Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jayne's Blessing

This past Sunday we blessed Jayne in Sacrament Meeting. She was perfect, and we were lucky enough to have both sets of grandparents there to celebrate with us. Here are a few pictures from the special day...

The whole gang...

The happy family...

The dress...she's looking a little intrigued here...

Cute shoes...

Looking for a shoulder to snuggle into...she's a snuggler!

"What is that camera-thing?!?"

We've been getting a ton of these... :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Some random pictures...

Here are just some random shots that we've taken of Jayne over the past few weeks...

Leaving for Jayne's first day at Church...

"I'm ready for Church, Mommy!"

The dress...

At the Orlando Temple...

Ready for bed with Daddy...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

An Update on our Little Lady

Jayne is doing awesome! We can't get enough of this little girl. She continues to grow and grow. We are amazed how she changes every day. It's incredible! We absolutely love her and feel so blessed that she is so healthy and happy! Here are a few pics that we have taken over the past few weeks...

Jayne and Daddy in the hospital...

Jayne and Mommy upon arriving home from the hospital...

Her first bath...

She's a little snuggler.

Sacked out with Mommy...

We actually had a friend also take some newborn pictures of her. They turned out so cute! Here's a sampling. Thanks so much, Gretchen!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jayne Elizabeth Muir

We welcomed Jayne Elizabeth Muir into our family on Sunday evening at 8:38pm via c-section. She weighed 9 lbs, 7 oz, was 20 inches long, and came with a full head of hair! Both Jen and Jayne are doing so well! We are so excited to have her and feel so grateful that she is so healthy and happy! We'll post more pictures soon...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

No Big News...Yet.

There is an old maxim that "Happiness is really all about managing your expectations." We should have kept that saying in mind when the doctor's gave us the January 18th due date, and especially when others thought our little lady might even come a little early. So here we are...3 days late. It's time for setting some better expectations... :)

The good news is that Jen is still feeling good and the doctor said that he'll induce next week if little Ms. Muir does not decide to take matters into her own hands. Here's to hoping she will...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A (very) Brief Update...

We know we have been slacking on the posts lately...but with the holidays and the baby being due in just a few short weeks there is so much to be done! We'll have a lot to update when we can get a few minutes to catch our breath, sit down, and do it. As for us though, we had a wonderful Christmas! We definitely missed celebrating with family this year, but started a few traditions of our own which was a lot of fun! We hope that you are all enjoying this magical season! We'll definitely post any baby developments as they occur. It's amazing how fast the time has gone by. Until then...we hope that you have a Happy New Year!!! :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Sorry, we've been lagging with our blog lately. With Chad heading into Law School finals and Jen making the final preparations before Little Miss Muir arrives (only a few short weeks :) ), things have been quite hectic! Not to mention all of the hustle and bustle that seems to accompany this special time of year! Until we catch up with our posts, we just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! May you each feel the special spirit of this Holiday season!