Monday, January 30, 2017

Lila Eating Solids

Once she started sitting up she started showing a lot more interest in solids.  So far she has been an excellent eater and will eat anything soft that I put in front of her.

I had been looking at high chairs for the past month and was madly in love with the stokke one that everyone praised about. It is one that adjusts as they get older and can be used for a stool when they are toddlers. I also love how the kid can eat at the table with you.  I had been looking on craigslist, but wasn't having much luck finding any near by. Once she started really eating solids, I finally decided to splurge and purchase the high chair. It is so much easier to clean up her messes. 

Mom and Dad were in town when the high chair arrived in the mail, so thanks to Dad for helping me put it together. :) It was nice to say goodbye to the bumbo

9 month Lila photos

It's hard to believe how quick Lila is growing, although I do appreciate that she is still somewhat small for a 9 month old. At her 9 month check up she only weighed 13 lbs 11 oz.  - 25 inches in length. The doctor wasn't worried since she had lost weight when she was sick for a good 2 weeks last month. Its seems as though once she hit 8.5 months, she started reaching the big miles stones of sitting up on her own and crawling around. She also has 3 new teeth that popped out within a week of each other. Two on bottom, one on top. Her first teeth came in the same week that Chantel lost her first tooth.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Nanna and Bubba's visit

Mom and Dad were so nice to come visit us for my birthday. It's always a treat having visitors. They took me out to dinner for my birthday and spend some great quality time with us all weekend. They happen to be here on our biggest snow day as of this winter which means we got to keep them for an extra day. :) 

Dad was so great to offer to take the kids to school and pick them up which saves me a whole hour and helps out tremendously. It was also great to go on my morning run while Mom and Dad watched Lila. I don't get those in as often as I'd like to. Mom was so helpful with finished up the calendar and since it was pretty cold outside, we hung out with them inside most of the weekend. That is, except when we got to have a fun trek in the snow to a friends house for dinner to celebrate Russian Christmas.

Since Truman had soccer practice on Saturday (day of snow), we had very little time to take him out to sled, but I'm glad I did while it was snowy.

Russian Christmas!

Our friends made this amazing Russian Beet soup that taste so good. They were also so sweet to give each of our kids a present which we were not expecting. They have 2 girls they adopted from Russia that are sweet. One of them I worked with in Activity Days and she also happens to go to the same school as our kids.

On Sunday, Chantel wore the dress that use to be worn by Mom and me. It is a treasure. I'll have to find the pictures of me when I wore it to compare.

It's always hard to say goodbye, but we are excited to be seeing family once again in February when we fly to Utah during kids winter break.