BOE's to voluntarily compare the results to the Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) in a statistically random manner.
Lobby BOE's to review the internal transaction audit log, and make the data public post election.
Monitor the rules for accepting/rejecting paper ballots. (provisional, absentee)
Make every effort to capture precinct level election results, before the results are consolidated via central tabulator.
Keep BOE’s informed as to current news events regarding electronic security.

Participants may choose one county only (county of residence) or can choose multiple counties. CASE is able to send group emails to each BOE, but we believe this is a poor substitute for a personal relationship, personal follow up, and a thorough understanding of our concerns. We hope to build a network of activists with "with boots on the ground" during the 2006 congressional elections and on into the future.

Please respond to Pete Johnson at pjohnso6@insight.rr.com if you are interested in participating.

March 24, 2006

A chance to cast a vote for the Right to Vote itself: support the candidacy of our friend John Bonifaz

Our friend John Bonifaz is running for Secretary of State of Massachusetts and he needs your help.

As you know, John is a dedicated leader who has spent years working with citizens across the country to protect the right to vote and to broaden citizen participation in the democratic process. As Massachusetts Secretary of State, John will fight to return voters to power and to end the big money dominance of our electoral process. I am proud to stand with John, and I hope you will join me in supporting him.

In 1994, John foundedthe National Voting Rights Institute, based in Boston. NVRI today is a prominent legal and public education center committed to preserving the right of all citizens to vote and to participate in the electoral process on an equal and meaningful basis. Since founding NVRI, John has been at the forefront of many of the key voting rights struggles facing the nation today. Some highlights of his work at NVRI include:

· Leading the fight in the courts on behalf of voters and candidates for a full recount in Ohio of all the votes cast for President in the 2004 general election.

· Defending the Massachusetts Clean Elections Law, which was passed overwhelmingly by the voters of the Commonwealth in 1998. John led the effort to challenge the Massachusetts legislature’s refusal to fund the law and NVRI won a landmark ruling from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, forcing the state to provide the necessary funds to all qualified candidates running in the 2002 state elections.

· Working to overhaul the nation’s campaign finance system by defending mandatory campaign spending limits, public financing of elections, and other important campaign reforms. John and NVRI are pressing for a US Supreme Court review of a 1976 ruling which equated money with speech and sanctioned today’s system of unlimited campaign spending, and John has led a challenge to today’s exclusionary system on voting rights grounds, linking the movement for change in the way we finance our elections to earlier civil rights struggles.

In 1999, in recognition of his pathbreaking work with the National Voting Rights Institute, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation awarded John with a prestigious MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, otherwise known as the “genius” award.
Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. recently came to Boston to endorse John's candidacy:
"John Bonifaz will be a leader for Massachusetts and for the nation. Throughout his career, John has demonstrated his political courage time and time again by standing up when it counted … I can think of no better candidate for Secretary of State than John Bonifaz. He will make Massachusetts and the country proud."
As Secretary, John will press for a new bill of rights – a Voters’ Bill of Rights. A new set of guarantees that will make democracy in Massachusetts stronger and will provide an example for the country. You can read about his Voters’ Bill of Rights here:


John needs our support in order to win. I urge you to visit his campaign website today at www.johnbonifaz.com and to contribute as generously as you can. Massachusetts campaign finance law allows individual contributions up to $500 per calendar year, and your support this month is critical to help demonstrate the early viability of this campaign. If you can make a maximum contribution to the campaign today, that would be fantastic.

Any race for statewide office requires funds – and this race is no exception. John is challenging an incumbent in this race – an entrenched incumbent. Your early donation is critical to John’s campaign.

I also urge you to forward this message to your friends and colleagues.

In the wake of Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004, it is more important than ever that we have a Secretary of State like John Bonifaz who will fight for our democracy. I hope you will join me today in supporting this campaign for Massachusetts and for the nation.

P.S. If you prefer to contribute by check, you can mail a check payable to the Bonifaz Committee to:

Bonifaz Committee
P.O. Box 300007
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130

Please be sure to include your employer/occupation information along with the check. Thank you!

March 16, 2006

"The Silence of the Scams" By Diane Perlman

A shout out to Jack Gordon for bringing this important article to my attention:

Original Article published in OpEdNews.com
March 14, 2006

The Silence of the Scams

By Diane Perlman

Newtopia Magazine April, 2006

Few Americans know about the historic event that happened on January 6, 2005, the official date for counting electoral votes. For the first time since 1877, congressmembers challenged the electoral count. Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones of Ohio, accompanied by the lone senator, Barbara Boxer of California, led the challenge of the Ohio vote count. Although massive fraud was reported around the country, only Ohio was officially cited.

It is curious that an issue so profound and consequential is barely on the radar screens of most Americans, especially those who voted for Kerry.

Though we are not certain of the actual outcome, statistically impossible discrepancies exist between results of exit polls and official counts in counties without paper trails. Also documented are patterns of anecdotes about corrupted procedures and accounts of strange behaviors, phenomena and illegal interventions in Ohio as well as other places. Many say there is fraud in every election, but there was far more in 2004 than in any previous year, and if the errors were random, about half would go in Kerry's favor. Virtually all went in Bush's favor.

But rather than demanding a thorough investigation, the American people seem eager to forget the incidents and put the election behind them, thus implicitly supporting such corruption.

A Political Psychological Puzzlement

Under what conditions do millions of allegedly "free" people knowingly acquiesce to being deceived, dominated and deprived of their own political will? How is it that even those who were politically engaged for the first time resign themselves to an unjust fate, refusing even to consider what happened to our country? Why do progressive citizens actively dismiss and even malign a small group of courageous, devoted people working day and night on their behalf to uncover, calculate, analyze, and evaluate the extensive, varied forms of criminal sabotage that undermined their democracy? How are Americans becoming complacent with escalating fraudulent activity? In other words, how do so many people live with the knowledge that they have been tricked before, were just tricked again--and then submit to life under the power of those who tricked them?

Why were hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians out for days in the freezing cold, refusing to accept fraud, while Americans are helplessly colluding with forces of domination? Granted, we face a conspiracy of silence in the media, a propaganda campaign discrediting exit polls (which are accurate in counties with paper trails and other countries), and a dismissal of those who challenge the vote as nuts, sore losers and "conspiracy theorists." Censorship, brainwashing and intimidation create an environment of passivity and fear in subtle yet powerful ways that keep the system going with the complicity of those who have been robbed.

We must wonder what is going on in the collective psyche that allows the systematic and progressive usurpation of power.

Complete article

March 10, 2006

3rd Election Official Indicted in Cuyahoga County

As reported in Cleveland Plain Dealer web site cleveland.com:

3rd worker indicted in probe of vote recount
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Joan Mazzolini
Plain Dealer Reporter

A third employee at the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections has been indicted as part of an investigation into the mishandling of ballots during the 2004 presidential recount.

Jacqueline Maiden, who was Elections Division director during the December 2004 recount, has been charged with six counts - three misdemeanors and three felonies - of failing to follow Ohio laws on how ballots are selected and reviewed during a recount. Maiden is the third highest ranking board employee.

The most serious charges carry a maximum of 18 months in prison.

Complete article

See also additional coverage at bradblog.com

March 09, 2006

Special Event to Honor Sherole Eaton and Paul Harmon, Ohio Honest Elections Heroes, Saturday March 11th, Columbus, Ohio

Progressive Honest Elections Salon
wine potluck, music, art and video
341 S 3rd St, Columbus (614-253-2571)
Up to 100 attendees during 6 hour event

Click below for details, map and RSVP:


This Saturday, at the Second Saturday Salon, Voting Reform groups
will present Sherole Eaton, whistleblower in Hocking County, and Paul
Harmon, who sued for honest recount in Licking County, with awards
for their bravery, personal sacrifice & persistence. This will take place
at 8:30 pm and we'll have a cake!!. The Salon runs from 6 pm-midnight

Also attending, courageous pastors of the progressive faith community
who signed a letter of complaint to the IRS against Rod Parsely's World
Harvest Church and Russell Johnson's Fairfield Christian Church. Come
let these wonderful pastors know how much you appreciate their efforts.


March 02, 2006

Election Justice News Newsletter by Gary Beckwith

help spread the truth by forwarding this newsletter

Election Justice News
keeping you informed about the struggle for democracy in America
March 2006

Greetings patriots,

There are so many recent developments relating to the electronic voting machines, I can hardly keep up. Every time I start to write this newsletter, another big story breaks, and I have to start over. Even though the media continues to ignore us, it feels like the concern about electronic voting is starting to take root a little more in the mainstream world. More people are starting to realize there is a problem. And at the same time, the folks who have been working on this for years are starting to have an impact. But there is still much work to do.

Welcome to Solar Bus's Election Justice News. Since our last newsletter, democracy continues to hang by a thread, like a chad on a punchcard. But it seems to be a very strong thread, that won't let go.

In this newsletter:
Electronic voting machines headed to the Supreme Court
New independent study confirms Diebold optical scan machines can be rigged
California un-de-certifies Diebold... but...
Things are heating up in Pennsylvania too
New Mexico Lawsuit goes forward
Big Call To Action could result in Diebold subpeonas!
Diebold whistleblower faces charges
100,000 errors found in Palm Beach County, FL
More Diebold in the news...
New Jersey: Electronic Voting violates the Constitution
300,000 voters were purged from Ohio prior to '04 election
Governor of Maryland 'No Longer Has Confidence' in Diebold
Candidates to support
The MUST READ BOOK gets more attention... and not
National Election Data Archive releases "irrefutable evidence" that Ohio's 2004 election results were manipulated
Volusia County FL: new evidence shows manipulation of vote counts, memory card errors
Do you have your free Election Truth CD-ROM yet?
Need a laugh (or a hundred)?
Bob Ney: a central figure in multiple scandals, including election fraud

Electronic voting machines headed to the Supreme Court

While the TV talk shows discuss the judges on American Idol, a patriotic and brave woman has quitely and single-handedly taken her concerns about electronic voting machines all the way to the real judges - on the US Supreme Court. This case could have far reaching affects on how elections are conducted throughout our country.

Lynn Landes, one of the pioneering reporters who first started writing about the voting machines, filed her case in federal court in Philadelphia in 2004 and it has now reached the Supreme Court. If they rule in her favor, it would turn electronic voting upside down, if not ban it.

Article about Lynn's case:

The official lawsuit:

Black Box Voting organization comments on the lawsuit:


New Berkeley study confirms Diebold machines can be rigged, without any way of being detected

This new study lays it to rest. It is possible to rig the memory cards in a way that cannot be detected. A few quotes from the report:

"This report summarizes the results of our review of some of the source code for the Diebold AV-OS
optical scan (version 1.96.6) and the Diebold AV-TSx touchscreen (version 4.6.4) voting machines.

"Memory card attacks are a real threat: We determined that anyone who has access to a
memory card of the AV-OS, and can tamper it (i.e. modify its contents), and can have
the modi ed cards used in a voting machine during election, can indeed modify the election
results from that machine in a number of ways. The fact that the the results are incorrect
cannot be detected except by a recount of the original paper ballots.

" [we found] 16 bugs in the implementation of the AccuBasic interpreter for the AV-OS. ... they could allow an attacker to completely control the behavior of the AV-OS. An attacker could change vote totals, modify reports, change the names of candidates, change the races being voted on, or insert his own code into the running rmware of the machine.

Get the full report, and show it to others, like your state's Director of Elections perhaps:


California un-de-certifies Diebold... but...

California is one of several states where the Diebold and electronic voting controversy is reaching a boiling point. It all started when the famous Hursti Hack in Florida caused the California Secretary of State to decertify Deibold, and call for a third party review of their software code. Then recently, Secretary McPherson reversed the decision, certifying Diebold in the State.

Then Debra Bowen, the Chair of Senate Elections Committee issued a statement saying the certification is in violation of the law. And since then she has written a letter directly to McPherson, strongly urging him to reverse his decision again, and accusing him of breaking the law. Could it get any hotter? Read on...


Now, Senator Bowen has launched campaign asking people to email the Secretary of State and demand he de-certify the Diebold machines:


stay tuned... this story isn't over.


Things are heating up in Pennsylvania too

Organized citizens in Pennsylvania are doing everything they can to block the purchase of Diebold (and other electronic) systems. They are facing fierce opposition from the "powers to be."

Citizens file lawsuit against electronic voting machines

Second group sues PA Secretary of State

Allegheny County PA (Pittsburgh) passes motion AGAINST DIEBOLD

U.S. Justice Department threatens to sue Pennsylvania


New Mexico: Lawsuit goes forward

New Mexico District Judge Eugenio Mathis authorized the plaintiff voters in Lopategui v. Vigil-Giron, et al. to proceed with the collection of evidence and preparation for a trial in which plaintiffs will seek a permanent injunction against use of inaccurate and unreliable electronic voting machines in New Mexico elections.


Big Call To Action could result in Diebold subpeonas!

As Bev Harris from Black Box Voting writes, "We believe grass roots calls to action lose their punch when overused. We have waited until now because, like the Black Box Voting Hursti project, we know THIS effort is highly strategic and can create real change, quickly ... it has national implications."

Enough said? Please read the ACTION ITEM and JUST DO IT:


Diebold whistleblower faces charges

A whistleblower in Los Angeles is in legal trouble and needs our help. In 2004, Stephen Heller exposed documents which provided smoking gun evidence that Diebold was using illegal, uncertified software in California voting machines. The docs also showed that Diebold's California attorneys (the powerful international law firm Jones Day) had told them they were in breach of the law for using uncertified software, but Diebold continued to use the uncertified software anyway. When Heller showed the documents to the Secretary of State, the Diebold machines were immediately decertified.

Diebold, the true criminal in this case, and their powerful international law firm Jones Day, have now pressed the L.A. District Attorney's office to hit Heller with 3 felonies, because of what he did.

People are asked to contact the LA District Attorney's office and to drop the charges on this patriotic person.

Fore more information, and how you can help:

Whistleblower Charged With Three Felonies for Exposing Diebold's Crimes


100,000 errors found in Palm Beach County, FL

An examination of Palm Beach County's electronic voting machine records from the 2004 election found possible tampering and tens of thousands of malfunctions and errors, a watchdog group said Thursday.

Associated Press article:

Black Box Voting, who found the errors, comments:

Brad Friedman comments:


More Diebold in the news...

How could we have a newsletter without an entire section devoted to Diebold, that sleezy, Republican owned voting machine company, whose CEO promised to help deliver Ohio to Bush.

The company continues to face several lawsuits, alleging fraud on many fronts, but none (yet) that relate to voting machines directly. In addition, several states are "calling their bluff" and asking them to reveal their software code. Several voting districts, and possibly full states, appear on the verge of de-certifying some or all of their voting machines. Some of the key developments with America's favorite secret vote counting company:

Diebold machines produce more votes than voters in Ohio, resulting in re-vote

Under pressure in Alaska, Diebold agrees to a limited view of their central tabulator code.
Brad Blog reports: http://www.bradblog.com/archives/00002385.htm
Black Box Voting: http://www.bbvforums.org/forums/messages/1954/17793.html

New information about Diebold's convicted felon who wrote the vote counting software code, including evidence he may have written some of the code while still in prison:

The Harri Hursti Hack and its Importance to our Nation
this is a MUST READ article:

"Hursti Hack" has ripple effects.
Last December, successful mock election hack in Leon County, Florida revealed there was banned "executable code" on the memory cards of a Diebold optical scan machine. The Elections Director then banned the machines and stated that he suspects the 2004 election was manipulated. (see http://www.bradblog.com/archives/00002168.htm) Other states have taken note, and action. California has demanded that the code on all Diebold machines be inspected by a third party before the machines are certified. An elections official in Maryland who used to be a strong supporter of Diebold has written to the company demanding answers.
Two counties in Florida drop Diebold:

Stop Diebold Action item:
If you live in a state with Diebold machines, contact your Secretary of State office and ask if your system is in compliance with Federal Elections Commission 2002 Voting System Standards, section 4.2.2. This standard clearly states that the executable code that was found by the Hursti hack is non-compliant because of the huge security risk it creates. You can find the documentation here:

Class action lawsuit against Deibold for security fraud continues


New Jersey: Electronic Voting violates the Constitution

The Constitutional Litigation Clinic at Rutgers School of Law in Newark, NJ has announced that all electronic voting machines used in New Jersey may violate New Jersey's Constitution and election laws. The lawsuit challenges the ability of New Jersey’s electronic voting machines to count votes accurately, and in accordance with election laws. The lawsuit is the first in the nation to successfully challenge electronic voting machines, and would have far reaching affects on other states. More info:

Press release from Rutgers School of Law: http://tinyurl.com/8n4z2


300,000 voters were purged from Ohio prior to '04 election

The evidence of fraud in Ohio '04 continues to pour in, even years later. In this latest report from Free Press, investigators reveal that over 300,000 voter registrations were dropped, focused in Democratic strongholds like Toledo, Cincinnati, and Cleveland:


Governor of Maryland 'No Longer Has Confidence' in Diebold

In the letter sent by Maryland's Republican governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. to the State Board of Elections on Wednesday, he declares that he "no longer [has] confidence in the State Board of Elections’ ability to conduct fair and accurate elections in 2006."

Citing the "widespread national concern about the reliability and security of electronic voting systems," the decertification and denial of certification of Diebold around the country, and the need to "get aggressive in responding to citizens' concerns over public confidence in the elections system," Ehrlich says it's time to demand paper ballots once again in the State of Maryland.



Candidates to support

The Solar Bus would like to express support for candidates that recognize the problems we face with electronic voting. We would also like to encourage all candidates to take this issue on, and voters to encourage the candidates to do so. Please support the following candidates because they will fight to fix these problems:

Bob Fitrakis, for Governor of Ohio: http://www.bobforohio.com/
Pat LaMarch, for Governor of Maine: http://www.pat2006.com/
Kevin Zeese, for US Senator, Maryland: http://kevinzeese.com/
Dennis Morrisseau, US Congress, Vermont: http://www.2ltmorrisseau.com/
John Bonifaz, Secretary of State, Mass: http://johnbonifaz.com/
Clint Curtis, US Congress, Florida: http://clintcurtis.com


The MUST READ BOOK gets more attention... and not

Mark Cripsin Miller is a seasoned and well respected author. He's an NYU professor who has written several popular books including "The Bush Dyslexicon," and he's made the rounds on talk shows many times before. But this time it's different. With his new book "Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Election and why they'll do it again unless we stop them," Mark has seen an odd pattern developing. He's welcome on Air America Radio and has been interviewed by several of the talk show hosts. But even though his book is very well researched and contains truthful and important information, NPR is avoiding him like the plague. They won't even allow underwriters to mention his book. This is consistent with NPR's policy of not discussing the electronic voting machine controversy, ever since the 2004 election took place. Could it have something to do with the fact that the NPR board of directors now consists of mainly Bush appointees? We can only wonder. Overall the book is getting exposure but not as much as it should. So consider calling your favorite talk show host and asking them to have Mark as a guest.

More on the book: http://www.solarbus.org/store/election.shtml#fooledagain
Listen to a radio interview with Mark Crispin Miller: http://tinyurl.com/nzap4
Printed interview on GNN: http://www.gnn.tv/articles/2113/Fooled_Again


National Election Data Archive releases "irrefutable evidence" that Ohio's 2004 election results were manipulated
The National Election Data Archive (NEDA) is the first mathematical team to release a valid scientific analysis of the precinct-level 2004 Ohio presidential exit poll data "The Gun is Smoking: 2004 Ohio Precinct-level Exit Poll Data Show Virtually Irrefutable Evidence of Vote Miscount." The analysis is based on the most accurate statistical method yet devised for determining whether exit poll error, random variations, or vote count manipulation cause the discrepancies between exit polls and official vote tallies.
Press release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/1/prweb333209.php
Report: http://electionarchive.org/ucvAnalysis/OH/Ohio-Exit-Polls-2004.pdf


Volusia County FL: new evidence shows manipulation of vote counts, memory card errors:


Do you have your free Election Truth CD-ROM yet?
If you don't have it yet, you need to get your copy of the free CD-ROM on election fraud. It contains over 2 hours of videos detailing the problems with electronic voting and election fraud. Also hundreds of pages of documentation. It was recently updated to include a great interview with author Mark Crispin Miller. Once you have a copy you can make more copies for your friends and your local election officials. You can download it for free, or have a copy mailed to you for just $2 to cover the shipping. More info here:

We should also mention that the new film "Electile Dysfunction" is a great way to educate yourself and your friends about this important subject. Pick up a copy in our online store:


Need a laugh (or a hundred)?

Solar Bus has collected 100 of the funniest photos of Bush. Some are obviously not authentic, but you're guaranteed to laugh.


Bob Ney: a central figure in multiple scandals, including election fraud

US Representative Bob Ney (R-Ohio) is emerging as a scandal magnet. If there's funny business going on, chances are he's involved. Ney is considered one of the key targets of the Abramoff investigation and will likely be indicted soon. Ney is also one of the writers of HAVA (the help America Vote Act), the purpose of which was, as Robert F. Kennedy recently said, not to help America vote, but to help America purchase Diebold voting machines. Well new information reveals that one of his former staffers was paid $180,000 by Diebold. Strange coincidence? I think not. It has also been recently discovered that Diebold paid money to Abramoff. What a tangled web they weave.

Brad Blog reports: http://bradblog.com/archives/00002261.htm


this newsletter can be found online here:


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Election Justice News is a free newsletter provided by the Election Justic Center at the Solar Bus. Please forward this newsletter to others and help spread the word about the need for election reform.

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March 01, 2006

Free Press Reports: Cuyahoga "Purged" 175,000 Voter Registrations

Report from the Columbus Free Press:

Did 308,000 cancelled Ohio voter registrations put Bush back in the White House?
by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
February 28, 2006

While life goes on during the Bush2 nightmare, so does the research on what really happened here in 2004 to give George W. Bush a second term.

Pundits throughout the state and nation---many of them alleged Democrats---continue to tell those of us who question Bush's second coming that we should "get over it," that the election is old news.

But things get curiouser and curiouser.

In our 2005 compendium HOW THE GOP STOLE OHIO'S 2004 ELECTION & IS RIGGING 2008 (www.freepress.org), we list more than a hundred different ways the Republican Party denied the democratic process in the Buckeye State. For a book of documents to be published September 11 by the New Press entitled WHAT HAPPENED IN OHIO?, we are continuing to dig.

It turns out, we missed more than a few of the dirty tricks Karl Rove, Ken Blackwell and their GOP used to get themselves four more years. In an election won with death by a thousand cuts, some that are still hidden go very deep. Over the next few weeks we will list them as they are verified.

One of them has just surfaced to the staggering tune of 175,000 purged voters in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), the traditional stronghold of the Ohio Democratic Party. An additional 10,000 that registered to vote there for the 2004 election were lost due to "clerical error."

Complete article.