Saturday, February 25, 2012

le jardin s'est levé

photo courtesy of pinterest

I have a confession to make...
I am in love with Pinterest♥
The little garden shed with its climbing pink roses, lavande rows and larkspur landscape screams assez. Wouldn't you agree? The nasturtiams falling down the sides of the old wooden wheel barrow is almost too much for me to handle as I'm eager for spring to arrive.  

We have a garden shed similar to this one that Lennis built. It sits next to an extended porch. Promise, picture when spring arrives. I believe this spring I'll usine some pretty flowers around the hangar. Possibly some pink climing roses like the ones in the picture.
I've been studying and previewing different rose varieties to plant in my jardin.

This is New Dawn~ Nouvelle Aube
This one is named Heritage~ Héritage
I amour the old fashioned cabbage roses.
Both of these roses is also carry a lovely parfumé. An extra rose bonus I believe and lovely when you bring a freshly cut bouquet indoors.

Do you have a rose jardin?
Ayez un beau jour

Thursday, February 16, 2012

French jardin

Photo courtesy of Pinterest

I can't seem to get jardin off my mind lately. With spring just around the coin, I suppose it's a natural thought.

We added on to an existing back porche last summer and I am excited to begin fluffing it with Français.

Once again during my cuppa tea time I've been wondering around Pinterest searching for idees.
I'm envisioning ferns and roses and flowering blooms filling the space and maybe white wicker since I already have a couple of nice pieces.

Photo courtesy of Pinterest

I like this idee. Don't you? Love the allysum in the pots. One of my favorite little plants. The old chippy dresser is a parfait resting spot for the blooming plants. How clever to include tattered mirrors.

Ah yes, I'm yearning for fresh clean spring with an orchestra of  robins singing their sweet lullaby.
Just as I do about this time every season. Seasons calling me I believe...
Photo courtesy of Pinterest

Calling, appeler...
Ayez un beau jour

Monday, February 13, 2012

Jour de Valentines heureux

photo courtesy of Pinterest
Jour de Valentines heureux
I hope it's a day filled with smiles and hugs and kisses. xo
Ayez un beau jour

Thursday, February 9, 2012

& de chemise de nuit ; chambres à coucher

photo courtesy of Pinterest
While on the mention of vintage nightgowns I thought it only proper to incluez pretty nouveau nightgowns also I have several nightgowns like the one in this picture. I call them summer nightgowns. Our cold winters and my 1920 era drafty home would not allow me to wear the sleeveless gown unless I was pose on the sofa bed with piles of  édredons and blankets. Even then I'm afraid my arms would have goose bumps.
Summer time though and I take a long hot bath and glissez dans a simple cotton gown like the one above.

Do you have a collection of nightgowns or a robe de nuit such as this one?
Ayez un beau jour

Thursday, February 2, 2012

robes de nuit de cru

If you've visited Fussy Frenchs' sister blog Bittersweet then you know about my passion for vintage nightgowns. This photo was taken at the Bittersweet studio. I proudly affichage the gown on a dress form at the entrance of the studio/boutique.
I prefer simple broderie over fantaisie and hues all of the same pallate. Equally fanciful Empire waist dresses excitez je.

photo courtesy of Pinterest
Isn't the robe beau? Stunning I believe.

Truly I wish the empire waisted dress would make a comeback, vraiment I do.
What are some of your favorite styles?

Ayez un beau jour

Monday, January 23, 2012

organisez assez

Who doesn't like an organized maison? I prefer it to be assez at the same time.
I'm fond of cru apothecary coffrets. I amour the robin egg blue paint on this old coffret. Don't you?
Who says storing things like papier hygiénique can't be pretty? This image is a perfect example of that.
Oh the joy of plucking tissu remnants from this cru coffret.

What are some of your favorite Fussy French Organisez idees?
Ayez un beau jour

Friday, January 13, 2012

Conception française

I' ; le VE been wrapping myself into these elegant images. I'm in amour with the wall art. It appears to be sketches of lantern designs. If I were to stumble upon such tattered drawings I'd snatch them up in an instant! I am fond of the sofa too. The perfect shade of gris, the scalloped lines and most important to me, one coussin! I prefer sofas to have just one cushion. 
Notice the old wooden planked flooring. It appears to be in a most natural state. This design  travaux well with the complimentary tones of gris. Who says gray has to be dull and boring? Seriously...
Un more equally loved design. The one above. The creamy tone on tonalité.
Coutil bleu wrapped ever so subtle and the rose colored tassel hanging from the Queen Ann style chaise. Fastidiously French design I believe and it's the ideal "Fussy French!"
Ayez un beau jour

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dreams of jardins de pays...

Shortly after Christmas I begin receiving spring catalogues de jardin.
We usually experience an intense winter during the months of January and Février. During those months I begin to drool over garden periodicals especially the jardins de pays.
I'm particularly affectueux of pink cabbage roses and hydrangeas. Old fashioned blooms of phlox and foxgloves in pretty shades of violet, pink and cream I amour! Lavender blooming freely throughout the landscape.
Little hideaways covered with English ivy and wisteria are to my liking.

A comfy vintage chase with piles of oreillers seem to speak my language. Pretty tumblers filled with lavender lemonade or mint tea call my name.
rêver, rêver
Do you dream of jardins de pays when it's cold and snowy outside?
Ayez un beau jour

Monday, December 26, 2011


I've been pulling some of my favori organized idee pictures from divers places. I amour this image. I'm quite affectueux of the vintage utilitarian piece. What a grand endroit to house your every day kitchen goods.
This old aluminum counter is divine. Love the white stoneware mixed with the rustic wooden crate.
The pictures help to favorisez inspiring storage idees.
What inspiring storage idees get you motivé?
Ayez un beau jour

Tuesday, December 20, 2011