Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easter Outfits

Sometimes I wonder why is it so much cuter when everyone has an identical outfit?  I love Easter outfits and I even love it more when everyone matches.
Thanks to my wildly talented sister Monica, I have matching Easter dresses for the girls.

Could they be any cuter? 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Blessing Day

We finally blessed Tavah and Thompson on March 14.  Geoff gave them beautiful blessings.  He was really nervous about having to do two but each of the blessings was perfect for each child.  It was too bad he didn't get to do more.
Here they are for the big day, looking so cute in their blessing outfits. 

Tavah's had on a beautiful lacey number, she was quite pleased.

This big guy had on a tuxedo equip with a pocket square and bow tie. He is thrilled.

 A family picture 

Grammy Ruthie and Papa Craig
Grandma Joeen and Grandpa Tracy

Proud mom and Dad
The whole group.
I was so excited because all of my siblings (minus doug on a mission) were able to be together.  We only get to do this a couple of times a year so I was thrilled that everyone came!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Feeding the Fish

While everyone was here for the blessing we wend to feed the fish and ducks at Lake Mead.  It is one of our favorite things to do.
Here is the crew

Geoff and the girls

Aria and Zach.  Oh how we miss him being around.
Grandpa Tracy and the girls

It was a beautiful spring weekend and there were "popcorn" trees everywhere!