Monday, August 27, 2012


Last saturday, we went to see Dr. Ismail for Zahra's 2nd month vaccination. But actually we are more excited to know her current weight n length development...hehe...Alhamdulillah...she grows well despite of me being so worried on my breastmilk supply...

Weight : 5.8 kg
Length : 59 cm
Mum's current weight : 52.9 kg

Weehooo...i still have to get rid of 2.9 kg to my pre-2nd pregnancy weight...can meh???!!!

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012


~~~ tewas akhirnya ~~~

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FYI, the ' World Breastfeeding Week' is celebrated every year from 1st to 7th of August. Since I am aiming to at least breastfeeding Zahra up to 6 months, I will do everything to increase my milk supplies for her...Insya-Allah. So to those expectant mothers out there, let us together keep in our heart and mind, to give only the BEST to our children...which is...MUMMY's MILK. 😊😊😊

Hey, even celebrity breasfeed her why don't us???

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Thursday, July 26, 2012


di copy-cat dari Majalah Pa&Ma edisi April 2011

~~~ Wanita yang menyusukan bayi secara eksklusif lebih daripada 3 bulan hilang lebih banyak berat badan berbanding mereka yang tidak melakukannya ~~~

Wowww...that's motivates me more...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


~ saje nak share pembelian paling berbaloi setakat ini...yeay!!! ~

AVENT Ultra Comfortable Breast Shells ni amat berguna untuk collect susu yang mengalir keluar ketika melakukan single pumping atau ketika baby menyusu. Instead of susu tu menyerap pada breastpad, lebih baik kita collect kan? Selain dari tu, ia juga dapat melindungi sore nipples ( tapi yang ni aku tak try lagi ). Based on pengalaman aku, banyak jugak taw kuantiti susu yang dapat di collect nih. Kadang-kadang boleh dapat dalam 1oz jugak...hah...saper nak bagi kan...nak-nak pulak bagi ibu menyusu yang susah dapatkan hasil yang banyak ketika pumping. Kalau tak percaya...cubalah try.

p/s : macam bukan 'wordless' ponnnn....

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