Thursday, November 27, 2008


This is not what I thought I would be posting today, however, I received this email from my Aunt earlier and was so touched by its message! I am so thankful to live in this wonderful choice land that the Lord has prepared for us and am thankful for all of the rights and freedoms it gives to each and every one of us!! So on this day of thanks I would like to thank our members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints for being such wonderful examples to the world in this recent election, especially those living and serving missions in the state of California. We are examples to the world and also other religions and I couldn't be more proud. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Germs...PLEASE Go Away...

This winter has been especially hard on the Robison's...broken & dislocated elbow, surgery on elbow, pins pulled out of elbow. Next--double ear infection, pneumonia, and seizures. Then comes Emilee with the sinus infection and infection in BOTH eyes. Oh wait...then the other kid with the eye infection in BOTH eyes!!! (Meanwhile, we can make a cake out of the green snotty noses around here) THEN---no, I am not finished...I end up in urgent care with a ruptured ear drum and ear infection (making that a total of 18 times I have ruptured my ear drums) Miraculously, I can still hear every scary sound at night when Gene is gone at work...PLEASE germs...GO AWAY!!! And winter has just started...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

One of "Those" Days

I guess I will start off by saying that it has just been a yucky day. The weather is rainy and nasty outside, a TON of wet leaves have been plastered to my car and I can barely see the body underneath, BOTH kids wound up in my bed last night, some other things are going on that I just can't blog about, and I have just been in a crappy mood ever since! My poor friend Jennifer got to listen to me first thing this morning complaining and whining and while usually venting is my way of "letting things go"---today it just didn't work!! SUCK! But I my kids have been in bed for an hour now (and it's only 8:30pm) and after looonnngg HOT shower, I am feeling a little bit better!
Today at Caleb's school was Pajama Day. They have been learning all about "night" and "day" and today they celebrated with pj's, popcorn, apple juice, and a movie. Caleb was so excited and had been talking about it since Monday. So this morning I decided to go out and buy him a pair of "loose fitting" bottoms---but he won! Long-john Scooby-doo pajama's it was!

Emilee wanted to get in on the action of picture taking and "comfy" clothes too.

And I HAD to post this picture because I just love it! Please excuse the snotty nose/lip. We have been dealing with this grossness for a few weeks now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Baby Is 2

Can you believe my baby is TWO!?!?!? Oh my...she is so many things to me. She is my best little girl friend. She is my "boo". She is sweet, she is attentive, she is observant, she is a good listener, she is so expressive (especially through her eyes), she is a great communicator, she is my teacher, she is my sweet, sweet little girl and I hope, wish, and pray for her to know how special she is not only to me, but her Dad, her brother, and the rest of her family...I hope she knows how truly loved and wanted she is!!! Happy birthday baby girl!!!

Such a big girl

She liked opening presents this year...for the most part.

This is her checking out her new Ariel "big girl panties" (that word is so weird...panties...)

I love Caleb's face in the background

If you can't already tell...Emilee's new "thing" right now is Ariel. She is slowly starting to get into "girl things"

All of her much appreciated presents!

Everything was Ariel...even her beautiful, yummy cake that stained fingers and faces blue from the blue icing.

I love her cute little personality!!!

Trying to blow out the candles...

"I do it"--Emilee's new favorite words

Emilee's face saying "I approve"
***Thank you for all of your cards, money, and presents!!! Emilee's birthday was great fun and we wish we had more family here to celebrate with us (but were grateful to those who were there)!!!***

November 8

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mormon Synchronized Swimming

Gene and I saw this and had ourselves a good laugh! We needed that today!

Monday, November 3, 2008

He Can't Cut A Break

Poor seems like I have been starting WAY too many posts like that...he has had a chest cold for the past week or so and starting Friday night he started in with a high fever. All day Saturday he had a fever and complained that his chest hurt...his back hurt...I would have loved to give him some medicine to get the fever down but he WILL NOT take any. Even when he was 2 months old and I tried to give him some Tylenol before his immunizations he threw it up. He has never taken meds and I don't know if he ever will. So Sunday the fever just kept getting higher and finally at 104.5 Gene and Chuck (our good friend) gave Caleb a blessing. We decided to try and wait it out until morning so he could just go into the Pediatrician but about an hour later he had a seizure!!! Talk about scary! Gene's brother has seizures quite often so Gene was used to seeing it (not that you could ever get used to seeing something like that) but I freaked! So into the hospital we went and after a LOOONNGGG night he has pneumonia, double ear infections and he had the seizure from the high fever. After some shots and a lot of prayers we are now home and doing much better. We have to really push the fluids b/c he is dehydrated and hopefully it will keep the fever down (b/c otherwise its a Tylenol suppository and if you've read my post from July 1--I DO NOT want to have to do that again!!!!!!) Wish us luck!!!