Friday, October 30, 2009

Mandatory Rest?!?!

 Are you wondering what my sudden motivation to update the blogity blog with so many pictures and events came from??  You guessed it. Bed rest.

To be honest bed rest isn't as cool as I thought it would be.   Maybe it would be fun if I had a nanny and a maid and maybe a chef.  But it is the most frustrating feeling having to rely on other people to do all of the things that I should be able to do.  I am SO SO thankful to all my wonderful friends for helping me!  Most of all I am so thankful for Geoff, I always knew that I really liked him, but he might just be the most incredible, best, wonderful, awesome and stupendous man ALIVE!

Here's to almost one week down!

Hi mom!  Here is a picture of my expanding midriff at 31 weeks.  Sorry about the picture, Aria took it and it was the best one of the bunch.  I hope something isn't wrong with my camera,  good thing I will have a lot of time to sit down and figure it out.

The cutest Witches on the block!

Last year I picked up some costumes at JoAnn's for around 5 bucks and I am so glad that I did because this year I wasn't really on top of things and Halloween kind of snuck up on me.  I think they look pretty darn cute!

Did you know that costumes run small??  I bought Laila a 4T and she barly fits into it.  The worst part is the hat, it completly doesn't fit on her head.  I like to think it is because of her thick luxurious hair.

This is Aria's attempt at a witch face...pretty scary.

Carving pumpkins

If our little family has one tradtion it would probably be carving pumpkins.  I am happy that we did it this year.  Please excuse the nudity and bad hair.

The girls are facinated by the pumpkin guts, and as always Laila is a little more adventurous then Aria.

Aria finally gets some guts!

The finished pumpkins!

Happy Birthday Aria!

I am very late in posting a Happy Birthday to Aria who is now 4! 

She had quite the celebration!  I was having guilty feelings that she has never had a real birthday party and thought that this year might be as good as any and boy did we have a party!

Aria really wanted to invite her "closest" friend to the party which ended up to be about 16 kids.  I decided the best way to do that was at the park which was a good and bad decision but very fun. 
We played all the favorite games, duck duck goose, red light, green light, red rover, and tag.

No party is a party without a pinata.

Aria was definitley spoiled by all her friends and her grandparents.  She is one very lucky girl.  I feel like one very lucky mom to have Aria.  She is blossoming into a very wonderful person.  She is such a good sister and starting to be a very good helper (just in time).  I love her so much and I am thankful for all that she has taught me about patience, unconditional love, and consistancy.  Oh I don't want her to grow up!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mother Moment

The other day was picture day at Aria's preschool.  The night before the big picture day I thought it would be so cute to put her hair in sponge curlers for her first school picture.  Aria didn't think it was a good idea and she really didn't want to sleep in the curlers, but with my amazing powers of persuasion (threats and bribes) she did it. 

The next morning as I unrolled the curlers I started to get a little concerned as she had 12 really tight curls right up against her scalp.  Before I let Aria see I quickly thought that if I brushed them out all will be well. 

This is what her hair looked like when I combed my fingers through her hair. 
As I was combing and she was looking at herself in the mirror I saw her hair getting fluffier and more poodle like I had a horrifying moment.  I started laughing.  I know, I know, rookie mistake but it was seriously so funny.  Her face, her hair the fact that I was doing to her what my mom did to me. 

She started crying as I was laughing and I really tried to fix it.  I really think I could have made it look cute, it would have relaxed and she would have loved it, right?  Nope, she was devistated! She started throwing  a huge tantrum, huge tears, rolling on the ground, the works.  I realized my mistakes and threw her in the shower and all was well.

I learned some really good lessons that day:

1) Just because my mom did it to me doesn't mean I should do it to my children.
2) Don't try something that we have never done before the day before a picture.
3) I had a really frightening look into what my future will be like with three girls.  If it was this bad at 4 can you imagine what it will be like at 14?
Please pray for me!