Friday, September 10, 2010


You are going to DIE at how cute these pictures are...

I am sooooo bummed that blogger won't let me do any more... good thing they are some of my favorites.  These pictures were taken by my WILDLY talented sister Sarah. I am one lucky lady to be surrounded by so much talent!  Thanks Sar.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The cutest kids on the block!

My very wonderful mother-in-law is in town and we have had some fun photo shoots with the kids. Enjoy the cuteness.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ode to Aria

This is my oldest, Aria.  I don't know what I would do without her.

She had barely turned four when the babies were born and that might seem very young to do all of the things that Aria does but I wouldn't be able to do it without her.  She runs around getting me things, she helps me feed the babies, she entertains Laila, she holds one of the babies and I hold the other, she helps me clean the house and cook the food etc.  

Like I said, I don't know what I would do without her.

Monday, April 26, 2010

matchey matchey T squared

Here is a cute picture of the babes just cause they match.  
It's not easy finding matching outfits.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easter Outfits

Sometimes I wonder why is it so much cuter when everyone has an identical outfit?  I love Easter outfits and I even love it more when everyone matches.
Thanks to my wildly talented sister Monica, I have matching Easter dresses for the girls.

Could they be any cuter? 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Blessing Day

We finally blessed Tavah and Thompson on March 14.  Geoff gave them beautiful blessings.  He was really nervous about having to do two but each of the blessings was perfect for each child.  It was too bad he didn't get to do more.
Here they are for the big day, looking so cute in their blessing outfits. 

Tavah's had on a beautiful lacey number, she was quite pleased.

This big guy had on a tuxedo equip with a pocket square and bow tie. He is thrilled.

 A family picture 

Grammy Ruthie and Papa Craig
Grandma Joeen and Grandpa Tracy

Proud mom and Dad
The whole group.
I was so excited because all of my siblings (minus doug on a mission) were able to be together.  We only get to do this a couple of times a year so I was thrilled that everyone came!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Feeding the Fish

While everyone was here for the blessing we wend to feed the fish and ducks at Lake Mead.  It is one of our favorite things to do.
Here is the crew

Geoff and the girls

Aria and Zach.  Oh how we miss him being around.
Grandpa Tracy and the girls

It was a beautiful spring weekend and there were "popcorn" trees everywhere!

Friday, February 5, 2010

2 months old

Today my babies turned 2 months.  It is amazing how each day seems a year long but looking back I cannot believe it has already been 2 months.  They are great babies and find myself just holding and looking at them all day.  
9 pounds
21.5 inches 
Thompson (bugsy)
10.5 pounds
22.75 inches 
Yes, Tavah already has attitude.  She is quite sassy (just like her sisters). She is a very content and is a great sleeper.  

Thompson is a little more bi-polar.  He wants to be snuggled all day and has a hard time sleeping or being content without his momma but when he is happy he is very happy and has the most beautiful smile. 

I love these babies!  

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

For the grandmas & aunties

Hi, I have really tried to update all the goings on around here but alas there has been no time.  So I will do all that later and just post one picture of the babies.  They have changed so much and the Grandmas are going to kill me if I don't show them a picture.

They are getting so big.  Enjoy

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Babies

I love these shirts. Don't you?

Monday, January 4, 2010


On January 3rd on our way home from Utah Thompson started breathing funny.  We got home put the girls to bed and realized that Thompson wasn't doing well and his breathing had become increasingly labored.  We rushed him to the ER where one of my worst nightmares came true.  About 20 min after we arrived at the ER Thompson stopped breathing and had to be intubated.  It was one of the scariest nights of my life.  The hospital we went to wasn't equipped with a high risk pediatric unit so they transferred Thompson to a different hospital and he was readmitted to the NICU where they concluded he had pneumonia and a bacteria in his stomach . Thompson had a machine breathing for him for 3 days, 2 lumbar punctures, many IV's, tubes down his throat and tubes down his nose.  
This is a picture of his 5th day in the hospital when I finally remembered to bring my camera.  That is an IV in the top of his head because they had exhausted all his other veins.
 Thompson was in the isolation room because he left the hospital that is why any visitor had to wear all the protective gear.

Daddy and Thompson

Grandma Joeen completely saved me.  We called her when we found out that Thompson would be in the hospital for a while and she immediately bought a plane ticket to come.  It still makes me emotional to think of how she made it possible for me to be a mother to my children at home and also be with my sick buddy in the hospital.  I would leave for the hospital after Tavah's 9:00 am feeding then I would hold and feed Thompson from about 10:00 am-5:00 pm. I would then come home and snuggle Tavah and play with Aria and Laila all night and do the same thing again the next day.  Thompson was in the hospital for 7 days. I kept my sanity because I knew my kids at home were being so well taken care of and I could focus on helping Thompson get better.  Joeen was my angel that week.  I can't express how loved I felt by her and Heavenly Father for sending her to me.  I feel so lucky to have a mother-in-law that would drop EVERYTHING for two weeks to save me.  I believe Thompson got better so fast because I was able to be with him.

I love this picture it is so funny.  I took this picture the day before he came home, I think he was feeling better.