Sunday, July 19, 2009

Oreos + Popcorn + Eli = Caleb's First Sleepover

So this last Thursday (the 16th of July) Caleb had his first "real" sleepover. My friend Jennifer has a little boy, Eli, the same age as Caleb and the two play really well together (well...99% of the time).
The boys ate a couple of bags of popcorn...

And a whole box of oreos! Needless to say, they were up until 1:30am running around chasing the cat and being crazy boys!

Finally he passed out! The next day he was up by 8am and stayed and played until later that afternoon. Once he got home he tried and tried to fall asleep and take a nap...NO WAY was I allowing that to happen (he would have stayed up all night) by 7:30pm he was in bed and slept until 9:45am the next day!
Thank you so much Eli (Jennifer) for the fun times and memorize! Caleb has told everyone that he went fishing and caught his first fish!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

"I finally caught one!!!!"

For the last 3 weeks or so Caleb has been trying his hardest to catch a bird. He has probably spent 1-2 hours every day trying to come up with new ways of trying to accomplish this...
Today, as Emilee slept on the couch and I was on the phone with my Dad trying to set up our wireless connection, Caleb was outside "catching his birds". All of a sudden he rushes in the front door screaming..."I finally caught one!!!!"
Don't worry, this is what he "caught". A DEAD bird who's head was partially torn off! Instantly I was up yelling for him to throw the bird down (outside) and washing his hands (2x) plus using hand sanitizer...
I almost D-I-E-D!!! Only Caleb....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Whoa..It's Been A LONG Time...

It has been a long time since I've posted! Battery on the camera was dead (actual it still is! i got these off of my mother-in-laws camera) :o) BUT...we have been enjoying our summer! The days have been spent at the pool, the park, t-ball, traveling and having visitors! This last week the kids spent 5 days with Grandma Brenda! SOOOO much fun! Here are just a few of the highlights!

Here is Emilee at the Wagley's (Bishop of his moms church) house for a graduation party!

Caleb playing on their FUN play set in the back yard. That is his "bestest friend Sebastien" from the Youngstown area! The boys play so well together and I can't even say that they have ever even had an argument.

SILLY boy! He's been becoming more photogenic lately...I'm liking it! Maybe he won't take after Gene after all (when it comes to pictures at least)...

And here are the kids at the primary activity at the church. It was a bunch of different obstacle courses they had to go through. Unfortunately they had to hold it indoors since it rained most of that was crowded!

Caleb (with Sebastien) waiting for his turn!

Caleb and Emilee (and Hailey, their cousin) LOVE going to the fire station. Here is the captain and some of Grandpa's crew that he works with in front of the "big" fire truck!

Driven' on a call!

Emilee taking her turn!

Caleb had so much fun...he's still talking about it!

He is getting so big!!! I just can't believe it!

Caleb, Emilee, Hailey and Grandpa!

Sebastien, Caleb and Hailey playing at the mall on a rainy day!

Emilee, Caleb, Lacy, Hailey, and Sebastien (Lacy is Gene's step brothers daughter)

(More pictures Next Post)

More...more...and then some MORE!

LOTS of pictures! Here are more pictures from Grandma's house:

Uncle Kieth playing with the kids. One morning he watched the kids so Brenda (Grandma) could go and visit some families from church. They had tons of fun!

HUGS! Between all of the tickling...

Cheese! OH!!--This day Uncle Kieth had to put Caleb in "Time Out"...why??? B/c he said the "s" word!!! I'm telling you, the things kids pick up on...and he hasn't even started kindergarten yet!!! (NO, he didn't hear it from me...or Gene...)

The Trumbull County Fair was going while the kids were there they decided to check it out. SO FUN! We took the kids to a fair in our little town a few weeks ago...we were there for four hours...they were at this fair until after MIDNIGHT! I don't think my kids even knew that time existed after 9pm...

She might look petrified in this picture, but once it gets going she is in hysterics!

Riding the Dragon...

Caleb and Sebastien

AND FINALLY...I only got a couple of pictures of the 4th of July. The kids went to a parade the first thing in the morning and Caleb got to ride in the truck that grandpa was driving and got to throw candy to all of the kids! Emilee and Grandma waited at the end for Caleb and ended up with 5 lbs of candy (no joke)....THEN we had a family picnic at the park where the kids had a lot of fun...

Caleb going down a slide that I couldn't handle to watch. It is WAY too tall to be at a park...with a HARD ground underneath...that LITTLE KIDS play at...arg!

And this is how the weekend ended! THEY were pooped! Lots of fun...

Caleb barely there...
TONS of fun was had last was detox...hopefully tomorrow we will all be back to normal! I promise to post more regularly...