Monday, January 28, 2008

Wonderful Weekend!

I had a wonderful weekend! It all started when my sister Sarah and her husband Bryce came into town. This was an excuse to do lots of girl things and leave the kids with Geoff. On Saturday all of us sisters went shopping and to the movie 27 dresses. It was so fun to be with my sisters again.

The fun didn't stop there. For Christmas I got Geoff tickets to the Brad Paisley concert on Saturday. We dressed up in our best cowboy outfits and headed to the concert. It was so much fun. I used to go to a lot of concerts and I have forgotten how much I enjoy a good concert. I especially love a country music concert because there were people age 2 years to 80 years. One of the guys that opened the concert was really good. His name is Chuck Hicks he has some good songs and it doesn't hurt that he is really cute!

It was a great weekend and I am thankful to Geoff and April for watching the girls the whole time!

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We Thank Thee Oh God For A Prophet.

President Gorden B. Hinckley has passed away. I am having a hard time wrapping my heart around that. He has been the prophet since I have really developed a testimony of my Savior. I feel like his words and example have supported and lifted my spirit through these 13 years. I am so thankful for him. I never met him in person but each time I read his word or saw his face I knew that he knew me and that he was mindful of me and my challenges. I love him and I am so thankful for the sacrifices he made to be a leader. I will miss him so much.

Friday, January 25, 2008

"Here she is, Miss America"

It's pageant time! Yes the perks of living in Las Vegas are procuring tickets to the Miss America Pageant Preliminaries. Geoff's company audits the Miss America Pageant so he got free tickets. So we rounded up the girls and headed to the pageant.

My sisters April and Monica

Aleena, Rochelle, April, Monica

Here are a few pictures of the contestants. I wish I had written down who was who. I really liked Miss Florida and a few others I don't remember. The best part was at the very beginning the contestants were introducing themselves, the attire was a spaghetti strap tank top and jeans. It was hard not to notice one girl that was wearing a Shade shirt, we new she had to be Miss Utah and she was! I was really proud of her.

This video is of Miss Montana's interview, definitely the funniest of the night. Sorry it shakes so much, we were laughing so hard!

Evening Gowns
The night was ripe with frilly over the top dresses that the contestants felt a need to fan out. I guess that is the only way to get the full effect. A few were very beautiful and not too over done.


The talent portion was everything cliche to pageants. Super dramatic and over the top. I am sorry that I didn't get a video of the a monologue, very pagentesque! Don't get me wrong they were all very talented girls, just all trying every ploy to "one-up" each other. Overall very entertaining!

Miss Utah is the one on the right.

Monday, January 21, 2008

5 months!

My baby is 5 months old. She is getting so big and not just in size, though she is a whopping 17 pounds and 26.5 inches long. Laila is very sweet and loves to be where the action is. This part poses a problem because even through the night she doesn't want to miss anything. As a result Laila's new room is the Laundry room downstairs. Now she can wake up as much as she wants without waking anyone else in the house. This might sound cruel but believe me, her life is way better now that I am getting more sleep I am a much nicer mom.

I feel so blessed to have two happy and healthy girls.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

The best thing that happened today.

The last few weeks have been tough. I am not going to go into details, but it hasn't been pretty. So as I was wallowing in my pessimism, it hit me, nothing was getting better because I had not made a space for it. I have never seen myself as a negative person I am usually pretty upbeat. It hit me, the other day I had a phone call from Geoff and my Mom and I heard myself clearly for the first time. They both asked how my day had been and I went off on how bad everything was. I had become "that person", you know, the one that you put off calling because you feel the dark cloud over your head the whole time your talking to them. Geoff used to call whenever he had a minute and I realized that he rarely called during the day.

How was my life going to get any better if I kept myself stuck in such a negative pattern? I felt trapped in a vicious circle. The more I focused on all the bad things, the more depressed I became. The more depressed I became, the more I focused on what was all wrong in my life.

When I realized that I am the only one that can change my perspective, I turned to Gratitude. This is the best way I know to change behaviors. When I am focusing on the things that I am grateful for, they only multiply and increase leaving no room for the negative.

This is a lesson that I have had to learn many times in my life and I am sure this will not be the last. I am amazed how easy it is to fall into negative patterns and I am equally amazed at the opportunity for personal growth when I come out of it!

So the reason for this post is to share what I am thankful for today. I am thankful for sounds...or the lack thereof. This morning I listened to beautiful church hymns while listening to Aria play "mommy" to her babies. One of my favorite sounds in the world is Laila "talking". She has so much to say and loves to coo. Because I decided that today I am thankful for sounds I really started listening and I never realized that Aria has the most wonderful pitch to her voice, it is the sweetest high pitched melody. I am grateful for the sound of Geoff's voice at the end of the day, his sound is a solid foundation that grounds and stabilizes me.

At this moment, as I write this post, I am thankful for the lack of sound. The girls are in bed the house is picked up and I am feeling overwhelmed at what a wonderful day it has been. I thankful for all the bad things so that the good things are even that much better!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Alta High School Class of 2000!

"Who rocks the house? The Hawks rock the house, and when the Hawks rock the house they rock it all the way down. HUH!"

That's right all you Alta Hawks out there, it is almost time for our 10 year class reunion. I know, I know, it is still more then 2 years away but for attendance and planning purposes it is time to get on the ball.

I have set up an Alta High Class of 2000 blog. I don't know if this is the best way to do it, but for right now this is what I can do. The blog will post any information needed to have an awesome 10 year reunion.

Please visit the blog and make sure that all those that you are still in contact with get the information about the blog as well. We are hoping to make it an unforgettable event. I am hoping to post information monthly so make sure to check often.

Go Hawks!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

CAUTION...potty training!

My new years resolution: Stop spending hundreds of dollars a month on diapers!

Aria is now 2 years 3 months, is it time to potty train yet? I love the Internet but today I hate it! This morning I googled "potty training" and got an overload of conflicting information.

Don't give rewards, give rewards, get a little training toilet, don't get a training toilet, etc, etc! There are also about 2 million potty training books, which is the best?


I need real advice from people that have actually have done this. What do I do? Where do I start? Does anyone have any good advice that actually worked for you? What is the best book to read? I would love any guidance!

Thank you!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Sorry this post is a little late, but I wanted to remember our Christmas of 2007! It was actually a very wonderful Christmas. Geoff was supposed to work Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas so we couldn't go home to Utah for Christmas. To make a very long story short, he was able to take those days off of work so we packed in the car on Sunday and surprised Geoff's family for a Christmas.

Christmas Eve was spent with Geoff's extended family for a wonderful dinner and a cute program. It was the remaking of "The Grinch that stole Christmas" Geoff was the Grinch-perfect role!

Christmas day was spent with my family in Draper. It was very nice, Aria loved all of her presents that Santa brought to her! Thank you to everyone that made our Christmas so wonderful, we appreciate the generosity!

We are so glad that we actually spent Christmas with both of our families. We realized that we would have been very lonely alone in Las Vegas. It was a Christmas wish come true!

These are Aria and Laila's Christmas dresses! So cute.