Friday, February 1, 2013

31 Days of Nothing 2013, Week 4 & Rollup

It's over!  

The 31 Days of Nothing Challenge has come to an end!

Here's how the last week went:

1. Confession: We totally fell off the wagon and ordered Pizza and Chinese food the last weekend of the challenge.  We were all coming down with some version of a cold and we (I) just didn't have the energy to cook.  It is definitely hard to be frugal when you're under the weather.

2.  I finally had to get gas in my car three days ago.  I'm pretty impressed, though, that I only used 3/4 of a tank of gas for nearly the entire month!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Winter At The Beach

Before Valentine's Day comes sweeping in, I wanted to share with you some of the Wintery Beach Scenery around my house!

Our Winter at the Beach Mantle!

Can you believe I scored this mirrored window for only $5.00?  

Monday, January 21, 2013

31 Days of Nothing 2013, Week 3

There's just a little over a week left in the "31 Days of Nothing" Challenge!  Here's what I've been up to:

1.  Using my non-shopping free time, I was finally able to clean up my Craft Room from the disaster that was Christmas that swept through there two months ago!  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

DIY Wire Shelf Liner

It was time.  Time to organize the Bathroom Closet.

Here it is Before:

It's not the worst ever - you can find stuff in there - but it just looks like a mess.  The main thing that was annoying about the closet were the wire shelves.  They're just not made to hold small bottles without tipping them over.  It was a constant battle!

Monday, January 14, 2013

31 Days of Nothing 2013, Week 2

We're nearly at the half-way point of  the "31 Days of Nothing" Challenge!  Woo hoo!  Here are some of the highlights of this week:

1.  This week was spent catching up on the many projects I have had ideas about, I had half-finished, or I had just plain been putting off.  It's pretty easy to put some little projects on the back burner when you can go shopping for the bigger, more fun projects.  That said, I felt very accomplished this week with all of the little projects I finished and I can't wait to share some of them with you!

2.  Confession: We totally fell off the wagon and got McDonald's for breakfast on Saturday (yeah, yeah, spare me the lecture), spending $18.00.  Nobody's perfect!
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