Monday, July 21, 2008

lovey Laila

Laila is at a really fun stage in life. She is trying to talk, walk, and play with the "big" kids. She is getting so big! Laila is a super lovey kid, she loves to snuggle, kiss and hug.

Big hug

Brady is not quite sure why she is licking his face.

I love this little lady so much. I have enjoyed watching her grow up. I am way more relaxed about it the second time around.

Monday, July 14, 2008

matchy matchy pink cubed

While visiting Carmel the ladies hit the outlet malls to find some great deals, and we did! Becky and I found the cutest outfits and couldn't resist the chance to have the girls match!

They loved matching


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer Travels

We have had very fun few weeks. We have been from Las Vegas to Utah to Carmel California to Las Vegas to Bryce Canyon to St. George back to Las Vegas. The next few posts are of our adventures.

We went to Carmel California to Ryan McGiven's Grandma's house. It is spectacular. The house is on the 14th green of the famous Pebble Beach golf course. It was so awesome. We went with Ryan and Sarah McGiven and their boys, our cousins Nina and Kyle and their boys and our friends Alex and Becky Stoddard and their girls. We did some very fun things, get ready for some picture overload!

I had to post this picture of my favorite golfer. We would sit outside and watch the golfers, it was so relaxing and at times very entertaining (see below).

We had a blast playing at Pebble Beach. The weather wasn't ideal for a beach vacation but the kids were not deterred. Here are Aria and Griffin playing, we wonder if we ever have a boy if this is what he will look like.

Running away from the freezing cold water.

Laila loved the beach, she especially loved eating the sand. Yummy!
We had so much fun at Monterrey Pier watching the Sea Lions and birds. Easton wanted to get in the water and swim with the gross Sea Lions.
We were with the McGiven's night and day for 2 weeks. We feel so lucky that they are our family, we love you guys!
Aria developed some what of a crush on her second cousin Carter. I found them hugging and snuggling a few times on this trip.

San Francisco and Oakland

One of the last days of our trip we decided to make a trip to San Francisco with the kids. It was 58 degrees and wind gusts of 40 mph (I don't know if this is true, but that is what it seemed). Despite the weather we had a wonderful time. We saw some of the strangest people concentrated in one place. I guess that is what you get in large cities.

You can see Alcatraz in the background. Geoff told Aria that is where they put the bad guys so they couldn't get out and the whole day she kept talking about the bad guys swimming.

We bought a peach at the farmers market, it was the largest, juiciest, sweetest peach I have ever tasted.

Aria loves her dad so much! It was the best vacation because she had him all to herself.

The kids found a fountain that had warm water. It took all we had to keep them from jumping in.

You can't go to San Francisco without seeing a few silver men. This was the WORST silver man in the history of silver men. He wasn't even silver and he was really bad!

These guys were the real deal. They were very entertaining to watch. Easton was so brave and gave them some money.

We visited Ghirardelli square where we got some of the BEST hot chocolate I have ever tasted. It was so delicious and it warmed up our frozen bodies.

After San Francisco we went across the bridge to Oakland for the A's vs Giants baseball game. It was so much fun. I was a little worried because Geoff told Ari that we were going to a baseball game a week before we actually went. She asked about the baseball game every day so I thought it might be anticlimactic. Good news, Aria LOVED it. It actually was one of the funnest games that I have ever been to. Nothing better then a good rivalry game.
Aria loved to chant "let's go Oakland" and still chants it weeks later.

Birthdays, Seven Peaks, and makeup

We were able to celebrate my brother Doug and my niece Olivia's birthdays while we were visiting. Last year we had season tickets to Seven Peaks and I had forgotten how much I love it. It was so much fun! I was able to go on a few rides with Aria. Even Laila went on a few rides with me, I don't think she liked it as much as Aria.

It was Doug's 19th birthday so he got lots of Missionary stuff. Nothing more exciting then getting suits, shirts, journals, belts, and scriptures for your birthday!

Olivia received lots of fun toys and even one of her front teeth is coming in.

Later that day Aria found Kelsey's makeup and gave herself a makeover. How do you think she did? I am going to have to teach her how to aim, sad news it that I don't do much better!

Hogle Zoo

While in Utah we took advantage of going to the zoo in 90 degree weather instead of 110 degrees. It was Laila's first time at the zoo and I don't think she is old enough to really care. The rest of us had so much fun!

We are so glad that Geoff could be the only man with all of the ladies and kids.

Aria LOVES her aunties Abbey and Kelsey

Aria is so happy to be with Kylee and Nick. She loves them so much and asks to see them everyday!

Thank you to Grandma Joeen for taking all of us to the zoo!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Romantic Date!

While we were in Utah Jeff Gardner got an inkling to be romantic for his wife and I benefited. Geoff told me that we were going somewhere but was very secretive about who and where we were going. We picked up the Gardner's and Stoddard's and we ended up going to Olive Garden where were greeted by a dozen red roses at our place settings.
Because Jeff was being romantic he started telling us his favorite memories of Lindsay, I think it started out as a joke but it ended up being really fun and I had fun remembering all the fun times that I have had these wonderful ladies. Later we rode bikes up the canyon and had very romantic sparkling grape juice. It was a very fun surprise.
Why did Jeff Gardner decide to be romantic for his wife, you ask? We can all thank reality TV. He has been watching the Bachelorette and realized that he wanted to be more romantic. Thanks Jeff for the inspiration and thank you to my sweet Geoff who is always up for a surprise. I love you!