Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Apple Butter Festival

The Apple Butter Festival was a TON of fun and something that we will be making a tradition to attend every year! I went with one of my best friends, Stacey, and her husband and kids. The day started out a little but chilly but soon warmed up and it was BEAUTIFUL!
Cole, Elyzabeth, Seth, Kira, Caleb, Emilee and Stacey (Justin took the picture)
The kids and I were waiting for out turn to shoot the "BB Guns"
Emilee was being a little "snotty" and would not smile for the picture

I tried to FORCE a smile out of her, haha! It actually turned out pretty cute!
Caleb shooting his first arrow!
Emilee shooting her first arrow!
Caleb shooting a BB Gun for the first time
Emilee shooting her first BB Gun

Cole and Caleb

We did archery, BB Guns, walked a tight rope, catapults, branding, watched some boy scouts pretend to be Indians (haha), ate lunch, helped with making apple cider, tasted some fresh apple butter, and walked, walked and WALKED some more!

Halloween 2011

Halloween this year was a lot of fun! This is the only picture I got of my kids together.
(There good friend Sebastien in the middle)
Each year members of our church have a "Fall Extravaganza" at their house. They always have a TON of fun activities... Here is Caleb going on a horse ride
Emilee riding the horse
HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pretty Pink Tights

Have I ever said before how much FUN it is having a little girl? Really...every mother needs a little girl! She gets me in ways that my husband and son NEVER will :) Oh, and shes not even 5 years old yet... HA!
Emilee has started dance classes. She LOVES it. The first week didn't go over so well but now she LOVES going :)
Unfortunately I have to work late on Wednesday nights so her first dance class has been the only one that I have been able to attend....which also means it's the only week her hair has been put in a "dancers bun" :)

Before and After

Like many other moms out there I got pregnant, ate a lot (and I mean A LOT) and gained about 60lbs with Caleb. After I had him I lost SOME of the weight, but quickly put it back on. Before you know it you get preggo with baby number two and you just end up even MORE over weight! It was very frustrating to me...and depressing (which, lets be honest, led to even more eating). I put on 100lbs! CrAzY! After being this way for 5 years I decided to make a change. It started with going to the gym...then attempting to change my eating habits...but finally took off when I joined weight watchers and started taking spinning classes at the Y. It has been a long and HARD journey, but one that has made me stronger! Here are a few before pictures....
Me and my best friend Dee Dee
Kira and Dee Dee
This is me after losing 85 lbs! I am happy with the progress I have made, but of course I am not finished! I am hoping to run in my first half marathon in 2012. Help me to hold on to that goal!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wedding Extra's & Randoms

Emilee and Uncle Kevin

Emilee & Aunt Amber (or HAM-ber as Emilee says)

Caleb, Kevin, Emilee & Amber

Caleb & Kevin

Caleb & Kevin (my favorite picture)

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Some random pictures:

Caleb and Emilee were playing early one morning & I guess they decided to sleep a little longer... Caleb just decided to join Emilee in her bed!

Me and my baby boy at the zoo while we were in Arizona. I can't believe how big he is getting!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kevin & Amber's Wedding

Kevin, Gene's brother, got married this last weekend. Caleb and Emilee were the ring bearer and flower girl

Gene was one of the grooms men

Kira was a bridesmaid

Amber looked GORGEOUS! The wedding was short and beautiful, as was the reception. We had a lot of fun and are so excited to have Amber OFFICIALLY be a "Robison" now!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I Foresee T-R-O-U-B-L-E

Emilee, Grandma, and I needed to get out of the house and what better than a little "retail therapy" :o) As Brenda and I were looking at some jewelry Emilee was busy "accessorizing" herself. She came around the corner and had no problem striking a pose. Looks like we have a diva in the making...WAIT, who am I kidding? -- She already is a diva!!! Let's just hope that she doesn't turn into a "diva - diva" :o/