The other day was picture day at Aria's preschool. The night before the big picture day I thought it would be so cute to put her hair in sponge curlers for her first school picture. Aria didn't think it was a good idea and she really didn't want to sleep in the curlers, but with my amazing powers of persuasion (threats and bribes) she did it.
The next morning as I unrolled the curlers I started to get a little concerned as she had 12 really tight curls right up against her scalp. Before I let Aria see I quickly thought that if I brushed them out all will be well.
This is what her hair looked like when I combed my fingers through her hair.
As I was combing and she was looking at herself in the mirror I saw her hair getting fluffier and more poodle like I had a horrifying moment. I started laughing. I know, I know, rookie mistake but it was seriously so funny. Her face, her hair the fact that I was doing to her what my mom did to me.
She started crying as I was laughing and I really tried to fix it. I really think I could have made it look cute, it would have relaxed and she would have loved it, right? Nope, she was devistated! She started throwing a huge tantrum, huge tears, rolling on the ground, the works. I realized my mistakes and threw her in the shower and all was well.
I learned some really good lessons that day:
1) Just because my mom did it to me doesn't mean I should do it to my children.
2) Don't try something that we have never done before the day before a picture.
3) I had a really frightening look into what my future will be like with three girls. If it was this bad at 4 can you imagine what it will be like at 14?
Please pray for me!