Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our Car

I am happy to report that we have our car paid off. I would post a picture of it but that would mean that I would have to take a picture of it. David would have to clean the car before I take a picture of it because of all the sand and salt left on it from winter. The weather would have to be nice on the weekend to be able to wash it to. So just picture in your mind a 2007 silver Toyota Camry.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring is Here

We have been able to play outside for a few days now. We have been so excited to go out. Today I took lots of pictures. I took pictures of mainly Deziree because if I was taking pictures of her I knew where she was. Here she is in a tunnel looking out.
I tried getting Ben to smile, but he gave me a lot of fake or half smiles.

Here is Gavin underneath me. As I was trying to take his picture he kept moving, and then stuck a wood chip into my view.

Dez spent most of her time in the swing. It still is wet outside and I didn't want her eating wood chips.

What you don't see in this picture is that Gavin decided that it would be a good idea to take his boot off and fill it with woodchips. He was then trying to dump it out of his boot on that little hole that Dez was looking out. When I confronted him about it he said, "Mom, it was my choice." Well ya it was his choice, but it was my choice to take them directly home after he used his agency. He also tried to justify it by, "Well, Ben did it too." Ben did do it, but he got the idea from Gavin. 

Ben is trying hard to learn how to pump. I haven't worked much on it with him. I am hoping by the end of the summer he will have lots of practice and be able to do it by himself.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Deziree is 10 Months Old

We have a car you shake and then put it down and it goes. This is of Deziree shaking the car.

3 years

We have lived here 3 years. Wow! Time has flown by. Rochester is a great place to live. They have many things geared towards families and children. We have loved going to different parks around town. In our ward during the summer a park is chosen each week to go to. It is always fun to have friends at the park.

We have been in the same apartment for 3 years also. We truly haven't loved our living quarters. Ben has asked if we can move. I think he sees us not happy with the apartment and is feeling that same way. As I was writing the rent check out, Gavin asked what I was doing. I told him that I was paying money so that we could live here. His response was, "Don't. I don't want to live here." I feel as if we have survived living in this apartment.

I do have to say that I am thankful that we have had a place to stay and keep us warm during the winter. We do have a kitchen that we can cook in (however it is small). We do have some space to run around (as long as others don't complain about us).

Our car is almost paid off. Actually it will be paid off later this month! Our plan is to save money for the next 6 months and to move. Move to where? Good question. We are still playing the waiting game. Hopefully at the end of this month we will have decided. We are hoping that David gets accepted to law school a little closer to home.