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"The New Year is here....."

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The New Year is here.... 
and with it all sorts of "beginnings"....or resolutions, however you would like to phrase it.  ( I prefer the former! )
Of course there are the predictable ones...lose weight, exercise more, clean out all your closets, etc. etc.
....but along with those, I like a few long term, more creative ideas as well.....

So here is my list....

No. 1- Begin writing/sending my on-line newsletter, "Living Little with Heidi" consistently.
( happy to report that No. 1 is in process & will be sent in a few days!)

No. 2- Begin writing my "Living Little with Heidi" book...same format as the newsletter, but in a "real, page-turning book", available late Fall/Christmas,... for purchase through my blog.
( thrilled about No. 2, & very happy I have a few months to work on it!)

No. 3- Plant a small organic garden, in my suburban yard
( would much rather say "country/farmhouse" organic garden, but "suburban" is the reality)

No. 4- Teach myself to cook "healthy & super delicious" Mexican food.
( I attempted this last year, was semi-successful,... & then became lazy, returning to the rather "unhealthy", but extremely delicious variety)

No. 5- Finish what I begin.
( first heard this saying in "Campfire Girls" many, many years ago....and have struggled with it for years...hopefully this year it will take least long enough to finish pajama pants for my grandson, Andrew)

O.K. so here it 2013 "beginnings".....I know you have a similar list, right?
Together we can do it!...I know we can.
Good Luck to you...& me!

Your friend, Heidi.....

P.S. if you would like to receive my free, on-line newsletter, please write me at


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