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Showing posts from 2012


One of the advantages of living out in the country is that one often finds random animals wandering around either lost of let loose. Sadly in Texas the latter is usually the case especially with horses, as they've become too expensive to feed and maintain. This animal however, was happily set loose, as we've come to understand that donkeys are not particularly cherished on the farm. A good animal to have around cows and other animals, but usually very aggressive, and generally they don't serve much of a purpose however cute they may be.  This very cute donkey made its way onto our farm one afternoon and lived with us for about a week until it found its way out of our fences and presumably on to better pasture. We got pretty attached and even gave it a name. There was some conflict as Princess wanted James (named after our primary school in England) and I wanted Jimmy (sounded cuter and because I love Jimmy Johns). We never really got the chance to make up our minds as ...


This I all I have to give you today. Because I love her so much.  Happy Saturday from sunny Texas.  K

Texas Crunch.

If there's one thing I learned from living with Roomie for three years, its how to bake. She used to make this dessert that we would literally sit on the couch and eat a tray of called Texas Crunch. Seemed like an appropriate thing to make to break in the new oven.  Basically it's made of 5 ingredients. 1 Pack of Saltine Crackers 1 Cup Brown Sugar 1 Stick of Butter 1 Cup of Chocolate Chips (or 2 if you're me) 1 Cup of Butterscotch Chips  I actually used up all of Mummy's old bags of Chocolate chips so there's dark, milk, white, and butterscotch in there... extra yummy. 1. Melt the butter and sugar in a bowl in the microwave until butter is melted and hot. 2. Lay Saltine crackers on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper. 3. Pour the hot butter and sugar combo over the crackers.  4. Heat oven to 350 degrees and put the Saltine crackers in for 10 minutes. 5. This step has to be done straight away. Right when the crackers...