Thursday, February 1, 2024

January Challenge: Winter/Snow


"Winter in Provincetown", Procreate Painting by Mary Sheehan Winn
Procreate painting of a wintery full moon over the Provincetown Monument. 
I love winter, but I wish it would snow ❄️

"My House in Winter"
Woodblock print, colored in on procreate 
by Sally Dean
My original woodblock print is 24"x48" and was printed in 2022 at the event "BIG INK"
at the Art Complex Museum in Duxbury, MA,
Big Ink travels the country with their oversized press . It was my first and biggest woodblock. I loved coloring it in on Procreate, learning new tricks on my ipad!
And I also hope for SNOW!

"Winter Bun Bun" WIP 4X8 gouache by Jeanne MacFarland

"Donuts in the Snow" 7 x 11 gouache by Jody Regan It's been days and days of gray... sometimes it's nice to find beauty in the lack of color.    

"Peace Talks" oil 8 x 10 by Pamela Copeman

"Long Winter" 10 x 20 acrylic by Tori Brega "I’ve had a longtime artistic love affair painting reflections.  Along with the feeling of cold beauty, my goal was to do a banded composition balancing the activity in the background and foreground and making it all  “read” well…. “

"Marsh Snow" 8 x 6 acrylic by Page Railsback

"Pug in Snow" 6 x 6 acrylic by Kelley Macdonald

"10 Below" 5 1/8" x 3.5" oil by Margaret Farrell Bruno 
A beautiful snow covered field and Barn in the White Mountain region on a very cold day. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

December 2023 Challenge: Intention

"Reaching For The Stars", 6x6 oil on panel by Pamela Copeman

"Let It Begin With Me", Acrylic 12x12 by Page Railsback

"My Heart", 7x5, acrylic by Kelley Carey MacDonald
I don't ever, ever have an 'intention' for a new year.  I have PLANS.  And one of my plans is to practice figures and faces.  Another is to experiment with gouache paint.  Another is new types of workshops.  And hanging with this little gem, Elizabeth, because she inspires me.  She is smart,  intuitive, capable, artistic and compassionate.  She is also spicy, which I love, even if it isn't always easy or smooth.  I feel that women need to be able to have strength, and even now (this was from an old photo, she is 3 now) she is a strong little woman.  So much love. Happy 2024, all!

“Sketchbook Intentions” 
Watercolor pen and ink 

I opened my photos and sketched 6 photos intended to be made into paintings. Stay tuned.
Happy New Year to all!


My intention is to get this done to send out as a New Years card. Still carving- need to carve more time out to finish it! 
"Happy 2024" linocut in progress by Sally Dean

"A Peaceful Dwelling Place" WIP 8x8 gouache by Jeanne MacFarland
My intention is find a peaceful habitation, a secure home this year
"Try, Try Again" 7 x 5 acrylic by Tori Brega 
I find inspiration in the symbol of the phoenix rising, a mythical golden bird associated with renewal and reinvention, aided by knowledge gained from surviving adversity.”

"Contemplation"  9 x 5 gouache by Jody Regan - I plan to spend more time painting with gouache this coming year, spend a little time each day finding quiet, and will be painting in some of the churches in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico during a planned trip. 


Friday, December 1, 2023

November Challenge 2023: ""Collage"


Fly Away
6x6 Paper Collage by Mary Sheehan Winn
Painted papers, stencils, cut out dragonflies and acrylic Posca Pens.
by Sally Dean
Lino cut with chine colle -(rice paper red wings)

"Sundown Celebration" 6x12 inches by Kelley Carey MacDonald
I just had a lot of fun with these little shapes!

"Snow in Pines" by Jody Regan cut paper 8 x 10 - Using paper in a limited palette , was so fun to create this image of the trees in snow across my street.  

"Swan" 8 x 10 cut paper by Pamela Copeman - collage based on a painting

"Table Art" 9x11 inches by Page Railsback

“ Roots and Wings”  “16 x 20”  Collage by Tori Chesley Brega 
“ work in progress, underpainting with start of layout of pieces that will be 
additionally painted, layered, and adhered.”

"Enfant des fleurs" 8.5"x8.5" Mixed media by Margaret Farrell Bruno

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

October 2023 Challenge: Gift

"Ready To Open" by Kelley Carey MacDonald
This little (6x8") painting is part of a collection that will hang for the next two months at the Providence Art Club Little Picture Show (unless someone scoops it up!). It evokes memories of tinsel laden trees and is small enough to pack away with the holiday decorations.  It was a treat to paint this!  

"Greek Gift" 6x4, Acrylic by Page Railsback

"Two Bridges" 6 X 8 gouache by Jeanne MacFarland
Sitting on a dock in the sun, drawing and painting from the glorious scene before my eyes, and being surrounded by fellow artist friends was such a gift. I felt such gratitude!

 "The Lion King" 5"x 5" watercolor and gouache by Sally Dean
Each birthday and Christmas my Mom gave me a precious little Steiff animal. I have 27 of them. I have decided to use them to inspire little paintings, possibly for a future book! This guy, Growly, was lost in the leaves for a year when I was 6. My brother found him in the spring and I was ever so happy!


“The Gift” 6x6 oil by Mary Sheehan Winn

This small Christmas angel was a gift from a special friend and fellow member of GJWP. It belonged to her mother, which makes it even more special, and is on display all year round on in my dining room. I created this painting, which she displays in her home, as a thank you and I love that she still has her mother’s angel.

“Walks on the Beach” 12” x  14” acrylic sketch by Tori Chesley Brega
“The experience of living near the ocean is a continual gift…”

"Gifts" 8"x8" oil painting by Margaret Farrell Bruno
Playing with gift boxes.

"Sunflowers on the Porch" 6 x 6 gouache on board by Jody Regan - I have spent time during these gorgeous, sparkling fall days sitting on the porch, painting sunflower bouquets.  Porch time this fall has been an extended gift.      

"Gift" 5 x 7 watercolor by Pam Copeman - I have been creating my present gift cards for ten years.  I design them differently each year and embellish them with glitter after they are printed - some friends have even framed the cards. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

September 2023 Challenge: Art Museum

“It’s a Dog’s Life” sketchbook watercolor pen and ink 
Just a man and his dog admiring a painting in a museum gallery.

"Museum Of Fine Arts 'Flags Of The World' Christmas Tree, 6x8 Acrylic by Kelley Carey MacDonald
I am doing a series of Holiday Trees for the Providence Art Club's Little Picture Show in November and I loved this tree at the MFA, Boston, which, IMHO is just another star in the sky of New England!

 "Reality Fades In Comparison" 6x8 oil by Jeanne MacFarland

"MFA for everyone" 2022 -watercolor - by Sally Dean
I loved the artsy outfit that gal on the left had on.
Th MFA in Boston is world class- I can't wait to return.

"Gallery with Meunier, Museum of Fine Arts" oil 8 x 16 by Jody Regan - I love the activity in the MFA galleries; the variety of people and the visual feast.  This gallery boasts "The Deck Hand", bronze by Meunier. I love this common man's posture and his position above the crowd.  


"Madame XX" oil on canvas paper by Pamela Copeman - profile of a woman you might see in a museum.

"Two Old Salts at the Farnsworth" by oil on canvas paper 9"X12" Margaret Farrell Bruno
One of my last trips to the Farnsworth this gentleman was checking out the paintings. I couldn't get over how he was channeling this painting and thought it would be fun to paint him in front of this painting. I didn't catch him in time, but followed him around until I caught in the position I thought would work. And when we got this for this month's challenge, I recalled how I wanted to paint this juxtaposition.



Friday, September 1, 2023

August 2023 Challenge: Summer Memories

"Buddies", 10x8 Acrylic by Kelley Carey MacDonald
A sweet summer day with Grandpa and Grandson having the Atlantic all to themselves.

"I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream"8x8 Oil by Pamela Copeman

"Kind Of Blue" 30x26 Acrylic by Page Pearson Railsback

"Summer Hydrangea Flowers" 8"x8" Gouache by Margaret Farrell Bruno
I had a really fun time painting this plein air with gouache. I usually don't paint with this medium when painting plein air. I think I am finally catching on a bit. Looking forward to painting more outside with this medium and stretching my boundaries. 

"A Day Remembered, Camden WIP 8X8 gouache by Jeanne MacFarland

"Summer Memories- 11"x14" watercolor on paper by Sally Dean
SO many memories it was hard to pick.
"Feeding Time" gouache 7 x 9 by Jody Regan. We spend time each summer on Monhegan Island, Maine.  I love the sound of the gulls, and their movement, especially when they think one of them has found something delectable. This summer, one of the gulls joined me on our deck to watch me paint, and to listen to my music.  

“Maiden Voyage” 10” x  20” Acrylic by Victoria Chesley Brega
A study of one of my Brother’s first outings with his new vessel on an unusually cold August morning in Maine; The mist was rising as it does in early fall.

“First Place” 
watercolor by Mary Sheehan Winn
There are so many things to love about the Marshfield Fair and Horticulture Hall is one of my favorites. On a recent rainy day, a friend and I sat inside and painted this display of sunflowers. Traffic was minimal and we had the place pretty much to ourselves. Our Fair is awesome!

August Challenge 2024: "Child"

 Two children excited to visit Disney. Oil on panel 11”x14” by Margaret Farrell Bruno "Isn't She Pretty?" Oil, 8x10 by Pamela ...