
Showing posts with the label revolution

The Revolution You Planned Is Not the Revolution You'll Get

In 462 BCE, Ephialtes directed a peaceful revolution in Athenian governance, implementing a radical democracy in which the entire body of citizens would theoretically hold power, voting on legislation and policy directly in the Assembly. No more elites! What actually happened? Let us ask Thucydides: "So, in what was nominally a democracy, power was really in the hands of the first citizen (Pericles)." Instead of "power to the people," the revolution produced one-man rule! I am not aware of a single revolution in history, violent or peaceful, that did not produce a result significantly different than that the early leaders intended. Why will yours be any different? "But I'm not power hungry!" Exactly. That is why, when the revolution is over, you won't have powe r. Someone who is hungry for it, and will do whatever it takes to get it, will have power instead. "But my revolution will only occur once people are convinced that grabb...

The Revolution You Get Won't Be the Revolution You Planned

"The fears and suspicions engendered by the radical revolutionary ideas adumbrated during the Interregnum made suggestions for even the most modest and logical change anathema for a hundred years to come... Once again the result of the projects of the revolutionaries was the exact opposite of what they had intended... The preexisting élite became more deeply entrenched in property and power. Fear that any change might once more open the floodgate of revolution blocked reasonable reform to meet new conditions for over a century." -- Lawrence Stone, "Results of the English Revolutions," Three British Revolutions: 1641, 1688, 1776 , p. 59 - 61