Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pumpkin Walk

For family night we decided to go to the Pumpkin Walk in North Logan. We highly recommend it. All displays used pumpkins and gourds for their theme. Our favorites were the Sesame Street, Charlotte's Web, and Click, Clack, Moo displays. Here's a few photos from the event...

Gracie's dream come true.

"Seek Vader, you must"

Of course, one of our favorite displays of the evening.

Our family in front of pirate pumpkins

Saturday, October 20, 2007

First Snow

Winter comes a little earlier here in Logan! Saturday morning brought us our first snow. Gracie and Sophie were out there immediately, but we quickly decided to send dad to the Utah State football game alone. BRRRRR!!

Attempting the impossible

This photo is proof that we really did try to get all four Shaw grandkids to smile and look at the camera all at once. Between Sophie crying her eyes out, Gracie nearly dropping Jordo, and Ty eating fruit snaks that colored his mouth blue, we threw in the towel and just decided to get good individaul pictues of the kids. Who knows, maybe in 20 years or so, this will be our favorite picture.

Monday, October 15, 2007


This is our effort to contribute to the ward pinewood derby last weekend. We let Gracie decide what the car would look like, so of course, it was a pink pig. But little piglet proved to be quite talented, as he won the loser race (note: loser race). For Gracie, who is starting to show some competitive traits like her father before her, this was the grand first place win. It was so cute to watch her face during the races. She told me later, "I just don't know how piglet got to be so fast!" Good question, Gracie!

A New 'Do'

After over 19 monhts of trying, we finally scraped up enough of Sophie's hair to put it into piggy tails. Gracie's morning routine always includes sitting in the 'pink chair' to have her hair done. Sophie has always wanted her hair done, just like her sister. When I finished doing Sophie's hair for real, she turned and posed for me so I could check it out, just like her sister does. Gracie said she looked like a bug.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Delicious Fall

After a morning that was filled with whining and tears, I decided that we'd better get out of the house before my brain turned to mush. So we decided to head up Blacksmith Fork Canyon for a picnic. The leaves were beautiful! We were all alone up there, but it felt like heaven. We picked a a whole bag full of leaves, pretended to fish, and just sat and enjoyed the beautiful creations. And no one cried. If it weren't for a piano lesson waiting for me at our house, I think we would have stayed until dark.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Fire Station Tour

We were invited by some friends to tour the Logan fire station. It was so cool! We got to explore inside an ambulance, climb on a fire truck, and even try out the fire pole. We had a blast. Sophie was a little nervous until the end, when the firefighters gave her her own hat. As we were leaving, she blew the kisses over and over.