Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fab Five

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Ben's Thoughts

Now that he's been around for two whole weeks, we are wondering how Ben likes it here on Earth. What could Ben be thinking?

Hmmm...not sure if I like the comb over. What do you think?

I'll never get tired of minky blankies. Ever.

I'm having a hard time deciding if I like this binkie....only sometimes. Maybe I'll like it if it's in my ear.

This is my newly made big sister. I thought I'd give her some recognition now that she is a middle child. She needs all that she can get right now:) Pretty cute, isn't she?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

He's Here!

Welcome Benjamin Timothy!
Ben arrived to our family on Monday at 2:28 p.m., weighing in at 7 lbs. 11 oz. (our biggest so far) and 20" long. He was also the best labor yet for me. Only 4 hours long and 2 minutes of great! He has TONS of long blond hair, which is also new for us. We are used to seeing bald babies around here. So little Ben has already provided us with lots of smiles.
Me, meeting Ben for the first time and loving every minute of it. Plus, it was still daytime, which I was also loving. It's nice to have a little head start on the sleeping thing!

The proud father with his first 'manchild', as Mary puts it.

My four favorite people in the world. Can you believe how lucky I am?

When Gracie saw Baby Ben and I for the first time, she burst into tears. I asked if they were happy or sad tears, and she smiled and said "happy". Sophie has great plans of teaching Ben all his letters of the alphabet. He has two big sisters who are already taking great care of him.

Yeah for Ben! Thanks to everyone who offered support and prayers during this special time for our little family. We love you all so much and feel so blessed.
Jake, Jen, Gracie, Sophie, and Ben

p.s.-Thanks to my mom for taking such good care of us. We are going to miss you!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008