Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer Update

Just a few pics to show what we've been up to lately.  Last year, at Lily's fundraiser we bid on, and won a night at the Snowbird resort with two all-day passes for the summer stuff.  So, a week or so ago we went up and spent the night.  they had a concert going on all weekend so we were able to listen to that.  We also rode the tram up to the top of Snowbird, and there's still snow up there!  It was pretty windy and cool.  We also rode the Alpine slide while we were up there.  

the ride up the tram

at the top, overlooking mineral basin

at the top, with the Salt Lake Valley in the background

getting ready to ride the Alpine Slide

Getting ready to ride the Alpine Slide

And of course, we also have some garden news.

three new peppers :)

ooh!  Our new lounge chairs - one the best purchases we've made so far!

Corn - on the front left one, there's an ear growing.  We've also got two or three more that I've found.

green beans growing fast now

Radishes and scallions

the spaghetti squash - it's HUGE!!  But no squash yet!

Cucumbers - we have three growing now.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More Garden News

Our garden is growing so much!  I swear, everyday its bigger and bigger - except for the strawberries and blueberries.  Pretty sure we've killed those off...

in the lower garden, on the left is the strawberry and blueberry plant....not doing so hot.  on the right side, the cucumbers are doing great :)

Radishes and scallions, with peas in the back.

l-r:  beans, carrots, peas, and in the back - corn

another picture of the corn - about 4' tall now!

view from the deck - shows the new rocks on the bottom, which are totally different than the rocks on the upper tiers..... we're going to bring in more rocks to 'blend'.  Also, our huge squash!

Love the corn :)

our only pepper so far.  We have 4 plants, but none of them have started growing peppers yet :(

Monday, July 11, 2011

This and That

A few things we've been up to this summer.  "We" decided (and by 'we', I mean Bryan, but anyway) to buy flowers to plant at the house this summer.  They looked so pretty when we bought and planted them....then, within a week, we practically killed them.  Bryan's been baby'ing them along, so we'll see if they actually recover.


Other random pics of the summer so far.

us downtown at dinner

Hannah, Tracy, Whitney, me and Becky after running in the Lehi Roundup 5k - great job Hannah!!!

Bryan and I before heading to dinner one night

poodle skirts for T and Lacy.  the one for Maycee's not quite finished yet.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Garden Update

So, this summer may entail a lot of garden inspired blogs.  I think Brittany's a little worried I'm going to kill the garden while she's gone, so she's asked for proof that its still alive......  Please note, as of yet, I have NOT killed anything in the garden!!  I also think the garden knew when Bryan got home because it has totally sprouted to double the size since he's been home. 

Bryan watering the garden today

 the squash - its doubled in size in just the last two days!

 the peas :) - Bryan's favorite, not one has made it in the house yet.....

 Radishes still in the ground

 Our puny carrots......apparently you're supposed to thin them out like the radishes.  But the stalks looked soo good!  At least we know for next time.

the strawberries

 the cucumbers.....a little worried about them  They're growing, but slowly.

 Our Rocks!!!!  We're Done!!!!!  At least in this spot :)  Yay!!!!  Now we're building a retaining wall for the lower garden.

Our new little grass that's finally growing in the bare patch.

 Radishes in front, scallions (the grass looking ones), bean stalk on far left, carrots behind them, then the peas.

 Bean Stalks

 the corn!  Its doubled in size in the last week!

 Fresh picked radishes - Bryan said they were delicious.

 Relaxing in the shade after the work.

Friday, June 17, 2011

An update! Hooray!

Whew, finally another post.  I've been busy doing yard work now that the rain has stopped, and trying to take pics, but I'm realizing I didn't take a lot of 'before' pics, so some of the 'afters' might not be as impressive to you all, but hey, I'll show them off anyway :-)
the house when we bought it. (Notice the shrubbery)
the house now :-).  Wow, the grass actually looks really green here.  Obviously its rained a bit this spring.
we're even adding a path, so it's easier to climb up and down.  the neighbor kids use it all the time as a shortcut.
on the left side, there are terraces.  the weeds were so overgrown that you couldn't even see them.  the neighbors behind us had no idea they were there.

Yay!  only one more fence post to go on the rocks!  I had to stop, because we're putting in one more terrace, so I wanted to make sure to leave room for us to work.
Our rocks. and the yard light.

 Our other project this year, is a garden.  Actually, it's Bryan and Brittany's garden; however, as soon as they planted the dang thing they both took off on holiday, so I'm the one left in charge, and they told me 'try not to kill anything ok?'  I'll certainly be glad when Bryan gets home to take over.
Brittany and Bryan preparing the garden  As you can see, we've still got one more row of rocks to go above the garden.
Britt taking care of the garden.  the day she left on vacation.

as of today - not too bad, eh?

carrots on the mid left; peas (with peas now  - they showed up in the last two days; and on the right - corn.


Radishes!  I could see a couple of tops of radishes poking out of the ground, so I picked them!  Not sure if they're ready yet. - BUT I haven't killed anything yet :-)