Sunday, April 1, 2012

Nests - Demo CS

When was the last time you heard of a good hc band, or even just a band from Vegas? Nests are the answer. The life of vice and the need for speed (literally) bleeds from the enterprise that is NESTS. Wrecking ball vocals infront of hellish licks are reminiscent of early 90's scorchers such as Citizens Arrest or Rorschach. Killer first output. First press of tapes are gone. More are being made soon.

download here.

Monday, February 27, 2012

NEWS + Wiccans "Teenage Cults" 7" REPRESS available

Hey maniacs and freeks. Sorry it's been a while, been situated with the outside world as of late but new posts and new hot tunes will be surfacing here soon. But in the mean time, get the limited repress of the wild WICCANS - "Teenage Cults" 7" if ya missed out in 2010. This time with GOLD hand-stamped labels, 200 pressed. Purchase here!

Cya soon!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sucked Dry - 7" EP

After a long treacherous wait, the MONSTER first EP is finally here from Kansas City's wildest gang of criminals, SUCKED DRY. Five tracks of barbaric and wicked hardcore punk. While taking hints from viciously primitive acts such as RORSCHACH, CROSSED OUT and NEANDERTHAL, the six minute blistering assault will make ya sweat like a stinky stuck swine. A truly frenzied hardcore release. Wonderfully two color silk-screened covers. 500 Copies on Black Vinyl. Split release with EAT THE LIFE and FORWARD.

Updated JUDGEMENT PACKAGE DEAL to get the SUCKED DRY EP with our other recent releases! Fashionable Activism 1 & 2 are gone for good (still in some distros: Feel It & Sorry State), but FASHIONABLE ACTIVISM 2.5 is out now and can be purchased in the store as well.

download here.

purchase here:

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Holidays

Top 10s soonish

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dry Hump - Culture Fuck Experience

Turn that song down, turn the static up... Dry Hump did exactly that. Faint of heart need not listen, with the title track making the case to join the Klan, if only to break up the monotony of suburban life. Another ripper closes side A, then a slow burner on the flip featuring the "random musings of a paranoid dildo". This one's a bit old (?) and they have since switched up the vocal duties and released a hot new LP. More on that later (maybe).

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pregnant - Wanna See My Gun?

This four cut slab has been one of my more frequent jams for well over a year now. I had foolishly avoided it for a while because of the artwork (it still kinda irks me). Then after seeing plenty of reviews saying that it has a strong D.C. influence, I was game. This EP was a lead up of sorts to their S/T LP, which is good, though the production on that seems muffled and lacks the same punch that makes this record shine. I haven't really kept up on what Pregnant have been up to lately, but I hope another banger like this one is in the cards.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wild Child - Demo 2011

So I finally did it... I finally broke down and got a tape player. One of the main reasons of doing so was that I could hear this tape; it is no let down. Wild Child have been taking the city by storm (part 3) here in Minneapolis for the better part of the year with live shows, but now we got something concrete to sink our teeth into. This is chaotic Hardcore at its finest and what I imagine teetering on the edge of insanity must sound like - complete with manic laughter. Get your hands on one of these bad boys while they last by shooting an Email to the band at: wildchildpunk(at)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Shoppers - Silver Year

I missed these Syracuse gals & guy a couple weeks ago when they came into town. Luckily they left a few copies of their spankin new LP around. Kind of your typical Noise/Rock/Punk thing going on here, but with a few twists. 1) Female vocals, which are always a plus in my book. 2) At times very melodic, sure still noisy as fuck, but if you can sift through the ruckus it could almost be poppy. 3) Lyrics about relationships, it's pretty odd for a band of this type, but a welcome change of pace from the "deranged", or ones that hardly (or don't) make sense that you'd usually hear with this genre. I hope I didn't just give you the impression that this band is a female fronted Pop-Punk band with some static... I can assure you they are not that.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Hey ya'll. Long time no see, It's been a busy summer for us on FASHIONABLE ACTIVISM & PASS JUDGEMENT, and I apologize for the lack of posting. We've been out of the office getting these three new releases out and ready for yr sweaty palms. So here we present the SELF-INTEREST " BLOOMING" 7", BRAIN TUMORS 7" EP, and issue number two of FASHIONABLE ACTIVISM.

Make an an order at : HTTP://PASSJUDGEMENT.BIGCARTEL.COM, and for more photos, and information see: HTTP://PASSJUDGEMENTRECORDS.COM

Order all three new releases for 15ppd!

After releasing two cassettes earlier in 2010, Winnipeg's SELF-INTEREST exhibit four new tasty cuts on this debut 7", "BLOOMING". This fully-realized statement of hardcore punk churns out a bleak and brutal rampage beside personal vignettes of misanthropy. It's discordant yet motor driven, and loaded with troggy riffing not dissimilar to the music of THE U-MEN, BLOOD CIRCUS and other proto-grunge hits, while also channeling demented, and scathing outsider USHC acts like THE SCAM & SOLGER. Wonderfully silk-screened covers. 100 Copies on CLEAR VINYL, 200 on BLACK VINYL. Mailorder Edition of 45 with transparent covers.

7incher debut from these Minneapolis freaks featuring six cuts of repulsive touch-n-go hardcore punk. Bright and jangled guitars onset the menacing headache while deranged vocals and roaring low-ends leave most squirming with one foot in the grave. Enough stench, hair and pus for the whole family brought to you by these four mutants. Four color screened covers round out this incredible package. 600 Pressed. Split release with FASHIONABLE IDIOTS Records.

Issue number two of Fashionable Activism hardcore punk fanzine. 20 Full sized, 8.5"x11" pages. Yellow covers, Hand stamped. First edition of 150
Interviews with The Men, Shaved Women, HPP & Death Domain

Also Available:
50 copy re-press of FASHIONABLE ACTIVISM #1 Fanzine
200 piece re-press of the GETTING EVEN 7"
BRAIN TUMORS tapes back in the shoe.

SUCKED DRY - 'Debut 7" EP'
FASHIONABLE ACTIVISM #3 - Full Color Photozine.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Sleaze - Weird Truck

Take a deep breath, have a seat and try to contain yourself, because yes, it's true, The Sleaze have come out with a new record! I was floored when I stumbled upon this yesterday, and the news only got better when I did some research and found out that they plan to have another out by the end of summer. Yep, that's right for those keeping score: In 2(?)+ years as a functioning band = 1 record. In the year er so since they've called it a day = 3 records (2pac joke). Probably not their best, but it's hard to judge against such insta classix as Smokin' Fuckin' Cigs and PCP. Oh baby.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ropes - Demo II

Third yield from the reincarnation of sumptuous REPOS, of course as the ROPES. 5 new blazers on this second demo distributed on their recent midwest excursion. and YAOWWWWWWWWW these are the most killer Ropes tracks yet. The vocal output on this one is more atrocious than ever! And holy shit the Dead Boys cover is insane!! The tape is housed by a rich zine with lyrics and artworks. !!!

Updated link with mastered recordings!
download here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Shameless Plug

Hey, I'm announcing/plugging my new blog of only live recordings called, We Ain't Gonna Stop (Fuck You). So far I only got posts of Condominium, Manipulation, Culo, and Formaldehyde Junkies. I'm going to try to space out the posts to once a week, so hopefully it'll be a steady stream with no big gaps between posts. It's probably not terribly exciting to most, but hopefully a few people will get a kick out of it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

HPP - HPP 7"

Ow oWE. Hipster Piss Party is definitely my favorite band curated by the Perennial Famzz, and a definite 2k11 top-dog out on the playground as well. This 7" is all that I want in a punk record. I love HPP's re-occurring lyric of "RIP IT UP", yeah... 6 new track follow up to the LP released last summer. HPP's finest recordings yet. Hilarious Clorox Girls riff (intentional or not). HPP is spilling their slime all over yr town this June. Go see them. Look for the interview in FA fanzine #2 out SOON. BUY IT HERE (NOW).

download here.

Ralph - S/T 7"

Young illiterate Atlanta punks toss out a fucking HIT with their debut 7" on Scavenger of Death. Ripping and youthful cuts holding (sped up) Koro and groovy Adolescents stroking close to the giblets. "Infectious" is the killer on this record, the gang vox are WYLD. For fans of the first Gov Warning 7" and 80s hoohaw. Great turd of wax for 2011. "For A Good Time, Call Philip". Buy it here.

download here.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Career Suicide - Cherry Beach 7"

It's about time Career Suicide returned to the pit. It's been almost three years since 'Cherry Beach Mk. I' was released, honestly, I kind of forgot they were still together, though I did end up seeing them in St. Louis yesteryear which was BOMB. Obviously, this is their new record with the two original tracks from the Cherry Beach '2008 Tour' 7", plus two new cuts, which are TOTAL BANGERS. This time they've recorded in a studio adding maximum smack and zest. Some might say Career Suicide are 'past their prime', but these tracks might be the catchiest yet of the triumphant CS catalog. Out on Dirtnap Records, comes with a rad poster. I TOOK THE FERRY.

download here.