Sunday, February 24, 2013

Christmas 2012

For Christmas this year we did a lot of fun Christmas activities. We went to look at the Christmas lights at the Riverwoods with the Furr clan and played at the Beach Resort.

 We bought and decorated our Christmas tree.

 My favorite night is when we went to mail our letters to Santa. A huge snow storm came in....

but that didn't stop us from taking a horse drawn carriage ride,

and from seeing Santa Claus and the boys telling Santa what they wanted for Christmas. Oakley was very excited to let Santa know that he wanted the Batman Cave for Christmas. That night on a whim we also went and saw Wreck it Ralph with the boys. Since we were soaked from the snow storm we ran up to grandmas and dried our clothes before going to the movie. It was so much fun!!!

This Christmas season we went up to temple square with my mom to look at the beautiful lights and the return of the candy windows!!

We also ate dinner at City Creek. For those of you who know Oakley knows that he hates eating! But for some reason that night he was starving. I had to take a picture of him eating just so I could have a memory of him eating willingly!

 I was also proactive enough this year to make Christmas cookies we could leave for Santa. The boys did great at decorating them! This year we also went to Spanish Fork lights with the Furr clan. The boys loved it!! Then we came back to our house afterwards and had pizza.

At last Christmas Eve came. We spent the first part of the night at Grandma and Grandpa Furr's. We played games and the boys ate some yummy dinner. The second part of the night we spent at Grammy and Papa Dean's. The kids watched Christmas movies while the adults ate Papa Dean's famous dinner of crab legs and prime rib. Delicious. Then we opened Christmas pjs and Papa Dean read the Night Before Christmas. Some traditions never change :)

Christmas morning was so much fun in our new house! Canyon and Oakley got very spoiled by Santa. They got Avenger toys and dress ups, dream lights...

and the Batman Cave and Spiderman hideout. We spent the rest of day visiting grandparents and Canyon and Oakley got more and more spoiled. It was a very merry Christmas!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Update of 2012 Cont...

In September Daniel had to plan a scouting camp out with the local scouts and then none of the scouts showed up to go. So Daniel came home and took Canyon camping instead. They had some great father and son time (Oakley and I stayed home and had a slumber party in moms big bed We had a great time too).

Soon it was Halloween time. We love Halloween so we try to do fun activities with the boys. Which include...
the pumpkin walk which is a local pumpkin carving contest. And if you wear a costume you get a donut.
 Oakley with the Thor's hammer pumpkin and his favorite-angry birds.

We also would light candles and tell scary stories at bedtime while eating Halloween cookies...
We also went on the Halloween cruise down the Provo River and a pirate attacked our boat but then gave everyone tootsie rolls. Our cruise director told us scary stories along the way.

At last Halloween came. Canyon and Oakley were Avengers- Hawkeye and Thor. Canyon got to dress up for preschool and they did a program for parents and did scary Halloween songs and poems.
At last the night came and.......
To go trick or treating that is :)

They loved every minute of trick or treating and loved every candy they acquired. Then it was back home to read Halloween books in Halloween pjs.
For be honest I don't even have any pictures but I have a good excuse why. Two days before Thanksgiving we moved into our very own house!!! It was the best day ever!!!

Our Thanksgiving was good. We spent it at my parents house with my sisters and their children. Then it was time for the girls to go black Friday shopping. Our night (and I mean entire night!) was filled with great deals, big crowds, breakfast food at 4 am, and tons of fun.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Update of 2012

 Since I already wrote about our awesome trip in January I'll start with February. In February Oakley turned two and Canyon turned 4. Oakley loved Yo Gabba Gabba at the time and that was all he wanted for his birthday!
For Canyon's birthday we went to classic skating and the kids played on the bounce houses and played arcade games. They loved it!
Canyon got to go to a monster truck rally. Like father like son :)
Then he got to go to Toy Story on Ice with me and his aunts and cousins. (Poor Oakley was still a little young to have the attention span for these things)
We had a good Easter and Canyon even waited to get into his Easter basket this year when mom and dad were awake to see it. The Easter bunny was much happier with him this year :) Oakley was very excited about Easter this year. He loved finding candy hidden all over the yard.
Canyon finished up his first year of preschool. He loved it and learned a lot. He also made new friends.
Canyon and Oakley went on the Father and Sons camp out with Daniel. Oakley cried all night long for me. Sucks for Daniel but it made me feel pretty good :) They were all pretty warn out by the time they got home.
Canyon played T ball this summer for the first time. He did great!

Canyon got his first short haircut and we said good bye to his long curly locks. It was sad :( But at least Oakley still has his curly hair.
This summer we also celebrated Pioneer day by going down to see Great Grandpa Furr with all his really cool cars at the Pioneer day festival. It was really fun. They had an obstacle course, old and new fire trucks to play on, a tomahawk throw, and a petting zoo. Tons of fun. Canyon even won his round on the obstacle course! (so he went up against a three year old girl but whatever. We waited in line for 45 minutes for him to race so he was super excited to win.)

 That is Canyon crawling under the covered wagon top...
Daniel had to go on a six day backpacking trek up Strawberry Reservoir so the boys and I drove the jeep to go out and visit him one day. It was fun to be out in the wilderness again.

We had a fun summer full of swimming, bbqs, playing outside, and more swimming. Soon came the fall and it was time for the Utah State Fair.  We love the fair!! This year we attended an Olympic Diving show. Canyon thought it was the coolest thing ever. He loves swimming so I wasn't too surprised. Afterwards we met one of the divers. We also saw tons of animals and giant vegetables and ate really greasy food. So much fun!! (Warning: the pic with Canyon and the diver is a little graphic. I'm just saying...they have little swimming suits)

Canyon started back up at preschool and also started playing soccer. He is such a good little runner. He runs and runs after the ball but gets a little timid when trying to get the ball from the other team. It is so funny to watch ten four year olds run around after the ball!!!

Canyon's preschool went on a field trip to Crandall's Fruit Farm. It was like home sweet home for Canyon since that is where Grandma lives. Canyon and Lydia got to lead the way around the farm.

The rest of 2012 to be continued...