
Friday, November 19, 2010

Pounce News

Hi everyone!  I've been receiving a lot of emails lately asking that I note all sorts of requirements including when special images are required, enabling comment reactions, limits to the number of other challenges allowed, when guest DT spots are awarded... just to name a few!  Keeping up with these requirements takes a lot of time and energy and I'm honestly out of time keeping up with the challenge blogs already listed so I will no longer be listing challenge blogs with such requirements.

I enjoy making cards for family, friends and in support of Operation Write Home and want cardmaking and entering challenges to a fun and relaxing hobby!  If you have a favorite challenge blog that is not already listed that is open to all images and without lots of restrictions simply leave a comment with the name and a link and I will check it out.  Going forward I will only be adding new challenge blogs the beginning of the month.

I appreciate your support and thank you for understanding!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

SUNDAY challenges

Hi everyone!  Here is an updated list of today's challenges:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

SATURDAY challenges

Hi everyone!  Here is an updated list of today's challenges:

Friday, August 27, 2010

FRIDAY challenges

Hi everyone!  Here is an updated list of today's challenges:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

THURSDAY challenges

Hi everyone!  Here is an updated list of today's challenges: