Well folks, I survived jury duty this past week, survived the wild and wacky weather and survived shopping at Walmart today!
Jury duty was interesting. Since I have never been called to serve before, I was unsure of what to expect. The judge made the whole jury selection process very informative from start to finish. I arrived at 8 a.m. and was finally dismissed at 1 p.m. My name was never called, so I didn't have to go sit in the jury box and go through the question and answer process. I doubt I would have been seated if my name had been called as I work with children and anyone who even remotely had anything to do with children was dismissed. The nature of the case was a tough one, so I am rather glad I didn't get chosen.
The weather this past week was wild and wacky to say the least. We had temps in the 60's, a wind storm with 60 mph gusts and massive dust, rain, snow and now temps in the 30's!
Shopping at Walmart today was interesting! We arrived early and the store seemed fairly empty, which is how I like to shop, empty store, no people, just get it done and over with fast! Half way through the shopping, the store became packed with people...packed with rude, grumpy people! Hayman finally made a beeline for the exit and went out to wait in the car. I hurried through the rest of the shopping as Walmart was not the only stop we had to make and of course, I forgot a few things. Oh well, just wanted to get out of crazyville before the grumpies started wearing off on me.
This coming week will of course be a busy one. My sis arrives on the train Tuesday and will be here through Thanksgiving.
I hope everyone had a great week and is ready for the busy week ahead! Who's cooking the turkey in your house?