Now in its fifth year, there is nothing like it. The Gay Agenda 2016 is an indispensable guide for those who want to
achieve full legal equality as promised in the United States
> Available instantly via Kindle ($3.99 or free for KindleUnilimed).
> Available in paperback ($11) from the publisher, Amazon and other retailers.
> Buy multiple copies for your friends, family, coworkers, organizations.
This is the 2016 edition of the popular series, The Gay Agenda.
It includes all up to date information about how to achieve legal
equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. Thoroughly updated and with 13 new chapters, if you have
not yet read any of the Gay Agenda books, this is the time! If you have
read the prior editions go directly to Part IV about what to do in
2016. Find answers to questions such as:
- What are the most important actions you can take in 2016? (see ten actions in chapter 56). NEW!
- What words did the Supreme Court use in the marriage decision when talking about LGBT people? (see chapter 17). NEW!
- What arguments did the Supreme Court use about the role of religion in marriage? about the tradition of marriage being between a man and a woman? about states rights? about the effect on children? about having a vote on marriage? Check the Supreme Court answers (chapter 27). NEW!
- How does the Supreme Court view the evolution of our rights, on their own words? (chapter 40). NEW!
- What are the 14 strategies you can pursue as a donor (see chapter 63)
- In how many states there is full equality for LGBT people? (see chapter 60)
- Isn't it true that "politics is the art of the possible"? (see chapter 47)
- What's missing for full equality in your state? (see chapters 60 and 61)
- What are some of the creative actions to foster LGBT equality? (see chapter 65)
- How can you be more effective as an activist? (see chapter 66)
- Is it there a full declaration of principles for achieving full equality? (see chapter 34)
Many more topics are addressed. Check the table of contents below. This
book is updated yearly and it is divided into four parts:
- Part I describes what LGBT means and the arguments used to deny equal treatment under the law to this group of people.
- Part II shows what the gay agenda is in detail, including the goals to be achieved.
- Part III describes the different paths available to achieve equality.
- Part IV details specific actions you can take in 2016 to achieve legal equality for the LGBT community.
- Finally, the epilogue describes the ultimate goal, beyond legal equality.
The book has three main characteristics:
- Very comprehensive guide to LGBT equality
- Very easy to read (283 pages divided into 68 short, very-focused chapters)
- Directed to a wide audience: activists, LGBT people, allies, and
people who can be swayed by the arguments the opposition is using about freedom of religion,
family values, etc
“I love this book.”
—Jennifer Molho
Amazon Reviewer
“This is a wonderful book! The way it is written makes it good for LGBT people and beyond. The layout makes it easy to read.”
—L.G. Gracey
President, Grace Concepts
“This is an excellent read, an incredibly important contribution to
the LGBT community, and an important work. Thanks for keeping it up to
—Stephen E. Herbits
Activist donor
“With true stories and personal tidbits, Dr. Jover weaves a powerful
narrative from start to finish detailing why it is high time that we
unite and work to ensure true legal equality for our LGBT brothers and
—Sailesh K. Rao
Executive Director, Climate Healers
“This is an easily read book from the inside of the LGBT activist community. Juan knows about what he writes.”
—David L. Andreas
Retired Bank Executive
- If you have read any of the previous editions of The Gay Agenda, read Part IV
in detail since it is completely new and describes the actions to take
in 2016.
- If you are seeking to understand the most important social issue of
our generation, this book is for you (especially Part I and the
- If you are a parent or grandparent interested in family values and
protecting your children, this book is for you (especially Parts I, II,
and the epilogue).
- If you are a policy maker, independently of party affiliation, who
wants to write laws that are fair, this book is for you (read it all).
- If you are a religious person interested in preserving your freedom
of religion, this book is for you (especially Part I and the epilogue).
- If your sexual orientation or gender identity or expression does
not fit that of the majority, this book is for you. You may know some of
the information presented, but you will gain insights and inspiration
for fighting for equal treatment under the law (so read it all and take
- If you are a believer in equality, this book is for you. You may
know some of the book’s content, but read it all and take action.
Juan Ahonen-Jover, Ph.D, is an entrepreneur who did well and is now doing good. He is the creator and cofounder of eQualityGiving, ActOnPrinciples, eQualityThinking, and Loving Everywhere, and the convener of the Omnibus Bill and the Dallas Principles—all focused on the fundamental principle that everyone should be treated equally under the law.
Juan was awarded a Fulbright fellowship and was educated at Stanford
University in supercomputers and business. He has four advanced degrees
and is fluent in four languages. He co-authored a book on computers and
is an innovator in election protection.
Juan enjoys speaking engagements from time to time. Contact him below.
NEW: What We Accomplished in 2015
Part I: Who Are These LGBT People?
1. Who Are These Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) People?
2. A Day in the Life of a Family
3. A Bad Day in the Life of a Family
4. Your Family’s Values
5. Defining Family
6. It’s Unnatural!
7. You Are Sick!
8. The Bible Says So
9. Your Freedom of Religion
10. Is Homosexuality a Choice?
11. Let Me Straighten You
12. Don’t Flaunt It!
13. Understand, Accept, and Respect
14. NEW: I Need To Go To The Bathroom!
15. NEW: You Are The Wife!
16. NEW: Are You The Wife?
17. NEW: Supreme Words
18. It’s About Freedom; It’s About Being Better People
19. Summary: Who Are These LGBT People?
Part II: Why A Gay Agenda?
20. Special Rights
21. If I Am Not Gay, Why Should I Care about Gay Rights?
22. Barney Frank’s Radical Homosexual Agenda
23. Thinking Bigger
24. Q: What’s the Gay Agenda?
25. It’s Not Rocket Science
26. Equality Goal: Nondiscrimination
27. Equality Goal: Marriage Equality
28. Equality Goal: Protecting Youth
29. Equality Goal: Same-Gender Parenting
30. Equality Goal: Freedom of Gender
31. Equality Goal: Serving in the Military
32. Equality Goal: Hate-Crimes Legislation
33. Keeping Score
34. What Happened in Dallas?
35. A Movement for All
36. Summary: Equal under the Law
Part III: Different Paths?
37. Three Main Paths
38. Path #1: The Courts
39. Activist Judges
40. NEW: Supreme History
41. Path #2: The Legislatures
42. NEW: Endorsing Candidates For Elected Office
43. NEW: Counting the Votes
44. Counting the Money
45. They Were Wrong
46. Insiders and Outsiders
47. Politics As the Art of the Possible
48. NEW: Few Republicans Are In
49. From Endorsements to Legislation: Act on Principles
50. Path #3: Popular Vote
51. Winning Hearts and Minds
52. Equal Rights and Businesses
53. Building Alliances
54. Summary: The Paths to Equality
Part IV: What You Can Do In 2016
55. NEW: All Fronts
56. NEW: Your Turn: Ten Actions You Can Take in 2016
57. Equality Act: Equal Once and for All
58. The New Frontier: Blatant Discrimination
59. The Advocate
60. Reaching 100 Percent in the States
61. The Other Thirty States
62. How Much Is Equality Worth to You?
63. Strategic and Creative Donors
64. Your Turn: Supporting Organizations
65. Acting Differently
66. Your Turn, Your Way
67. My Turn, My Way
68. NEW: Summary: All Fronts
A Respectful Message for You
Epilogue: The Ultimate Goal
Thank You!
About the Author
Appendix 1: Notable LGBT People
Appendix 2: The Dallas Principles
Appendix 3: Good Companies
NEW: Appendix 4: Equality ACT
Appendix 5: What We Accomplished 2012-15
> Available instantly via Kindle ($3.99 or free for KindleUnilimed).
> Available in paperback ($11) from the publisher, Amazon and other retailers.
> Buy multiple copies for your friends, family, coworkers, organizations.
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