Friday, December 23, 2011

Petri Dish

Both boys have strep throat.  I'm actually grateful because it is a bacterial illness and they can have an antibiotic to feel better by Christmas.  Thank Goodness that it's not viral and that they (and we, by association) are not miserable on Christmas.  I'm doing everything in my power to prevent Landon and I from getting it:  disinfecting every hand-friendly surface in the house; taking echinacea and vitamin C; drinking lots of water and orange juice; making the kids wash their hands often; and praying.

Here's hoping that we, and more importantly all of you that we love, have a feeling-good, good-feeling, wonderful Christmas.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Elf on the Shelf

A friend just shared this hysterical blog about Elf on the Shelf.  I have mixed feelings about Chuckles (the Farmer elf).  I always forget to move him; I never do anything creative.  And yet I'm the one that bought the damn elf.  Oh, the things we do to ourselves in the name of magical parenting.
Read this and weep tears of mirth.  I was shaking with hilarity as I read this.

Tirade about Elf on the Shelf