Hi everyone! We want to take a moment to share with you some of the exciting things we’ve recently added to Feline Playful!
We’ve created some fun quick reference buttons on the sidebar to help you find what you are looking for! For a list of challenges click on the CHALLENGES button and once you’ve entered a few challenges don’t forget to click the WINNERS button to find out if you are a recent winner. Did you notice that we said WINNERS! Yes, we are now listing who the recent winners are of all your favorite challenges. We encourage you to visit the winners and congratulate them on their recent win.
We’ve also added a page to keep track of DT CALLS. If you’ve recently posted or know of a Design Team Call that is not already listed on the page we’d love to hear from you, simply email Karen at
howardkm@charter.net with a direct link to the Design Team Call post and we’ll add it to the list.
We will also be adding a page you are all sure to love, BLOG CANDY. In order to get this going though we need your help! If you are offering blog candy or know of another follower who is we’d love to hear from you, simply email Karen at
howardkm@charter.net with a direct link to the blog candy post and we’ll add it to the list.
We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your ongoing support and all the encouraging comments! They really mean a lot to us. A HUGE thanks to all the challenge blogs who are taking time to send us updates, we hope that you will continue to do so. If you are a challenge blog and would like to help out by sending a list of upcoming challenges please email us at
howardkm@charter.net with your challenge blog name and URL.
Finally, we encourage everyone to become a follower and grab our badge to help spread the word. We have many more exciting things coming to Feline Playful and hope you will share the journey with us!
The Team