Wednesday, May 12, 2010
It's amazing what a week can do...
He also had a well child check yesterday and here's his stats:
weight - 19 1/2 lbs (50 %)
height - 28 inches (60 %)
head circum. - 17 1/2 (60%)
so pretty much he's well proportioned!
Mother's Day Highlights
Friday, May 7, 2010
Feliz Amigos and Mother’s Day Luncheon
Miles’ 1st grade class has been preparing for awhile to open up their own Mexican restaurant. All the kids signed up for different jobs – Miles signed up to be a prep cook and was soooo… excited! All us parents got to come to the restaurant and be served by the kids. It was so good to see them all working together so well and working so hard to make their restaurant the best they could. It was great to see a smile on Miles’ face and see him working as a good teammate.
Miles also served as a greeter to all the parents when they got there. Shelbie’s VPK school put on a Mother’s Day luncheon on Thurs. and I was lucky enough to be able to go with just Shelbie. Grant watched the other kids so Shelbie and I could have some special time together. She made made me so many wonderful gifts and it was great to spend time with my sweet Shelbie!
ps - You probably noticed that I got my hair cut :-) It is definietly getting hot and it feels so good to have a light head of hair.
Side note: I tried using Window Live Writer to post this post. I am still learning about it but I think that I’m going to like it because you are able to do a few different things then what you can do with just blogger.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Pulling up!
I wanted to write down a little more about Fisher lately so here goes:
* great disposition
* you smile at him and he smiles back almost every time
* he has the best belly laugh around
* if your sad I'm almost certain that a smile and snuggle from Fisher would cheer you up!
* pulling up and bouncing on everything
* has his own way of crawling with a combination of hands and knees rocking, throwing himself forward, army crawling, sitting up, and rolling.
* busy boy already
* has two bottom teeth all the way in and I think he's getting some more
* does not like baby food and at this moment is eating nothing other then mommy's milk :)
* loves his siblings (you should see the sweet way he looks at them)
* Mommy's little sidekick (I left him the other night with a babysitter for the first time while Grant and I went to a party. He did great but I honestly missed him!)
* I asked Grant if he were to describe Fisher what would be say. His response was: Cute, precious, sweet, smiley, laughable. That pretty much sums it up!
Here are some pictures of my precious Coral and all her cuteness!