So, this summer may entail a lot of garden inspired blogs. I think Brittany's a little worried I'm going to kill the garden while she's gone, so she's asked for proof that its still alive...... Please note, as of yet, I have NOT killed anything in the garden!! I also think the garden knew when Bryan got home because it has totally sprouted to double the size since he's been home.
Bryan watering the garden today
the squash - its doubled in size in just the last two days!
the peas :) - Bryan's favorite, not one has made it in the house yet.....
Radishes still in the ground
Our puny carrots......apparently you're supposed to thin them out like the radishes. But the stalks looked soo good! At least we know for next time.
the strawberries
the cucumbers.....a little worried about them They're growing, but slowly.
Our Rocks!!!! We're Done!!!!! At least in this spot :) Yay!!!! Now we're building a retaining wall for the lower garden.
Our new little grass that's finally growing in the bare patch.
Radishes in front, scallions (the grass looking ones), bean stalk on far left, carrots behind them, then the peas.
Bean Stalks
the corn! Its doubled in size in the last week!
Fresh picked radishes - Bryan said they were delicious.
Relaxing in the shade after the work.