Thursday, July 31, 2008

YW Activity

Last night I had the privilege of attending the YW Wednesday Night Activity! It was fun...the Mia Maids were re-doing the bulletin board by scrap-booking new pictures of each of the girls to go up on the board. We had oreo's, doughnut's, juice and music to keep us pumped. It was lots of fun! Caleb came up with me and after eating 8 oreo's and 4 doughnut's he painted two pictures (storm clouds and a race track) and played basket ball in the cultural hall!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Yeah, My Back Is Black..."

So today was just another normal day at the and Caleb...swimming and tanning...then all of a sudden I look up from where I am laying out and I see Caleb swimming all weird. I sit up freaking out a little bit b/c I thought he was struggling for some reason when all of a sudden he turns to me and says..."I did it all by my self Mom!" He took his floaties off while I just happened to turn my head and decided to teach himself how to swim halfway across the pool! I was thrilled and sick all at the same time. Of course I didn't have my camera with me, but I did get some of it on video on my phone. Crazy little boy...
(The above picture is of how tan he is getting. When someone who hasn't seen him in a while says "Caleb you are getting so tan" he says " back is black...) LOL!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Touched Deeply

I was so incredibly moved by this couples story...well, it is their precious little babies story I suppose...BUT--I wanted to share the web site with anyone else who might want to read about it!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Focus Has Changed

Okay...not the best picture...BUT--I have totally found that since having kids (mainly my little girl) the time I spend making sure I look "good" has lessened dramatically! For example, I can't even tell you that last time I bought myself a pair of shoes...I spend most of my time shopping in the kids section!! How cute are these shoes?! I can't help myself...I tried to walk away from them in the store, but they just kept calling out to me. She looked adorable in them today at church and she got many compliments...not bad for a 20 month old...(by the way, you can find these shoes at Target)

Friday, July 25, 2008

"Uncle Josh Has Earings In His..."

Okay, so if you have ever been a "new" visitor in our home you were more than likely greeted with Caleb screaming "Uncle Josh has earrings in his boobs"---yes, that is correct. You did read that right...we try to play it off and most people have this uncomfortable laugh afterwards but what can I say. So today after dinner Caleb and Emilee were playing with stickers and Caleb walks into the room and says he has earrings in his boobs well as the other places that Uncle Josh has pierced. What's a parent to do, right?!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

All Good Times Must Come To An End

The Boys chillin' in the back...

Emilee looking oh so beautiful before heading out to church! She loves going to nursery!

A rare moment of peace and quiet! We LIVE for these moments as parents, right?!

HAHAHA! Valgene PASSED OUT one day on the couch. I think it was while the above picture was going on! LOL!!! She was GONE...

Picture quality didn't come out so well...but isn't he adorable! We had so much fun having them come for a visit!

Caleb and Sebastian Time

These two boys had the time of their life this weekend! So much didn't matter what they were doing they played and played and played! (They didn't fight at all either!!!)

This was Sunday after church. The boys weren't allowed to play at the park because it was as Sebastian put it "The Sabbath Day" and Caleb's was the simple "It's Church Day"--so instead they went down stairs and built the San Diego Temple (that's what Caleb said it was) and Sebastian said his was the Mesa Temple. How sweet, right?

AWE! This was them as we left the play area at the mall on Saturday.

And of course, playing at the pool! It's funny...Caleb is really tan! He tells people his back is black. It's kind of funny. But they were running and jumping in and just having a great time together!

Back Yard Fun

Us ladies were taking a break from chasing/entertaining the kids so we sent them outside...we hear this uncontrolable laughter and had to see what was happening...

Emilee and Sabastien were sitting on the swing taking full advantage of Caleb wanting to push them on our porch swing. I guess for little kids this was TONS of fun!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Office

“I enjoy having breakfast in bed. I like waking up to the smell of bacon, sue me. And since I don't have a butler, I have to do it myself. So, most nights before I go to bed, I will lay six strips of bacon out on my George Foreman grill. Then I go to sleep. When I wake up, I plug in the grill. I go back to sleep again. Then I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon. It is delicious, it's good for me, it's the perfect way to start the day.”
-Michael Scott come September and every Thursday night The Office is set to record on the "can't live without" DVR! We love this show. Totally HEELARIOUS!!! Check it out. You can even watch full episodes online at!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fun In The Sun!

So my husband totally kills me. Today we had lots of fun going to lunch at Red Robbin and playing in the water fountains at Easton Town Center. When we got home he was flippin' about how his feet hurt...his feet got burnt from being in the sun for an hour! HAHAHA! Guess that's what happens when you marry a red head!

Handsome Caleb. We were playing in the back yard after we got home and decided to finish off the rest of our sparklers and "poppers". They had a lot of fun!

Emilee wasn't all that into the fireworks and was more into riding her little scooter/bike. She is such a sweet girl!

They are really playing well together lately! During the day they head out into the back yard to play and keep each other entertained while I do house "stuff". I love that they love each other now!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Holy Crap Are These GOOOOD!!!

This is a great treat for Family Home Evening...or any time really...BQ, church activity, whatever! Try them and let me know what your favorite candy bar was that you put on top! We like Snikers/Twix bars at my house.

Extreme Toasted Marshmallow Candy Bar Rice Crispy Treats
12 Cups toasted rice crispy cereal
2 10.5 oz bags mini marshmallows
6 Tablespoons butter
1 Cup chocolate chips
3 Cups mini marshmallows
10 mini Twix candy bars, chopped
10 mini Snicker candy bars, chopped
1. Prepare rice crispy treats according to directions on the cereal box, I doubled recipe. Press into a 9X13 inch baking dish. It will be filled close to the top.
2. Preheat oven's broiler and position top rack in middle of oven not top (if rack is too close to the broiler, the marshmallows burn instead of slowly turning golden). Sprinkle chocolate chips over rice crispy treats. Sprinkle 3 cups mini marshmallows over top. Broil in oven just until marshmallows start to puff and turn golden. Watch very carefully, it happens quick!
3. Remove from oven and press chopped candy bars over toasted marshmallows. Let cool for 1 hour before serving. Enjoy!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

How Sweet Is This?!?!

They explain what this video is about while you watch it so I don't really have to tell you...but I just thought that it was really sweet! It must have been really exciting/touching to see something like this in person...

What's A Parent To Do?

Nothing all that interesting has been going on around here lately. Just the same summer activities of sleeping, swimming, and being HOT...I've had a couple of funny/interesting conversations with Caleb lately. Nothing all that major, but this is how they went:

This first one took place at church a few weeks ago:

K= Caleb sit down and be reverent or I am going to take you out and you're going to get in trouble!

C= Do it then!

Okay that's it! I've had enough...out in the hall we one was out there so instead of going into the bathroom we sat down on the couch...

K=Look at me Caleb! You do not act like that in Sacrament Meeting. You sit down, be reverent and think about Jesus...

C=I don't want to!

K= This is Heavenly Father and Jesus need to be reverent!

C=Where are they? I don't see them...

Now I wasn't expecting that comment...what do you say to that? How do you explain to a four year old that Jesus and Heavenly Father may not BE here but it is their house...and have him actually understand what I am saying??

The second was the other day when he was really testing my patients:

K= Caleb stop...


C= I don't want to...

K=Well, I'm the Mommy and I said stop...

C= Well, I'm the Caleb and I said NO!

Oh so help me! He is one of the most stubborn, strong-willed little kids I know! I guess what they sat about "pay back" is true...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Okay, so let me just give you a little update on what the last 24 hours has been like for us...Well, I guess it all really started 4 days ago. Caleb is one of the most "regular" people I know. By that I mean he NEVER has an issue with doing the big 'ol #2. So he had been saying that his stomach hurts...being a little weird every now and then about it...but nothing too out of the ordinary. So finally by day 3 I realized, as many of you other Mom's out there must also keep track, my son has know...for 3 days! Now, don't get me wrong, I know it isn't like major or anything but by this point Caleb is doubled over and walking around saying his stomach/poop hurts. I, along with Gene, try to get him to go but by this point he has freaked himself out! "NOOOO! It HUURRTTSS!!!" Well, Caleb if you just go it won't hurt anymore...he doesn't get the concept!! So we give him a dose of Miralax...wait till the next morning and no bowl we give him another movement...we have been in touch with his pediatrician and were told that if he still doesn't go by noon'ish on day 4 to give them a call. It's now noon'ish on day 4 and we are to either give him milk of magnesia or a suppository. For most kids out there a teaspoon or so dose of M.O.M. would definitely be the easiest...NOT with Caleb. He has never taken medicine. Even when he was a baby he would throw it up. He had to get shots when he had a parasite b/c he would not keep down any medicine. Okay so who do you think had to do the horrible task of forcing a suppository on my son??? Yeah, so here's Gene..."So how are you going to do this? Are you going to need me to help b/c I seriously don't think that I can do it!?!?!" I say "Gene, just chill. Just follow my lead..." ---WHAT??? He I hide it in my hand and Gene can't sit down...he pacing the room. One arm folded, the other up by his mouth...YOU WOULD THINK THAT I WERE GIVING IT TO GENE!!!! Lets just went "smooth". No big issues. A few hours of, screaming, crying, and trying to calm the kid down it was all over. I NEVER want to have an experience like that again. I feel horrible for those kids/parents out there who have to deal with this on a "regular" basis!!! (By the way...the picture above was Caleb sitting on Emilee's little potty...we thought that if we could change things up a bit he might be a little more willing to go...obviously that didn't work)