Sunday, September 18, 2011

A (late) Summer Recap

School started about a month ago, but we are still reminiscing about our great summer. Can't quite let go of those warm, care-free days. (sigh) But being on a schedule again has been good. Our kids are LOVING school and it's always great to see your kids learn and grow. Ben and I are adjusting to being alone every afternoon. It's actually been a good thing. He's becoming my little buddy.'s the first day of school photos:



Ben wanted in on the action too.

After seeing how sad Ben was not to start school, I gathered up a few of his best friends and their moms and created his once-a-week 'ABC school'. He talks about it non stop. It's pretty cute.

Kian, Luke, Jack, and Ben on their first day of ABC school. Aren't they the cutest?

Back to's a quick recap of some of our highlights (cue the really fast banjo music):

County fair fun with our buddies

Bubbles and giant slip and slides all summer long thanks to our next door neighbors. They put on a 'mud run' this summer and, lucky for us, they practiced out their obstacles on us all summer long.

Once again, we tried out our luck as a fishing family. And once again, it didn't work out so well in the fish department. But we did have fun hanging out. I guess that's what fishing is all about.

Sophie spent most of the time taking good care of the worms. I don't understand how my kids can be so fearless when it comes to holding creepy crawly things. It totally grosses me out!

This pioneer day Jake was inspired to write all our pioneer ancestors down on a banner for our ward pioneer day parade. It actually turned about out be pretty awesome. All the names listed are direct ancestors who crossed the plains. We learned some neat stories about our heritage and hope to get it out again every pioneer day. We feel lucky to have such an amazing heritage!

We also had our traditional family pioneer day hike. This year we went up green canyon and saw the quarry they used to build the temple.

Crossing the river on our pioneer day hike

This summer was also Jake's summer of scout trips (which he loved). He spent a good portion of May, June, and July in a tent. Here here he is with some of his priests on a big huge bike trip.

As just when he thought his tent days were over, Jake got to pack us all up for the ward camp out. It was great, and everyone slept well. (so I hear-I cheated and went home late that night....not a camper) Here's Ben showing his enthusiasm for camping!

Gracie and Sophie showing off their strength at the ward camp out.

For the 2nd year we attended the USU volleyball clinic. These players were so cute with my girls. They loved it!

(is the banjo music still going?)

Finally, here's a view of where we've spent HOURS this past summer. We were lucky enough to be invited to help take care of a community garden with a several other families in our ward this year. We initially said yes because we wanted our kids to learn how to work and see the fruits of their labors. It was great. Even though we spend hours down here, we loved spending time together and with friends and even learned a few gardening skills along the way. I even had my attempt at canning this year! I tried out green beans, spaghetti sauce, salsa, and corn. Lots of work. Not sure if I've decided if it's worth it or not, but at least I learned how, right?

We'll miss you summer of 2011! (sniff)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

2011 Reunions

This summer turned out to be SO great thanks to our two awesome family reunions we had. They were both in Utah, so the driving was minimal, which was nice. We just love being with our cousins and siblings and grandparents...we didn't want any of them to end!


Park City, UT

After a big flop (due to the weather and crummy quarters) from the last Garlock reunion, this one was a huge success! We stayed in a beautiful condo that slept all 15 of us, which gave us maximum together time. We ate amazing meals, had great conversation, and even had a treasure hunt for the kiddies.

Grandma Garlock and the kids (although, I think that is Sawyer in the middle wearing Ben's shirt....he fits our family so well!:) )

Ben, Jake, and Gracie playing in the hot tub...Sophie still had her cast on:(

All of the Garlock clan in one spot! (main street) Amazing how big of a group we've gotten!

I have to say that it sure was nice not being the only ones with kids. Our schedules seemed to match up a lot better this time!

Ice cream on Main Street....yummy!

In our search for Sabbath-like activities on Sunday, we went for a BEAUTIFUL drive to the top of the mountains above Deer Valley.

One of the highlights was the Olympic Park and watching the ski jumpers put on their show. I highly recommend it!

These guys were amazing!

Thank you Garlocks (especially Mary) for the great reunion! Can't wait for the next one!


Bear Lake, UT

Just when we thought our summer couldn't get any better, we had our WONDERFUL Shaw reunion in beautiful bear lake....another short drive for us! We stayed in a large cabin that easily slept all of us. We had TONS of yummy food, the kids played their hearts out, and the adults played games almost every night. Our new favorite: "Truth Be Told". I laughed so hard! We did miss Tanner, Estee, and the newly born baby Benson. Congrats to them!

Ben and Allie playing games

A good ol' fashioned cousin potato sack race

Sophie eying the s'mores instead of the camera

Everyone enjoying the fire pit and s'mores

The highlight of the trip was (obviously) the lake! It is such a great kid shallow and lots of sand, even with the water being so high this year.

Grandpa Shaw giving the kids a ride of the big orange blob thingy.

I love this pictures of my girls. Rach is an amazing photographer!

Our family in pure relaxation mode (another picture by Rach)

We attempted to make these plaster prints on the sand. Some worked, some didn't, but it was fun to have a sovenier from the beach!

Rach and I ordered the same suit....which we were fine with, since she lives thousands of miles away and this would be our only day to be twins. Jake calls us the double mint twins

A few grandkids enjoing Grandpa's boat ride

Other highlights included a cave tour of Minnitonka caves (which was a challenge but amazing), raspberrry shakes, and swimming at the pool. We wore ourselves out in fun!

Such a cute little crew. We love our cousins and family and miss all of you already! Thanks for the fun times!