środa, 22 lutego 2017

France mini photo album

Hello all :) How are you? 
Mini photo album I made :) I use handmade paper, but I bought it here.
This is a perfect paper to make the flowers at home, 
you can see my roses, that I did, on the cover


carta fyche

środa, 15 lutego 2017

Frozen card

Hello all :)
for a special occasion I created this card. 
Protagonist is hit of the moment - Frozen, 
I hope that little princes - card owner, she like this card :)


crafting by design 25.02
brown sugar challenge rhinestones on the snowflakes  16.02
lil  patch of crafty friends  17.02
crafting with the attitude 26.02
artistic inspiraton  19.02

Sigmunt Freud project with LBBS

Hi and hello :)
Today I have for you a new project for LITTLE BLUE BUTTON STAMPS
I love this digis, they are so universal, you can use them in many different ways..
Look at this:

I used LBBS digi
chameleon pens
and some watercolor pencils

challenge :

niedziela, 5 lutego 2017

You can't - artjournal page

Hello my friends :)

After various health problems, I'm back :)
All sorted, let's go forward :)
I have for you today an artjournal page with Glimps digi stamp, and Paolo Coehlo quotes..
for new chalenge on Storie di timbri, carta e ..

I used chameleon pens and some watercolor pensils..

infiniment blog 28.02
craft stamper 28.02
crafting by design 29.02
brown sugar 9.02
pennys challenges  7.02
lil patch and crafty friends challenges  17.02
in the pink 15.02
sddicted to stamps 18.02
sognando scrap 28.02

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