(in the picture from top to bottom is: Lori Potter my sister in law "s.i.l.", Lana Dahle my "s.i.l.", Alison Cooper my "s.i.l.", myself, Angie and friend of Lori's, and Heidi Michael. Heidi is a sweet friend of mine and her and I got to ride together from Gainesville.)
I was so grateful to get to go to a women's conference, called Time Out for Women, in Orlando on the weekend of March 9th. I went with some great friends and family and had such an amazing and spiritually experience. Some of the main lessons and reminders that I took away from the conference were to:
*Focus on the positive rather then the negative - your circumstances won't necessarily change but your attitude will and you will feel so much better.
*Be forgiving and just "let it go"
*A reminder that my actions will affect my children tremendously, therefore I need to try my best to keep my cool and discipline with love.
*Charity isn't something you do for others its the pure love OF Christ for us. We have to have a relationship with Christ and truly feel his love for us and then how we treat others will be an effect of feeling Christs love for us!
There were many more lessons and beautiful music during the weekend. It was also a great weekend with some dear friends and some of my sister in laws. We went out to dinner, stayed one night in an awesome hotel, and some of us did a little shopping after the conference was over before heading home. This weekend was exactly what I needed to recharge! A big thanks to my sweet husband for taking care of the kids so I could go!