Thursday, January 12, 2012

Gifts from Santa.

I had to take a picture of what Santa left the kids just so I could remember.
 Here's Corals pile - A matching night gown for her and her doll, play cash register, barbie, smurf shirt, and play doctor kit.
 Shelbie got - matching night gown for her and her doll (which she ended up putting on her favorite bear YaYa), two new shirts. cheerleading outfit for her doll, and a barbie set with a signing stage.
 Miles got - a new shirt and a game (he has been asking for this game for a while and since it's an expensive game Santa kept Miles' gifts to a minimum)

Fisher got a new piece to his many train sets, most of which he inherited from Miles :)

Our favorite Santa!

Coral and Fisher just love this Santa that is outside a shop close to my gym.  Every time we pass by they have to go up to him and give him a hug.  I would have to agree that he is pretty cool looking.  One morning we passed by the shop just as they were opening and Coral went up to the lady who was opening the doors and asked her where the Santa was.  The lady was so nice and let Coral move him outside.  One thing that my children are not is shy :)
You might have noticed that Fisher doesn't have any shoes on - well every time we get in the car he takes them off and I guess I just don't make him put them on unless it's really necessary.  We walk on a sidewalk all the way to the gym door so sidewalk walking to me doesn't require shoes :)