Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2020 New Years Eve

We had our friends the Days over for a New Years Eve party which was a lot of fun. If I remember correctly, there was a Utah football game playing that evening. We had a early celebration for the kids pretending it was midnight and it was cute to see them get all excited. 

We enjoyed some pizza, treats, guacamole, and socializing with friends. 

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Holiday Train Show

December 28, 2019

We enjoyed taking the kids to the train show at the bronx botanical gardens. It was beautiful weather that day and fun to see Lila's excitement about all the trains. 

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Chantel was a cute Jenni Weasley this year and so glad she got to go trick or treating with he best friend, Lila. It turns out that Lila no longer goes to her school as of a few weeks ago, so we don't see them much anymore. :(

Lila was so set on being a princess for Halloween this year. She has been obsessed with princesses lately and always loves looking through the princess books we have and watching the movies.

Truman defiantly picked the coolest costume. Yes, it was his idea. Trying to dye red hair  white with spray is practically impossible.  We couldn't find a white male wig so we ended up having to cut a female wig which totally worked. This would have been a hard costume to wear to school so he didn't dress up at school, but this was his first year attending a school where he did have that option.
The best was hearing his voice when he's say, "Would you like some fried chicken?"

This year we went trick or treating in our bustling and in Truman's friend, Jaspers building. Truman came home with 23 lbs of candy. Yes, let me say that again. 23 pounds of candy. He ended us putting all of it in a garage bag and we gave most of it away.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Fall Photos

Bike rides and running through central park in the fall is a favorite of mine. I feel like with how warm our fall weather has been, we missed out again on viewing brightly colored leaves, but there are always those few that really stick out. These pictures were taken near the Harlem Meer on a Friday after biking home from music class.

It's hard to believe that this year may be Lila's last year at home all day with mommy. She has loved being in preschool on Wednesday and Thursdays form 9:00-1:00.  And then we have Friday mornings when I teach a music class at the church which leaves us Mondays and Tuesdays to do whatever we want.

Boo at the Zoo

Boo at the Zoo with Lila's friend, Harper. We purchased a zoo membership this year  and it's been fun taking Lila there. Even on the days when we just make it to the central park zoo.  

Lila still gets petrified feeding the goats and sheep at the zoo, but she does enjoy watching others feed them.